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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/03/2025 in all areas

  1. Oh man, blast from the past. I wonder what Hacker is up to these days. Great dude, terrible King Air pilot 🤣😂
    5 points
  2. You have a point well but over 70 years has past since the end of the Chinese Civil War, they have defended their island and they have established their national and cultural identity separate from the authoritarian power on the mainland When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation. This will suck when it eventually goes kinetic, we will be attacked physically on our homeland by them and we will be significantly poorer even if we win initially, they will come back for a round two if that happens but the price is worse if we do nothing Computer chips, sovereign debt… whatever, it is who leads this planet that is going to be determined by a conflict over Taiwan We can pretend it’s not, we can say even if we lose a war over it we will still prevail but I don’t think so. Vietnam, Afghanistan were not the same animal as this would be overt direct confrontation with our rival. If we fight and we lose Taiwan (by we I mean the fractious coalition that is the Free World) then the Islamic world, the Global South and others will cut deals with the PRC to their liking Like it or not we have to be able to win and to recognize yes we are sticking our nose around the world in a dispute that a point can be made we shouldn’t but there is time when we should, the distinction between those is not always clear like art vs pornography but you know when you see it This is one of those times Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    4 points
  3. Sorry dudes, not buying it, when it’s been politicized like it has even the smart college-educated guys can lose their minds. It’s now somehow “liberal” to send weapons to Ukraine. Fuck that noise. It’s a false choice to think that there’s a choice between sending old weapons to Ukraine and securing borders or whatever. It’s a minuscule amount of the budget, and something that nearly everyone in Congress agreed on until key MAGA mouthpieces (that are literally paid by Russian media) started focusing on it. Quitting on the Ukraine is cowardly and reprehensible, don’t care what your airplane quals are.
    4 points
  4. 3 points
  5. Yeah, if he was from 10th SFG he would’ve known how to “make an earth shattering kaboom” vs the remake of the Volkswagen Polo commercial
    3 points
  6. The fat SrA that torched himself for Palestine made the Green Beret's suicide look rather weak.
    2 points
  7. Concur...for pennies on the dollar Russia has been neutralized as peer adversary. I've said it many times, the impact of this war on the Russian population will last for generations. A U.S. think tank, not the Ukrainian propaganda machine, has estimated Russian losses as epic. They've lost 40 soldiers for every square mile of ground they have seized. Russia seized 1,600 square miles of Ukraine's territory in 2024 while losing 427,000 troops, ISW says
    2 points
  8. 100% agree with your sarcasm; this Las Vegas one seems weird as fuck. Also his corpse has a GSW that killed him before the explosion. Wut. I'm sure Nancy nose ring from the FBI will get it all sorted with full transparency...
    2 points
  9. What seems off? If you could only bring two guns to a suicide bombing, you’d naturally bring a .50 Desert Eagle and a .308 AR-10 SBR. And your passport.
    2 points
  10. Well considering it was January 1st, that gives a lot of gayer attempts to beat it
    2 points
  11. Most of my interactions have gone something like: - chief walks into the room, has “the look” - Me: “oh hey chief, I’m running late for a sim brief, see ya later!” - Chief: “sounds good, I’ll tell them you were in the sim” There are good chiefs out there.
    2 points
  12. Heard she has a 6.7L diesel powered vibrator with nav wings engraved on it…will need nsplayr to confirm the color.
    2 points
  13. We’ve survived the first technical week of January! I reviewed results from the previous years to try to collect some truth data. 2021 16 FEB 2022 11 JAN 2023 10 JAN 2024 25 JAN note that these are the official posting dates. WG/CC’s have access up to 7 days prior to this posting date. Hang in there dudes and dudettes! nervously, QUAG
    1 point
  14. I find it interesting how few people recognize the Chinese situation from the Chinese perspective. All too many folks think the Chinese are acting like expansionist trying to conquer the world starting with Taiwan. While they do want to be a great power and their actions in Africa, South and Central America are more expansionist, when it comes to Taiwan they a completely different motivation and one you might actually agree with if we put it in U.S. terms. Imagine if there was a big civil war in the united states and you kicked the other side's ass and chased them all the way to California. With the help of another peer nation the surviving army got on boats and airplanes and took over Hawaii. Would we view Hawaii as anything other than U.S. territory? Would we be upset if the peer nation signed a defense of Hawaii pact with the invaders? In simple terms that is what happened and why they want Taiwan back.
    1 point
  15. I am just an internet troll but if I were POTUS I would keep the pressure on for a bit longer. If we go all stop and Russia gets to keep all the land gains Putin can declare victory. Access tot he Black Sea is one of the keys to a prosperous and self-sustaining Ukraine. Losing the Crimea was a big hit, Putin has pushed hard at Kherson and everything around the Tendrivs'ka Gulf because it lets him hold all sea-born Ukraine trade at risk...he effectively controls the black sea. If Ukraine gives up other land but gets some of the coast back then we have good grounds to end it. Putin is feeling the pain, I would keep the pressure on until he is willing to give up more.
    1 point
  16. He's done a few sessions' on Steve Davies Podcast in recent years.
    1 point
  17. Slow your roll bro...I made ZERO disparaging personal remarks about you or anyone else. And for the record, I can comprehend that multiple things can be true at the same time...keep in mind much of this is subjective. The point of diminishing returns is certainly subjective and probably tracks more closely with our national objectives. Relegating Russia to non-peer is definitely worth continued investment. Check the Economist and few other news sources that are now reporting on Russia's worsening economic issues. Inflation is now rampant and some think Putin has a tenuous grip on power. This is the great game and should be viewed that way instead of a simple fight in Ukraine.
    1 point
  18. Bang Ding Ow... Ho Lee Fuk...
    1 point
  19. I don’t think they want to privatize what no loss govt employees are (not) doing. i think just just want to get rid of them outright. No replacement. No shift to privatization. Just trim a bunch of useless bodies off the payroll. they want to fix the glitch.
    1 point
  20. Lame. Everyone knows the best way to blow yourself up is with a jerry can mix of diesel, vaseline, and 93 octane. For all those potential school shooters, parade rampagers, mall rat shooters, etc., using guns is so 2024. Light yourself up like a roman candle. Everyone is doing it.
    1 point
  21. Seriously, WTF LA Police Gear?!? Is this suppose to be a deal??
    1 point
  22. As a general gameplan, the idea of cleaning house of worthless GS employees sounds like a great idea. Not a commentary on anything musk is saying. However, the amount of virtually un-fireable parasites sucking the blood of the DoD is disgusting. The stories I've heard from bros working in that world and the crap I've personally witnessed makes me sick. A reform of the GS sector is well overdue. Lockheed and Boeing are famous for bending over the DoD, but the shit bag GSers are the undiagnosed clap.
    1 point
  23. To be fair, it does have rapid chain reaction burn at super high temps for a really ling time packs , but he seems to have totally missed those. A la the VW Polo.
    1 point
  24. As a current GS that’s a retarded idea. Of course he wants to fire federal employees and privatize it, those government contracts are guaranteed money. I think the country would be served better if the most worthless federal employees known as Congress pass and actual budget and fix social security, which is their job to do.
    1 point
  25. LAS Vegas Bomber was a Army SF guy. Graduated from a high school not far from where I grew up. 19 year SF guy who "was very patriotic and an ardent Trump supporter." Something seems really off.
    1 point
  26. They're blue, just like our beloved Falcon 💙
    1 point
  27. That's assuming that it was an intended landing. No gear and no flaps would be a very strange intended landing. Might have been a go around with too fast of a flap retraction that settled back down to the runway. Or, if it was a bird strike that caused problems for both engines. Pilots that hadn't practiced engine out landings since they flew a -172 probably are not going nail the landing.
    1 point
  28. It’s one of those weird job where despite having a higher GT score requirement to assess to it, it’s viewed as a dead end branch so it attracts very little talent. The talent that is there is typically the network guys who put it in link or get the Sentinel up on the feeds for CPCE not the actual air defenders that run the system. You’re not going to meet somebody at West Point sticking Air Defense in their branch priority sheet, and that’s been true for decades. This is one of the reasons when we have these discussions about CUAS in the air littoral and the big Blue guys push back like “that’s an Army job,” I’m here reminding you that you really don’t want to leave these people alone here if you want to live in that space with them after they “figure it out.” Systems like Coyote being good examples that should scare the hell out of all us manned platforms from and aspect of authority to launch and ability to discriminate. For us the TTP is going to be don’t go anywhere near anything with an M-SHORAD or Patriot (or any BLUFOR in the dark really) because frankly we have as much trust in them being able to tell I’m not a Hind as the Eagle drivers. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  29. $175B over 3 years to buy new munitions and send the old ones to a friendly democracy where they used them to dismantle the Russian military is the wisest use of treasury funds in decades. We spend trillions on nothing most of the time. I’ll never understand how so many Americans have fallen for the line that we’re spending money on Ukraine that would otherwise go to Americans. That money literally goes to American companies. The Russians sure are good at foolin people.
    1 point
  30. That may explain the 3x Zyns, but hardly covers the other items BQzip's mom put there...
    1 point
  31. It's almost like we should end our extensive, poorly-functioning drug testing regime and actually just focus on the relatively few people who are causing problems with their substance abuse (drugs & also alcohol) rather than regularly collecting gallons of piss from > 35 year old career officers & NCOs... Just don't ask about the 3x Zyns I have shoved up my butthole so I don't fall asleep on another Mids shift 😇
    1 point
  32. What a weird way to visibly show people you voted for Kamala.
    1 point
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