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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/01/2025 in all areas

  1. Tell us you’re old ….. (I got the reference, fuck I’m old too)
    8 points
  2. Maybe because she’s a female pilot and with the appalling DEI finger pointing from El Presidente the family doesn’t want their daughter’s name drug through the mud by a bunch of fucking stupid neck beards
    4 points
  3. The Sport of Kings claims another career. Starting to wonder if women in the military was really the force multiplier it was pitched as? 😂🤣
    3 points
  4. @08Dawg What’s too bad is that’s exactly what would happen, I don’t blame her family. Nobody will talk about how there was a male pilot also there with twice the hours. The only way DEI could possibly be linked is if the tower was understaffed at the time and it was found the additional personnel who *should* have been there would have likely jumped in with directive comm to avert disaster. But even then, that hypothetical finding will never be definitive, but just an educated assumption. FAA staffing may be a CF (in addition to helo pilot error), but ultimately I think the RC will be insufficient procedures for the amount of traffic congestion in the DCA area. And I say all this as someone who vehemently believes DEI is a cancer on the world and needs to die. Meritocracy and highest qualified/capabilities is how every industry and gov agency should work.
    2 points
  5. Was it a case of Quigley Down Under?
    2 points
  6. It’s an absolute monster performance.
    2 points
  7. This is back when MTV Unplugged was a big thing. This one always struck me. If you have a nice set of headphones or fancy speakers with a nice soundstage, the full length intro on streaming services is worth it over the youtube. The applause and microphone placement really makes it feel like you're on stage with the band.
    2 points
  8. If you're basing your entire opinion of anything based on the fact that a "jury of his peers found him guilty," I know two things about you. You've never sat on a court martial or a jury, and two, you have very little practical knowledge of how the justice system works. If you had you would understand that many things - facts, relevant facts - are withheld from the jury. I know this - I learned this - because I once was part of the jury on a court martial in which the member was found guilty, and only after we rendered our verdict and sentence recommendation, were we allowed to be made aware of things which the defense and the prosecution argued about allowing us to know. Why does this matter? Well, we may have still found the member guilty, but I believe the punishment we meted out would have been significantly moderated. I hope you're never falsely accused of a crime. I hope you're never up against a DA or prosecutor that has an ax to grind. I hope that you're never in the wrong place at the wrong time or in the wrong circumstances. If you are, and you think that everything will be ok because the jury will just magically get it right since it's part of our constitutionally guaranteed set of rights, you had better reinterpret your threat environment, because juries absolutely can and do get it wrong. All. The. Time. Yes, a jury may have found him guilty. That is a fact. Whether or not he actually is guilty of the crime he was charged with is a separate question.
    2 points
  9. Liquid, can YOU imagine calling a foreign military and telling them to ignore your boss (who happens to be the President). Milley's job was to advise the president, not undercut him. It's strange you'd condone this behavior. Seems the left would be outraged when the military tries to circumvent the Constitution by bypassing civilian control of the military. Strange times we're living in, indeed.
    2 points
  10. January 6th was a block party that got out of control. If you want to see an *actual* insurrection, you can look at the summer of 2020 when numerous democratic governments all but sanctioned mob violence in the name of social justice.
    2 points
  11. The procedures in that area are stupid.
    1 point
  12. That's horrific. I hope the initial impact was violent enough that no one was conscious afterward.
    1 point
  13. 1 point
  14. Ummm not really. For FEDERAL crimes perhaps, but not state crimes, which is why the liberal NY establishment contrived a case stacking crimes, after the statue of limitation had expired, for a crime that no one had ever been charged with, in order to weaponize the system against Trump and prevent a self-pardon if re-elected. For the record, I am NOT in favor of self-pardons. However, I am diametrically opposed to EITHER side weaponizing the system to take out a political opponent. If you think the NY case was anything than that, then I have a direct to the Raptor assignment waiting for you after you UAS tour...
    1 point
  15. I had the opportunity to work with a couple of Boeing line engineers on a project over a period of time. It was eye opening to work with some great motivated dudes who faced the same bureaucratic hurdles, and lackluster upper management we face in the AF.
    1 point
  16. I was hoping it was Alice In Chains before the preview populated. My absolute favorite.
    1 point
  17. Even if both aircraft had it operating, it wouldn't avoided the collision. The ATC feed populated CA's (conflict alerts) for both aircraft, but that is an independent system. I'm assuming the helo had TCAS off based on no flight path deconfliction prior to the incident. TCAS functionality (TA/RA outputs) varies based on modes each aircraft are squawking and altitude thresholds that prohibit RAs. Below 1000AGL, TCAS is in SL1 (sensitivity level) and RA's are inhibited. For both aircraft to get an RA based on flight path conflict they both need to have (1) TCAS II systems with Mode S on, (2) TCAS on (TA/RA) and (3) above 1000AGL to be in SL3+. In some cases one aircraft might get a TA while the other gets an RA, based on TCAS I vs TCAS II inputs. More specifics are in the link below (page 5, 23, 34). https://www.faa.gov/documentlibrary/media/advisory_circular/tcas ii v7.1 intro booklet.pdf
    1 point
  18. Boeing is just what the DOD would look like if it had financial and performance accountability. It's a perfect match.
    1 point
  19. I think the FAA will institute some sort of red light/green light scheme to prevent conflicts over the river. Helo on the Bolling Coast, no circles to 33. Plane on 33, no helos on the river. Hell, maybe they'll even install actual stop lights at holding points. The roundabout version on the river didn't work the other night. All the experience in the world doesn't prevent a pilot from misidentifying traffic, but maybe makes one cautious enough to make sure you got the right one in sight, and even then.... Since that is possible, I'm expecting guardrails to be put into place.
    1 point
  20. Great video. So many types of ammunition whether it’s in 9mm, 45ACP, etc I definitely don’t want be hit by any of it. If you can shoot well with it go for it. Useless to carry something you suck shooting with comparatively speaking like the 40 and myself specifically many moons ago. Several of my friends shoot it extremely well and I already have too many calibers to reach for despite attempting to keep my stash variety controllable which was a false hope… *I enjoyed shooting my friends 1911s, 2011s, etc and wanted one so bad until “Honest Outlaw” on YouTube went over the considerations on having one. I am rather stupid hard/excessively mean to my CCW inventory and do not have the willpower to soften my manual of arms to be trusted (Stupid me needs Stupid Simple to survive). Still will end up with one, but it will be a tight tolerance showcase fun gun to drool over 😉
    1 point
  21. This will continue happening when all our controllers are dwarfs
    1 point
  22. Anecdotal, but I've been in a 150' hover over Haines pt due to circling traffic to 33. In my case I was directed by tower to do so and it was daytime. Also anecdotal, but when I was flying in the NCR we were directed to fly as high as the R&Z chart allowed due to never ending noise complaints.
    1 point
  23. The Pro age 67 FB group had a post this morning with the following quote. This accident on short final at DCA has inexperience written all over it. Please get out there and push for an EXECUTIVE ORDER to RAISE THE AGE IMMEDIATELY. We, the airline industry, are directly responsible for these deaths. There is no depth too low for which these guys will stoop, all in the name of getting theirs. Sadly he's one of us at DAL but is scheduled to retire in March. It can't get here soon enough. WTF is wrong with some people.
    1 point
  24. DEI is horrible and needs to be destroyed, BUT it almost certainly has zero to do with last night. But, that hasn’t stopped millions of people (president on down) from declaring DEI as causal. It’s really sad because those people are showing their ignorance/clinging attachment to a politicized topic, but equally sad that the progressive left has created such a massive problem that many people just now assume that’s the cause. Bad all around.
    1 point
  25. Trump currently throwing out blame to ATC hiring and training and the American Eagle crew before any safety investigation complete. JFC.
    1 point
  26. Career badges are impossible to decipher. Give rated wings, kill all the other badges and give them basic tabs not broken out but broad. CE, WX, SF, ATC, etc. don’t make 10 different identifiers for each career field. Gives people pride and makes it easy to see what they do. Pilots do it with flight suits, let everyone else have a little morale and pride as well, within reason.
    1 point
  27. I'm gonna guess the research resulted in finding the target.
    1 point
  28. Taiwan isn’t China. Also, Intel’s fab work has been failing left and right lately, so you can’t trust their work.
    1 point
  29. Probably the best camera footage of DCA.
    0 points
  30. It's already a huge stretch to call anything related to J6 treason. No one was working for a foreign entity against our government, and no one was trying to replace one form of government with another. In fact the people involved (wrongly) believed they were defending our system and the integrity of our elections. The intent is a vital distinction. That doesn't mean it was rational or acceptable. It was a riot, and riots are almost always bad. This one certainly was. But that's not treason.
    -1 points
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