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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/27/2025 in all areas

  1. Moderators, we have a Name, Image and Likeness violation here. Nobody asked if they could use my image.
    5 points
  2. Finally got the call this morning, UPT select! 84 PCSM/99 Pilot/24 flt hours no PPL, first time applying For those who still haven't gotten the results, don't lose hope!
    4 points
  3. @nsplayr I made it through five minutes...like you I never care for either one of them and Myron worked for me at one point. He was anointed by Slife as a Captain and while he might have been a good dude, he began to proselytize Slife's cult garbage. And I get your point of firing him for DEI...compared to what those two toxic pricks have done it is the last thing they should be canned for...HOWEVER, as slippery as these two are I'll allow it. A kill is a kill at this point.
    4 points
  4. Winning. Colombia’s Petro Backs Down: Sending Personal Plane to Pick Up Migrants After Trump Announced Sanctions https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2025/01/26/colombias-petro-backs-down-sending-personal-plane-to-pick-up-migrants-after-trump-announced-sanctions/ Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    4 points
  5. I already said I support Trump’s plan, you don’t need to sell me on it… End the massive welfare state we have and people will go back to work. And if we “need” more workers (ie we don’t have any enough citizens to work after the welfare is cut), then we let people in to do those jobs, but with massive conditions. Progressives just want new voters…and if you don’t believe me, put up a bill where nonviolent illegal aliens get to stay but they never get to apply for citizenship. They’ll never go for it.
    3 points
  6. Don’t have a direct dog in this fight like some of you, but sounds like WGAF how he’s forced out, just that it happens. If it’s his recent DEI apostleship, then so be it.
    3 points
  7. The idea that the AF is trying to erase the history of or not teach about the Tuskegee Airmen is one of the most ridiculous stories I’ve ever read. I guess I shouldn’t be surprised at the number of people I know that have bought into this garbage. The amount of laziness it takes to fall for something like this is astounding. The AF literally has at least two current units that I know of that have a direct lineage to the Tuskegee Airmen. The Alabama Air Guard F-35 unit has a tail painted red. Those units represent and honor the service and sacrifice of the Tuskegee Airmen every day. And we all should honor them. Their story is one of the most powerful and inspiring stories in the history of our USAF. There is a huge difference in getting rid of DEI curriculum that discussed the Tuskegee Airmen and trying to erase their history. It’s not hard to understand with just a minimal amount of effort.
    3 points
  8. Democrats were asking that same question back in around 1862?
    2 points
  9. CAL FIRE C-130H Tanker 122 fighting crosswinds near the start of the Palisades fire. CAL FIRE acquired 7 C-130Hs from USCG with 1 operational so far. They are configured with the Coulson Aviation RADS drop system rather than that roll-on MAFFS used by C-130Js at 146 AW Channel Islands.
    2 points
  10. Cockpit vid of C-130s fighting fires. Impressive modernized cockpit displays and aileron inputs.
    2 points
  11. Yup, I see both sides. Just my opinion but I’d buy domestic if I were them - Local industrial base, you’ll need that for the upcoming GCAP - EF is already good and getting improvements - You have F-35B in the RN and LO capabilities there if you need it - Shit is in flux with the USA & Europe, have your own stuff Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    2 points
  12. ENJJPT select 96 PCSM/89 Pilot/No PPL, first time applying.
    1 point
  13. Pawman is having another mental breakdown over this…
    1 point
  14. It’s more like a suggestion really… Sent from my iPad using Baseops Network mobile app
    1 point
  15. To estimate the back pay for a married E-5 service member with one dependent, discharged in October 2021 and reinstated in January 2025, we need to consider the following components: 1. Basic Pay: This is determined by rank and years of service. 2. Basic Allowance for Housing (BAH): Varies based on duty station location, rank, and dependency status. 3. Basic Allowance for Subsistence (BAS): A standard rate provided to all service members. Assumptions: Years of Service: Well assume 6 years of service as of October 2021. Duty Station: Since the location isn’t specified, we’ll use the national average for BAH rates. Basic Pay: Based on the 2021 military pay tables, an E-5 with over 6 years of service earned approximately $3,306.30 per month. BAS: In 2021, the BAS rate for enlisted members was $386.50 per month. BAH: BAH rates vary significantly based on location. For this estimate, well use a national average BAH rate for an E-5 with dependents, which was approximately $1,800 per month in 2021. Total Monthly Compensation: Basic Pay: $3,306.30 BAS: $386.50 BAH: $1,800.00 Total: $5,492.80 per month Back Pay Calculation: The period from October 2021 to January 2025 spans 39 months. Total Back Pay = $5,492.80*39 = $214,219.20 Note: This is a rough estimate. Actual back pay would depend on specific duty station BAH rates, any changes in pay scales over the period, and other potential allowances or deductions. For precise calculations, it™s advisable to consult the Defense Finance and Accounting Service (DFAS) or a military pay specialist.
    1 point
  16. The flawless execution of this process will be a sight to see
    1 point
  17. And this: Trump to sign executive order reinstating thousands of troops discharged for not taking COVID jab
    1 point
  18. It most definitely is going to have an impact nation wide on the labor industry. There are hundreds of tweets showing factory/business parking lots empty due to the deportation fears. Lots of industries probably freaking out internally knowing a large chunk of their workforce isn't supposed to be working for them. Will be interesting.
    1 point
  19. Saw someone post this on FB: Democrats say "Who is going to pick the fruits and vegetables?" I say " Where are the farms in Chicago?"
    1 point
  20. They should buy whatever puts the most operational aircraft in their inventory the quickest, guessing that’s not with LM. The RAF is a very hollow force.
    1 point
  21. Oh I’ve been aware of Slife the Knife for many years (look at my username). And yes, we’ve had horrible “leaders” well before DEI came around. That all being said, I want all of it gone…bad leaders and those who also championed the DEI nonsense. But let’s not pretend that those who were on board with the DEI crap will suddenly believe that they were wrong all this time…that or they were just “yes men” to whatever way the wind was blowing—either way, it’s bad IMO, and they need to go. I’m also waiting for CQ to hopefully get the axe as well. He and Slife can pack their offices at the same time.
    1 point
  22. For real. If option A is Slife is my commander and there’s zero DEI stuff or… Option B is a stock-standard neutral replacement-level dude is my commander, but I have to acknowledge my white privilege before putting on my flight suit, make a native land declaration before every briefing, and let a black non-binary lesbian read me a queer feminist empowerment poem before pushing the throttles up… I’m taking option B. Slife was that bad and toxic and evil.
    1 point
  23. For those who lived through the dark ages…DEI bullshit pales in comparison.
    1 point
  24. They want money spent in their economy, not ours. It’s not about capability for them (the advocates of this idea).
    1 point
  25. A progressive is not for firing people who pushed the DEI nonsense…
    1 point
  26. Shout out to the retired petty officer singing the national anthem and the B2 right on time for the AFC championship!
    1 point
  27. ADMIN NOTE: Not sure WTF happened with all the emojis, but it's been fixed!
    1 point
  28. What you’ve done is taken a headline and happily perpetuated the emotional clickbait without context. So here’s some context since I took the 6.9 min you did not to look into this: 1. What uhhello said - cut with an axe, the details will get sorted out afterwards (standard govt) 2. Per AF: “the videos themselves were not targeted for removal, but BMT classes that include diversity materials were pulled and are now under review to make sure they are in compliance with this week’s executive orders…historical videos were interwoven into Air Force curriculum and were not the direct focus of course removal actions.” Par for the course and relatively reasonable by big govt standards. These topics are not an issue at all and will happily be discussed in AF PME for decades to come - the specific videos/materials will need to be reviewed and will either be found to have no issue, or if they are some radicalized bullshit version, then they will source better material on those topics. 3. Trump honored Tuskegee airmen at his 2020 SOU, having Gen McGee (who Trump personally pinned his star on) as a personal guest. He is clearly a supporter and not anti-Tuskegee/black. Just a few injections of taking a breath and doing some quick “research” before maxing out seeing red. Try it some time, you’ll like it.
    1 point
  29. USAF when it's gone through 3+ iterations of pilot training in the last 5 years:
    1 point
  30. I love this about the CMP surplus sales. You can travel to the armory, hand select a rifle, and they mail it to you…no FFL. Somehow this is different than ordering a new bird gun from a sports outfitter. Ridiculous laws. Can’t wait for these solvent traps to change Amazon descriptions, ha!
    1 point
  31. This meme is so idiotic. All this talk about Elon's gesture being "taken out of context." Ok, here's some relevant context: First and most glaring, these pictures are stills. Screenshot as their hands happened to be up during a speech, or while being welcomed on stage. GMAFB. It's a far cry from the video of Elon. His hand to chest, and vigorously, with front-tooth overbite, hard saluting. Twice. Sorry, but motion and intensity matter. Body language matters. Expressions matter. The other thing that matters, concerning context, is the audience. MAGA vs. the lefty's in the meme. As I heard it put the other day, "Not every Trump voter is a white supremacist. But, every white supremacist is a Trump voter." There's a perception among many that the MAGA movement is, among other things, inherently racist. ....Not sure if that's a news flash to anyone. (*I am not, before you blow a gasket, claiming that Trump or Elon (or you) are racist. Only that it's a widely held view that many of their supporters are, not incidentally because of their actions, words, chants, clothing choices, endorsements, etc.) Does the same core perception exist towards Elizabeth Warren supporters or Taylor Swift fans? No. Beyond the stupid (....and I mean truly eye-roll-inducing) meme, the disturbing part of the response to Elon's gesture is the absolute refusal to criticize Trump or his minions. No matter what. MAGA folks won't offer even the faintest hint of doubt or disapproval, and this is why another core perception of MAGA is that it's a cult, or cult-like. Just try it. Once. Try criticizing a decision or an action of Trump (or Elon or Vance, etc.). You can make it a really gentle criticism to start. Doubt, in the form of a question, works as a really soft, muted criticism for recovering cultists. For example, try asking "...gee, should he have done that?" See how it feels. Then graduate to sandwiching a weak criticism between two strong compliments to continue easing into it. The thinking among most people has become totally dualistic and binary, and it's a serious problem. You don't have to say you're certain that he's a literal Nazi. And you also don't have to try to defend him completely. Try saying "Wow....that looked a little messed up." or "I agree. That was really strange. I wish he hadn't done that." or "Elon is a little weird and spectrum-y. I hope he gets some media counseling in this new role so this doesn't happen again." You'll know you've made significant progress when you can admit something simple like that and then say nothing else. In other words, without also making a comparison to a leftist policy or a "what about..." concerning a democrat. You can still support Trump and Elon. It's ok. Every human has faults and makes mistakes. If those mistakes are acknowledged, good things happen. They can be held to account for them and improve. On the other hand, if the Dear Leader and his friends are excused from any and everything, ......if we do things like pretend that Taylor Swift waving to an audience of gushing teenyboppers is the same as Elon's gesture to MAGA fanatics.......then those leaders become even more self-righteous and untouchable. The divide in our country grows, and each side becomes more cult-like.
    1 point
  32. Let’s say funding and airspace access was a non-issue, so we start moving T-6s to airline bases. Some guys will jump on it, and most will stop doing it relatively quickly once they’re reminded why they left the AF for the airlines in the first place (summed up as “all the bullshit.”) The bullshit is un-killable.
    1 point
  33. I don't think any of them have closely held personal beliefs. It's akin to the flawed promotion mechanism we've all complained about in which "Yes" men will say or do anything they believe will advance their career. "My boss's values are my values." These same people would have advocated for segregation if it they thought it would please those who have the power to decide their future.
    1 point
  34. True. When I was looking at retiring in the midwest with threats of tornadoes, I was going to try to get European style roller shutters. Had them on my house in Europe and they were awesome. Those would stop most things short of a bullet (and were awesome for sleeping in on night flight mornings, bedroom was pitch black). I'm sure that as big of a deal as this fire is, it won't be big enough of a deal to get most people to think outside the box and most those houses will get rebuilt on the same 1940s mas production technology that 90% of American homes are built on.
    1 point
  35. It would be interesting to see a study in how houses were saved verses the ones that weren't. I don't buy the catching fire inside from floating embers theory; very few HVACs have external ducts that could transport an ember to a flammable area inside. Attics generally have vents, but the soffit grates are small enough to keep out most pests, which would preclude an ember big enough from getting through to catch a 2x4 on fire. My guess is the fire is hot enough against the side of the house that the inside of the exterior wall heats up enough to catch fire. Kinda like how papers catch fire inside a gun safe with zero direct flame contact. Or the fire is hot enough that it breaks the windows and gets inside that way. Hopefully the insurance companies figure it out and make policy incentives to help since I have zero confidence the government there will get their act together. I'm betting that a 1000 gal cistern with a gas powered pump would have saved many of these houses and would have cost $2K to install (or $5K since its California). Multiple stories of houses being saved because the owner turned on a bunch of $5 sprinklers around the house before leaving.
    1 point
  36. Sure...that and a 3 ER is promotable.
    0 points
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