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  1. If he said it...so many claims like this have been proven to be false but that never gets press. Instead you choose to believe in Russian collusion. You believe the dossier was real and the is was not only fake, it was paid for by Hillary. You choose to believe the laptop was fake. You choose to believe the Biden had no part in the prosecution when yesterday it was revealed Fani's boyfriend who was working on the case had MULTIPLE meetings at the White House. You choose to believe Biden today when he hand-waived his previous comments about "Lock Him Up"...he meant politically. In short, you choose to believe the radical democrats who will stop at nothing (including suppressing the 1st amendment), to remain in power.
    6 points
  2. lol, I'm several orders of magnitude off that net worth figure, but even I know that my wallet is well within the WEZ of that dumb-fuck idea. But hey, unsustainable spending isn't going to sustain itself ya know!
    5 points
  3. Buenos, I am not worth $100M...yet, but to think this plan will only impact the 11,000 or so people in this category is a fallacy. The negative implications of this policy will have a huge impact on the market and our economy regardless of your net worth. There are of course varying assessments but some of the ripple effects are outlined here.
    5 points
  4. Been completely debunked already - once again the Atlantic published a bullshit hit piece, based completely on lies, and apparently you bought hook, line, and sinker. Stop being so gullible and believing this shit. I know you want it to be true because it supports your opinion, but alas it is complete horeshit, like a vast majority of everything else rags like the Atlantic publish.
    4 points
  5. You are so full of TDS you can’t even process a very simple, straight forward message. Case in point you posted the video of the MOF vs. MOH comparison video thinking, “ha, this shows Trump doesn’t like the mil!” But, he’s clearly stating how it’s better to be giving a medal to a healthy person vs. giving a MOH out typically means the recipient is either dead or injured, which is sad and not something he wishes to have to do because it inevitably means the worse for someone and/or their family. You don’t have to like Trump, but you are wildly biased and have abdicated all of your opinions to the media and leftist pundits while shitcanning any shred of critical thinking skill. Don’t like Trump’s policies, ok cool tell us about it. Keep repeating absolutely ridiculous, brain dead drivel that is wildly wrong and you’ll be taken at face value as an idiot.
    3 points
  6. Someone's vagina is extra sandy today.
    3 points
  7. Easier to load when you grab a shell in the pocket and not your tampon.
    3 points
  8. Reading some of of these TDS POSTS, I have to ask, When did the Air Force start allowing Beta’s to go to pilot training.
    2 points
  9. Israel knows how to drop a building. As per usual they've "tinkered" with some our toys to make them better...or purpose suited for their missions.
    2 points
  10. No way we put up 37 points. We are averaging about 13 points a game. I think we have 9 or 10 TDs on the year, one of those being a kick return. But I'll take anything positive for the Seminoles this year. I'll say Luke Kromenhoek did look pretty solid in his first CFB showing as a true freshman. He had two dimes that would have been TDs if his receivers had caught the ball. I just want to finish the season knowing what QB is going to start in '25 and replace all of our offensive assistant coaches and bring in an O coordinator who will put in place his own system. I think Norvell got fortunate with Jordan Travis who was able to hide a lot of his offensive system's flaws. Here is to hoping we don't get savaged by Miami this Saturday. 😆
    2 points
  11. A named source that is making a personal financial profit from making claims like this. A guy that served on Trump's staff but didn't resign in protest despite apparently thinking that Trump is a fascist. Real trustworthy source. I'd trust something that guy says slightly less than a rumor my first grader brings home from the playground.
    2 points
  12. Israel just took out the projected new leader of Hezbollah...they are on a run!
    2 points
  13. 464124628_1053656252908078_1490079732851198514_n.mp4
    1 point
  14. Today (24 Oct) in 1986, the 16th AIM-120 Advanced Medium Range Air-to-Air Missile (AMRAAM) test took place at the White Sands Missile Range in New Mexico. This marked the beginning of its initial operational test and evaluation program, and was the second consecutive successful trial following a 30 Sep 1986 failed test where the missile was launched, lost control, and slammed into the ground. The AMRAAM today in 1986 was fired from an F-15C, targeting a drone that was trying to evade it with radar-jamming equipment. The purpose of the test was to evaluate the “AMRAAM’s ability to identify and cope with the target drone’s electronic countermeasures, acquire the low-altitude maneuvering target, and intercept it.” A production contract was awarded for the missile in 1987, and it became operational in 1991. Today, the USAF uses it on the F-15, F-16, and F-22. In the photo, SrA Michael Breed and SSgt Scott Robert remove an AMRAAM from an F-22A Raptor during an exercise at Langley AFB in 2006. (Photo: USAF)
    1 point
  15. 8 Years...crazy to think how quickly it has gone. Make the most of every day...retiring again (and for good), in March, unless Kamala wins and taxes unrealized capital gains.
    1 point
  16. You should swing by The Congressman is Back thread. We’ve been savagely mocking that Air Force vet for years. Way worse than snickering and eye rolls.
    1 point
  17. Kinzinger and his scope with a target 5 ft away reminded me of this timeless classic… RPReplay_Final1729745485.mov
    1 point
  18. Kinzinger is a total idiot and sellout. If he’s still in an ANG unit, I hope his squadron mates ridicule the shit out of him. Sent from my iPhone using Baseops Network mobile app
    1 point
  19. Can’t legally purchase or own a firearm because he paid money to a hooker, ask yourself if that remotely makes sense. Lot of self righteousness here; we’ve all done worse in our younger days and you know it.
    1 point
  20. Yes, we will snicker at people doing stupid things with firearms—I don’t care who they are or what their background is. It was a photo-op that failed. As for Trump, we know you have TDS, and it’s mildly entertaining to see.
    1 point
  21. On topic of PPL - With IPT coming online I wonder how much the board is going to look at PPLs as a deciding factor since in IPT they are going to send everyone back to civilian flight school to get their ratings regardless of what they have. Or I wonder if they ever looked at PPLs in that kind of a light, but instead it was more of a you're more likely to have a high PCSM if you have your PPL from high flight hours.
    1 point
  22. Dude thats pretty cool that you took it on the chin last year and came back stronger instead of letting it beat you up. I don't see any reason why you shouldn't get picked up this year especially if they have your old package in their system to see the improvements you did.
    1 point
  23. Tim Walz? Assuming he can load it.
    1 point
  24. 1 point
  25. I'd call pictures of a Democrat shooting an AR as a PR stunt a win. Even if they're brain dead for shooting metallic targets that close.
    1 point
  26. I too always use my scope when I'm 10 to 15 feet away from my target.
    1 point
  27. https://x.com/LucasKunceMO/status/1848886246749184008
    1 point
  28. Trump is going to be on Joe Rogan’s podcast this Friday…
    1 point
  29. He is so narcissistic he can't help but throw inflammatory insults. If he would just say "my policies worked" (mostly), we will repeat them, have a nice day then shut his freaking pie hole.
    1 point
  30. I think what's been made crystal clear over the last 4 years is that we have the dumbest presidential team in the history of America. Everybody knew Joe Biden was the idiot of the Senate, so there's no surprises there, but at least my impression was that Kamala was viewed as duplicitous and deeply political, but not stupid. There's no way around it at this point, she is actually unintelligent, at least by the standards one expects to be operating in national level politics. There hasn't been a new question asked of her in at least a month, just the same ones repeated over and over, and yet somehow she and her team haven't put together a functional response? I'm not saying it has to be honest, but this woman acts like every single question is the first time she's ever heard it. It's really quite stunning from a political malpractice standpoint. Same thing for Walz during the debate. How the hell did he not have an answer ready to go about his lying about tiananmen square? Or immigration? These are national level campaigns operating on nine-figure budgets. No one thought to put an answer together for that? I don't want to make it sound like Trump is much better, he fucked up that debate pretty spectacularly, but he does a better job than Kamala and Tim. JD Vance however has done a much better job, and in fact the only thing I've seen him stumble on is January 6th, but it is painfully obvious he's not allowed to answer that question in any rational way because Donald Trump refuses any rational explanation.
    1 point
  31. Amen brother....340 million people in this country and we are down to these two clowns.
    1 point
  32. Trump supporters only have 4 fallback responses to every single post: 1) “TDS” 2) “Fake news” 3) Whataboutism 4) Some version of the “lesser of 2 evils” argument Every response fits one of those categories. It’s true that the John Kelly quotes are secondhand. Believe him or not, it doesn’t matter. Personally, I ask which is more likely: That Kelly had a distinguished 46-yr career in the Marines, became Head of Homeland Security, was hired as WH Chief of Staff, and then all-of-a-sudden, decided to become a liar and traitor? OR…..that Trump is simply a shitty person and an idiot? But again, it doesn’t matter. You can dismiss the quotes as unverifiable. What’s not in question is the long list of people, in addition to Kelly, that all echo his comments. Pence, Mattis, Milley, Bolton, Tillerson, Barr, Esper, etc. Even Trump’s current VP pick was a Never Trump’er who called him an idiot. Again, what is more likely? All those guys are lying? Gen Maddog Mattis, (revered among Marines....like a living Robin Olds for us......) suddenly got a case of “TDS?” OR…..could it be…..wait for it……that Trump is a shitty person and an idiot? People are acting like Trump’s second term will be the same as his first. I hear that all the time. If they’re referencing the end, when he lost, they’re spot-on. If he loses, it will be nearly identical. You’re already seeing unfounded claims of voter fraud and building hysteria that “tHe fIX Is iN.” …..Strange how the “Stop the Steal” folks had 4 years to figure out how to stop the steal again, and apparently couldn’t do a thing to foil the democratic pentaverate’s evil plan. Weird. But I digress… If he wins, however, it will be much different. In his first term, people took comfort in having the “adults in the room." But imagine how different the next administration would look. It’s not 2017 or 2018 anymore. Everyone knows the rules of the Trump game now: Unquestioning loyalty and bootlicking, or you’re fired. That’s it. Put on the red MAGA hat and smile and feed into his ego ......or pack your $hit. No sane person of dignity, conviction, or genuine motives will be around him. And worse still, people looking to exploit the US and/or take advantage of Trump know exactly how to do it: Praise and flattery and adoration. Compliment him, especially about petty nonsense like crowd size or his golf game. Someone asked about Beta males. Ha. The joke’s on you. You’re about to vote for the biggest Beta ever.
    0 points
  33. injecting bleach? nuking hurricanes? i honestly can't tell if you guys are serious with this shit yeah, super weird...we should vote for them regardless 🙄
    -1 points
  34. ClearedHot, I didn’t realize you were worth more than $100,000,000. You’ve done very well in the last eight years. Correct me if I’m wrong but the proposal on taxing unrealized gains only applies to those worth over $100 million. I’m not sure I agree with taxing unrealized gains in any form but this proposal doesn’t apply to very many. Buenos
    -1 points
  35. You started it with your personal attack by making up shit that you think I said. I merely asked the question, what else does Trump have to do to lose your (question to BODNers at large) support. Apparently, he hasn't disparaged the military person important in your life. So go ahead and post your memes sonny and continue to play ignorance to the dishonorable Trump.
    -4 points
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