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@BuddhaSixFour To be honest, DOGE and this bill combined are cutting trillions in wasteful spending, not “pennies.” Now what I don’t like is why are we possibly adding upwards of 3-4 trillion to the deficit? Essentially this negates all the wasteful spending we’re cutting. I suppose the positive for one side is at least the money is potentially being spent on things they agree with/can accept vs. the alternatives. Regardless, I don’t like it at all. I’d like to know what spending falls under the massive amount earmarked under ways and means? Don’t have time to dig into it, but they’d be very hard pressed to convince me it makes sense to add to the deficit.2 points
Scheduled indoc starts through the end of March. We’re fat right now. But our aircraft deliveries are finally starting to pick up again (aside from parked 321s getting new interiors approved). Our manning has already shown signs of stress during relatively minor weather events this winter. The Company got very lucky last year with only two landfall hurricanes and almost no plains storm events. If they bank on continued lackluster demand going into this summer, I’d offer that would be a risky play.2 points
Why do you clowns insist on creating some false aggregate of positions to create the perfect conservative bogey man to debate instead of the people actually here in the discussion? You wanna balance the budget? Freeze all distribution programs at their nominal levels immediately. Let inflation solve the rest. Cut Medicare of for anything but stabilization and pain management after 80 years old. Fix Medicaid so that some retarded homeless junkie can't use emergency rooms for free while everyone with a job and insurance has to pay a fortune for after-hours care. Reform all benefits programs to *once again* require working age adults to work or starve. Strip the military acquisitions process of all special interests. No more buying pens from the blind just because. Remove all tax benefits for capital gains on publicly traded and private equity assets. It's income, you pay income tax on it. Stop securing home loans and student loans at the federal level and stop the rocket ship of rising home and education prices. Means-test VA disability benefits. For every $3 above $100,000 you make you lose $1 of your benefit. Obviously you aren't financially suffering from your disability. None of this is going to happen right now because everybody is hooked on the drug of free shit. What's going to happen is at some point we are going to get into a bloody messy war, a bunch of our kids are going to get fucking slaughtered by the Chinese or the Russians or the Europeans or the Africans or whoever the fuck we end up fighting, and all of a sudden people will get very serious again. You'll spend your savings on war bonds that you know are going to depreciate in value because what other choice do you have when it's directly funding the survival of your children in some God forsaken warzone? It will suck for a lot of people with pink hair and custom pronouns as the society exits the war with a newfound sense of homogeneity and community responsibility. Being your "authentic self" will be wiped away by the same judgemental fury of the surviving servicemen who will shun and shame those who believe the society owes them a payout or a tax shelter. Both the ultra rich and the ultra lazy will find themselves with fewer allies than ever. Until then, chill out, have a beer, and be happy that we don't die of paper cuts or colds. This has all happened before and it will all happen again.2 points
ERAU Prescott is a complete joke. They can’t even get their students through flight line training. My brother has been academics complete for a year now but can’t graduate because the flight line is so backed up.1 point
You read quite emotional. It's OK. Trump blustered his lies of making things great again, to include out of control spending. Some Rs balk and he brow beats em in line, except 1. I called out Trump's actions, that's all. And it's too easy because he does it all the time. And yet you seem to take it personally. Instead of attacking me for calling the shot, lay some criticism where it belongs... the dude doing the shots. You could have easily said, "Not a good look to go bashing Ds and out of control spending and yet he looks to do the same." Or something like that.1 point
No dude. That's not the point. Also the Republican spending plans were known before the election. It was all over the news obviously. The point is that the Republican party has recognized what the Democrats knew and started years ago. Once the American people are hooked on free cheese, you ain't unhooking them. Not without some sort of external catastrophe resetting societal expectations. Donald Trump is the reason the Republicans have figured that out. I lament at the implications, but I don't deny the reality. If you want to go shout at a crowd of deranged mega hypocrites, you're at the wrong website. Like I said, everyone here who supported Donald Trump that I know of did so explicitly acknowledging the problem with deficit spending. I have gone into great detail of my personal beliefs. We are going to spend ourselves into Oblivion no matter what, so what I have to vote on is who is going to allocate this magic money towards the items that best position us to win world war 3, which I believe is inevitable. It doesn't help that we are also in the middle of a political shift, where the parties fall apart and realign under new identities. So all of your gnashing at wailing at Republicans is pointless, because the Republican party of George w bush has already been killed, and we don't know what the Republican party being born of Donald Trump will look like when it is fully formed. Just like progressivism assassinated the Democratic party, we have no idea what they will look like when they reorganize. For now, it looks like Republicans are going to steal labor away from Democrats. But I'm sure there will be more realignments involved.1 point
Look dude, if there's someone here you can quote or remember supporting Republican spending increases, let's see it. Otherwise this obviously ignorant "if you voted for someone you must support every single thing they've ever done or ever will do" act of yours is just boring. With the exception of maybe one or two people, every single person who voted for Trump here has been quite honest about the trade-offs being made when voting for him. I bet the people in your life would benefit greatly if you unplugged yourself from political news for a bit.1 point
Text book go-around. Great job on the SWA crew. Listening to the audio and the biz jet definitely was at fault. Dude had no SA on what runway he was blowing through. SWA2504 landing 31C, FLEXJET560 did the incursion. ATC audio (fast forward to 12 minutes): https://archive.liveatc.net/kmdw/KMDW-Gnd-Twr-Feb-25-2025-1430Z.mp3 Textual synopsis: https://www.reddit.com/r/aviation/comments/1iy89dc/audio_and_transcript_from_this_mornings_runway/1 point
This is the most unintentionally accurate portrayal of American Airlines forecasting ever posted 🤣😂1 point
I'm saying being Eskimo bros with Biden could/would be worse. At least HCM was a patriot for his country..1 point
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Austin is good people, even if he is an herbivore. I’m glad that somebody gave him the chance to speak on this as well as he did to discuss all the nuances involved. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk1 point
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Jane Fonda lost all of her credibility in a time before I was born, somewhere in North Vietnam.1 point
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Well she’s a democrat so it’s okay. Cmon bro! They couldn’t beat us in the election booth, they can’t beat us with logic, nothing left but this kind of crap. Anyone who has studied Noam Chomsky (avowed Marxist and mentor to She Clinton and Obama) understands the playbook.1 point
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If you wear a morale patch or a friday shirt, you'll clearly not follow the TO, the plane will crash and babies will die.1 point
There is an entire difference between “Standards” and “meaningless hills to die on invented by some shoe clerk to give their career/position purpose.” The inability by senior leadership to even acknowledge that both are going on throughout ranks and services is exactly the kind of shit that causes you and others to stand dumbfounded at your warfighters and tactical leaders not simply toe the line because some anointed E9 from the second group tells you, “we’ve got a problem with discipline.” Stop inventing stupid standards and crush anybody that does so we can spend the energy on enforcement of standards where it god damn matters, Sir. The next time some E8/9 is doing uniform spot checks I’m going to make them conduct a log book recon because that will actually get somebody killed and is the job those crew dawgs are here to do, and they can in fact do it while wearing white socks *gasp/horror. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk1 point
It never ceases to amaze me, over generations of aviators who come and go on this platform: You all live and die by standards in the airplane, yet many of you rail against standards outside of the plane. Professionalism MUST exist in both realms, or it starts to exist in neither. Gen Allvin understands this. Get on board for the sake of the lives of your aviators…please.1 point
There's a really interesting article from last month published by AETC going into the new plans for IPT and UPT 3.0. Going into UPT with a multi-engine rating surely can't hurt, but time will tell as they get through the first few test groups. U.S. Air Force partners with academia, industry to test future pilot production model > Air Education and Training Command > Article Display1 point