Based on last year's board and how long it took to get the budget approved I'm betting on no earlier than 31 JAN 2025. Similar situation for my OTS board back in 2019. Classic hurry up and wait game. I was an alternate last year and I'm holding out some hope that this year works out. Little background, 1000 hour MQ-9 IP w/ an LNO deployment, annual award, and a few quarterly awards.
Regardless of results, don't let comparison be the thief of joy. My alternate slot last year had me very bitter for the better part of the spring. End of the day, the board has there specific instructions for each year and they will not disclose those nor will they give you feedback on what made you a select, non-select, or alternate. Sucks given the emphasis on feedback for everything that we do day to day - oh well.
Best advice is don't worry about the things you can't control. Best of luck to all.