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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/27/2025 in all areas

  1. And we flew uphill, both ways!
    4 points
  2. LEDs are a lot cooler than the kerosene lanterns you guys had to use as landing lights back in the day.
    4 points
  3. The better phrasing is did anybody think any president in the 21st century was going to reduce the deficit? This is not a current or future excuse for the Trump admin. But just a means to highlight this is not a Trump problem, it is an everybody problem. To be fair, Trump has done better than his predecessors, but by no means am I cheering the current state that he, along with the guys prior to him, have had their hands in helping perpetuate.
    2 points
  4. https://www.city-journal.org/article/nsa-whistleblower-trans-gender-ideology-dei Biff you workin at the NSA?!
    2 points
  5. If the Trump/GOP don’t lower the deficit then it was all a joke. I get how they want to “increase spending at a lower rate” compared to the Dems, but this is the same nonsense they (the GOP) have done before. If someone wants to know where I stand, look at what Massie says and I’m sure I’m close to his position.
    2 points
  6. No way.... https://www.cnn.com/2025/02/27/business/elon-musk-faa-air-traffic-control-failing-spacex/index.html
    1 point
  7. It’s all an unnecessary burden and he’s not my boss. that, not spending time sending shit.
    1 point
  8. Can we leave them all on the ISS?
    1 point
  9. OK, everyone needs to "Lighten Up." My initial post was more of a joke than anything else (apparently my creative use of punctuation did not hit home). Is the consensus that what these federal employees write in this email is truly going to be taken to heart and reviewed by anyone (AI or the like)? I have serious doubts on that. If they're on the chopping block, I find it hard to believe that 5 lines to Elon is going to make any difference. I'd be happy to send you my bullet list from the last week. Turns out it's jack shit... I'm a DSG looking to retire as soon as humanly possible.
    1 point
  10. Bullshit. It’s just utter stupidity phishing to waste millions of people’s time. Like every bad manager in the AF that steals time for total nonsense.
    1 point
  11. It's been my experience that AAeroflot mgt doesn't usually "miss it", they generally (and genuinely) just don't care ...🤷‍♂️
    1 point
  12. Think about the first time you looked in a helmet mounted sight and saw the wingman or mission participant through link that was way beyond visible. That capability has existed in some form or another for a couple decades. TCAS is older than most of the pilots flying with it and only ten years younger than the oldest people flying commercial aircraft today. Systems like ITDS have demonstrated the ability to see further and through obscurants we can’t see through, and do it constantly but with coding provide queuing to the crew only when it’s relevant. You can take a picture and give it to your phone or social media and it’s smart enough to see faces and even identify them. This would be that principle but doing predictive analysis of other traffic so it can point where the friction will happen and disregard where it won’t. Imagine if you were that hawk crew and you looked up to see 3 bright light sources and didn’t have to guess which one ATC is trying to get you to acknowledge. Augmented reality isnt impossible, but it requires people to acknowledge that “see and avoid,” isnt adequate. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
    1 point
  13. So what you're saying is we need a HUD or projection-type solution that converts ADS-B in and RemoteID position data into a 2D marker. It's an easier solution than we realize (it could probably be done with a raspberry pi), but innovation runs at the speed of turtle.
    1 point
  14. One for @HuggyU2
    1 point
  15. That’s the point we’ve been making to counter. It’s like NVG is the sole solution therefore anything not working well in them is ignored. In this case they were even trying to insist there is a threat to Apache which isn’t flying with NVG as its primary sensor, it’s flying FLIR and doesn’t care anyway. And it has an unaided eye as well… There is no single solution to the issue and it’s one of the arguments we are making in the Army rotary community to fast track ITDS because of the amount of SA it can grant in addition to being a missile warning system. We did testing with seeing the category 1/2 SUAS… damn things are invisible in the day time with you know where they are beyond about 200-300 meters. The human eyeball is not sufficient to the hazards that are out there today, much less in a decade as we democratize the number of airspace participants. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  16. Some of them are invisible from more than a hundred yards or so, on NVGs. Aided/unaided composite scan should be emphasized...
    1 point
  17. I've wondered why the airlines haven't fixed the problem of weather induced hub debacles. Here's my fix: Offer ground personnel premium pay to fill short notice open positions just like pilots. Provide incentives for folks to go to work on their day off. I got ensnared in a winter cluster fuck at DFW and found out later A) the company had given folks time off because it was Christmas and B) around 40 gate agents had called in sick because they saw the day as the disaster it would become. The really funny part was my 2nd Grade school teaching wife predicted this debacle a week prior yet the airline business professionals missed it entirely.
    1 point
  18. Did you guys ever actually think reducing the deficit was going to happen in this administration? He took entitlement reform/cuts off the table long ago.
    1 point
  19. this. the deep state is in both sides of the political spectrum. it's why businesses contribute to both parties...why risk ever being out of influence/power based on elections?
    1 point
  20. IFT (the original one at Pueblo, CO) used Diamond DA-20's. IPT (the new program) uses whatever the flight school you get sent to uses to go from Private all the way to Multi (likely Cessna 172S Nav III's, PA-28 Cherokees, and/or Cessna 310s for multi stuff). One of the IPT locations is ERAU in Prescott. They use 172's and DA-42's for example.
    1 point
  21. Everyone else on this thread rn
    1 point
  22. 1 point
  23. Look dude, if there's someone here you can quote or remember supporting Republican spending increases, let's see it. Otherwise this obviously ignorant "if you voted for someone you must support every single thing they've ever done or ever will do" act of yours is just boring. With the exception of maybe one or two people, every single person who voted for Trump here has been quite honest about the trade-offs being made when voting for him. I bet the people in your life would benefit greatly if you unplugged yourself from political news for a bit.
    1 point
  24. Text book go-around. Great job on the SWA crew. Listening to the audio and the biz jet definitely was at fault. Dude had no SA on what runway he was blowing through. SWA2504 landing 31C, FLEXJET560 did the incursion. ATC audio (fast forward to 12 minutes): https://archive.liveatc.net/kmdw/KMDW-Gnd-Twr-Feb-25-2025-1430Z.mp3 Textual synopsis: https://www.reddit.com/r/aviation/comments/1iy89dc/audio_and_transcript_from_this_mornings_runway/
    1 point
  25. This is the most unintentionally accurate portrayal of American Airlines forecasting ever posted 🤣😂
    1 point
  26. There is no such thing as a “trans”, just delusional people that need serious help pulling their craniums out of their rectums.
    1 point
  27. If you wear a morale patch or a friday shirt, you'll clearly not follow the TO, the plane will crash and babies will die.
    1 point
  28. There is an entire difference between “Standards” and “meaningless hills to die on invented by some shoe clerk to give their career/position purpose.” The inability by senior leadership to even acknowledge that both are going on throughout ranks and services is exactly the kind of shit that causes you and others to stand dumbfounded at your warfighters and tactical leaders not simply toe the line because some anointed E9 from the second group tells you, “we’ve got a problem with discipline.” Stop inventing stupid standards and crush anybody that does so we can spend the energy on enforcement of standards where it god damn matters, Sir. The next time some E8/9 is doing uniform spot checks I’m going to make them conduct a log book recon because that will actually get somebody killed and is the job those crew dawgs are here to do, and they can in fact do it while wearing white socks *gasp/horror. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  29. It never ceases to amaze me, over generations of aviators who come and go on this platform: You all live and die by standards in the airplane, yet many of you rail against standards outside of the plane. Professionalism MUST exist in both realms, or it starts to exist in neither. Gen Allvin understands this. Get on board for the sake of the lives of your aviators…please.
    1 point
  30. Unfortunately, after being told to terminate two people yesterday my name appeared on a list to be terminated. Been a wild ride.
    0 points
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