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  1. Remember you're dealing with the service where the CSAF released a memo saying you could roll your sleeves up, and dudes had to carry around the memo for months because chiefs were trying to pull the, "its not in the regs.." BS. They could write this into law tomorrow and it'd take the mental athletes at MPF 6 months to figure out how to change this in their computer system.
    3 points
  2. So, its looking like around 440,000/700,000 wounded or killed Ukrainian Solders and 700,000/750,000 wounded or killed Russian Solders. Plus a few million Ukrainian refugees and almost 50,000 wounded or dead Ukrainian civilians. Thats ugly for both sides. Yes, the best thing for the world is to end this craziness now. Biden's puppet masters haven't done shit for the whole war to try and end the bloodshed. Shame on Russia for starting this and shame on us for not ending it asap. Ukrainian forces 35,000 killed (24,500 conf. by names), 15,000 missing, 3,400 captured, 90,000–100,000 wounded 24 Feb. 2022 – 14 Nov. 2023 Museum of Military History[125] (Book of Remembrance) 700,000+ killed and wounded (5,962 foreign volunteers killed) 24 Feb. 2022 – 29 July 2024 Russian Ministry of Defense[72][126] 80,000 killed, 400,000 wounded 24 Feb. 2022 – before Sep. 2024 WSJ citing confidential Ukrainian estimate[2] 57,500+ killed, 250,000+ wounded 24 Feb. 2022 – 10 Oct. 2024 US estimate[94] 60,435 killed (incl. non-combat,[100] confirmed by names) 24 Feb. 2022 – 6 Nov. 2024 UALosses project[15] 60,000–100,000 killed, 400,000 wounded 24 Feb. 2022 – 26 Nov. 2024 The Economist estimate[96] Ukrainian forces (ZSU) 43,000 killed, 370,000 wounded <55,000 missing, 8,000 captured 24 Feb. 2022 – 8 Dec. 2024 24 Feb. 2022 – 26 Sep. 2024 24 Feb. 2022 – 30 Oct. 2024 Ukraine[97][127][128] Russian forces 462,000–728,000 killed and wounded 24 Feb. 2022 – 5 July 2024 The Economist estimate[83] 115,000+ killed, 500,000 wounded 24 Feb. 2022 – 10 Oct. 2024 US estimate[94] 700,000 killed and wounded 24 Feb. 2022 – 10 Nov. 2024 UK estimate[129] 141,506–197,564 killed 24 Feb. 2022 – 15 Nov. 2024 BBC News Russian estimate[130] 753,370 killed and wounded (550,000+ wounded) 24 Feb. 2022 – 8 Dec. 2024 Armed Forces of Ukraine[131][97]
    2 points
  3. So you're saying you got your termination letter? Gunna be a sad day when "General Chang" gets promoted to "Mister Chang". Doesn't quite have the same ring to it.
    2 points
  4. #2. Every late rate I knew made Maj. I think being competitive for boards meant they had good early career paper to make Maj, even Lt Col. #6. There's almost always a waiver to anything. And there's always an O-3 figuring a genuis way out. Lastly, with this change, it will create a larger pool of salty dogs with a reduced/no filter, which isn't a bad thing. There is a place for a career PILOT in this AF.
    1 point
  5. A comittment which 9 years ago was signed with the up or out rules in place. Why does one side get unilaterally modify that contract after the fact? Shitty pilots? No. Salty and ROAD CGO life? You bet. If I'm locked in with 0 chance of promotion, 0 incentives, and get paid the same regardless there's a lot of queep that's someone else problem. What are you going to do, not promote me? It's on equal stupidity as the 15% E1-E4 pay bump. E5s are going to make $100/month more than E4s. A whole lot of responsibility for $1200/yr. Lots of E5s are going to start asking why bother?
    1 point
  6. I have all three and typically carry the Hellcat. I highly suggest you try all three before you buy one (unless you are over-prepared and just buy them all like I did). My local gun range has loaner weapons and it is a great way to try before you buy. Also, suggest you put some work in and practice removing the gun from conceal to ready, I learned some additional lessons there. I started with the M&P Shield, I was drawn to it because I have very big hands (don't get excited, I'm Irish so it doesn't translate elsewhere 😛 ), and typically my pinkie extends below the bottom of the magazine which is not optimal for a controlled grip and accuracy. The M&P has a long grip, mostly because it is a single stack which is its biggest weakness. As a single stack it carries 8 +1 in the pipe. If you've ever been in a gunfight you will know you want to establish fire superiority quickly then either defeat or retreat with speed. 9 rounds goes quickly in a dynamic fight so I started to look for other options. The Hellcat is a double stack so you get 11+1 which is great but the grip is a bit shorter and right on the edge of fitting well in my hand. It is VERY balanced and carries light but for me it has one weakness. Again related to the size of my hand, I have accidentally hit the mag release when doing quick draw exercises on the range. I have tried to train that away but what a horrible outcome to pull your weapon in a time of need and drop the mag. The P365 is a great choice and I would carry it but I currently have the wrong holster. 17+1 and a long grip is perfect for my oversized hands. I run a HS507C X2 red dot which is great but does require training. When I worked with the teams I always used iron sights with tritium. Again I suggest training as a red dot COMPLETELY changes your sight line and the muscle memory you will use to get on target. I was very surprised to note you don't just put the red dot on the thing...you have to work your sight line to find the red dot then put it on the thing. I got the Sticky Holster as a gift and have used it for several years. It is hot and humid in Florida and I like to hear light shorts and a T-shirt, the Stocky holster simply slides into your waist band and away you go. As I mentioned I am carrying the Hellcat, mainly because the 365 is too heavy for the sticky holster and with the Holosun, the P365 does not fit well. I've ordered a BravoBelt, I think that will be the best for me and how I like to carry. If you find yourself down near Eglin, drop me a note, you are welcome try all of them - yes even you @disgruntledemployee. Good luck and hope to hear the experience of others.
    1 point
  7. 1) In my time in the AF, I was rarely surprised that those who got passed over for O-4 were passed over… 2) To be a Captain (or soon to be) and get picked picked up for UPT means they most likely had a solid record to begin with…my bet is the percentage of late to rate (pilots) Captains getting passed over for O-4 is much lower than those in their original career fields, as well as their non-late to rate fellow pilots. 3) The UPT ADSC is to go to pilot training and become a pilot, that’s it. Promotion is definitely not a gurantee, and if said potential late to rate officer is concerned about promotions (though see point above), my advice for them is to focus not on becoming a pilot, but being the best officer they can be and getting promoted in their original career field. 4) The AF is not hurting for qualified candidates to go to UPT…if fewer non-rated officers want to become pilots, then it’s not much of a loss IMO. 5) It’s the AF, and it’s far from anything we all think is “fair” in our own minds. If we’re going down that rabbit hole, I’m sure I got quite a few people beat, willing to discuss offline. 6) They signed up to serve, meeting the minimum standard isn’t that hard. And if they really want to get out, there are ways to do it.
    1 point
  8. They sure as hell won’t be planning any Xmas parties or anything. ADO offices will have even saltier folks, haha
    1 point
  9. Yeah fun isn't the right word I guess. I can shoot well with it but that comes with a different grip on draw almost every time for me and my size compared to the gun frame. Having to readjust grip every time after draw is not fun. Its a trade off for sure. I'm moving to a bit bigger frame as a necessity.
    1 point
  10. ah indeed turkey our most precious nato ally
    1 point
  11. So, Assad made it to Russia. Is this another example of us doing regime change with no real plan for long term stability? Is there any hope for Syria anyway? I've seen a couple of reports that now the 10% Christian population is completely screwed. Why do We the People have no clue on what we are trying to accomplish there (not detailed plans but at least a 30,000 foot plan)? I know Assad was/is a Russian asset but what if (like pretty much every time we've done this) we get a worse turd in leadership that causes even more destruction and harm to Syrians in general (and makes the situation in the region even worse)?
    1 point
  12. Don’t worry, I’m going to get it all back when Boise State wins the Natty! That’s what I tell my wife anyway; sports betting is a legitimate way to plan for retirement.
    1 point
  13. Fighter FTUs are too backed up apparently, as is T-6 PIT. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  14. Internet champion Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  15. I for one would welcome shrinking the Joint Staff and OSD. I’m all about civilian control of the military but the number of unelected / unappointed civilian SES types running the place amok has got to end. Cut down on the number of JDAL billets as well, send those officers to the COCOMs and MAJCOMs, better yet back to the tactical level where that experience is really hurting. The Joint Staff was always supposed to be advisory and an arbitrator between COCOMs; my guess is Milley contributed to the Joint Staff’s inability to help itself and perform its function due to Milley being a micromanager and just a general POS.
    1 point
  16. I had two Hellcats and traded one in last year on a 365X and plan to do the same with the other one soon. Both the Hellcats shot well and were reliable, no malfunctions that I can remember. My issues with them are mostly nit picks and personal preference. The first, and most annoying to me is the placement of the slide released lever, it’s too far back for my grip and the slide would almost never lock back when empty unless I consciously focused on loosening my right thumb a bit. I don’t have this issue with the 365X. Second, I don’t like the U Notch rear sight. It works, just not my preference. I’m faster and more accurate with the standard 365X sights. My previous carry was a Ruger LC9S Pro and both these guns are leaps and bounds better, so it’s really down to personal preferences. My main full size 9s are P320 Carry’s, so I appreciate the similarities across the Sigs. Planning to get a 365 Macro at some point too.
    1 point
  17. Y'all sound like the board of every major corporation in America today looking for a CEO. We want someone who's really going to shake things up, take this company out of its rut and into the future as the leader in our field! Ooh, that guy, no he's a little bit too controversial for us. Besides we want someone with more experience in this type of company. Let's go with established-safe-guy-in-a-suit. Fast forward a couple years I don't understand, why is our company still stuck unable to innovate or change direction?
    1 point
  18. Great job by the pilot walking away from that, especially on a tail dragger.
    1 point
  19. "BashiChuni" - I can't tell if the name means bad sushi, an odd sexual fetish in Pattaya or the resultant STD you would get from a visit there.
    1 point
  20. If you want to increase sales a couple of quick changes in the code and you will have a porn star name generator...a far more lucrative market.
    1 point
  21. First beta tester results: Wife: “Seriously!!! Turbo Ass Blaster 3000?! We’re having a baby, not an Eagle driver. You need to take this seriously.” Husband: “Yes dear. And also to clarify, does that mean Hugh Jorgan is off the table too?”
    1 point
  22. I can't imagine how little work you're going to get out of a late to rate passed over Captain who's got 7 years left with no chance of promotion. From the "JOINT EXPLANATORY STATEMENT TO ACCOMPANY THE SERVICEMEMBER QUALITY OF LIFE IMPROVEMENT AND NATIONAL DEFENSE AUTHORIZATION ACT FOR FISCAL YEAR 2025" Seems the house simply accepted the Senate's version during discussions.
    0 points
  23. ^ still has no idea what Russia’s objective is, but gladly supports authoritarian government’s land grab
    0 points
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