This is one of those stories that you have to stop and consider. It just doesn't add up on its surface.
Remember when everybody said Russia blew up their own pipelines? This story sounds like that. If you're going to declare war on the United States this is a very strange and uncontrolled way to do it.
"Downing commercial passenger or cargo planes would be a big step up and some Western intelligence agencies have questioned whether such a plot could be the result of Russian spies carrying out a plan without the full authorization of the Kremlin, according to people familiar with the matter."
This is very different than saying "Russia did it."
But you know what is an act of war? Bombing NATO countries:
Basically, Russia put two bombs in cargo shipments headed to the US. Luckily they went off while in storage in Germany.
Imagine if those shipments got contracted out and put on US passenger planes. Potential to kill hundreds of American civilians and the US government would have no choice but to take some pretty significant actions. Could have easily started WWIII.
The Russian proposal puts a lot of restrictions on NATO and essentially negates protecting the newer NATO members until after hostilities commence, while posing far fewer limits on Russia.
If Putin was serious about promoting peace, he would stop invading other countries without valid cause (trying to join NATO is not an act of war, btw).
The standard one (they call it the classic); he was almost 9. First squirrel he shot he had to rest the gun on my shoulder because he wasn’t strong enough to off hand it at the time. He could shoot it fine as long as there was something to rest the barrel on (or bench shooting). He got bigger/stronger and could off hand it a year later (he’s also not a big kid to begin with).