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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/05/2025 in all areas

  1. WRT RIFs, the AF keeps forgetting there is a place for iron Capts and Majs. They don't need the shiny jobs and tend to be your best experienced flyers. And they cost less. Efficiency!! Once they become non promotable, the filters drop off their mouths.
    4 points
  2. Performance data, at least in my slice of the DoD, is sent up through the channels weekly. "Pule checks," most likely don't need to happen weekly, which is the current guidance from the SECDEF. There's something more nefarious than that. As someone who signs timecards as a supervisor, I can promise that there are no "dead people" collecting paychecks in the DoD. If any employees' timecard is even remotely late by a day, my timekeeper is bitching at me to ensure it gets filled out, filled out, signed, and certified. My masters is in cybersecurity with a focus on AI/ML. I know what Elon is doing. He's been granted unfettered access to gobs of government data he can force feed into his Grok 3.0 AI. He's using the responses for Grok for it to conduct learning and validating with the data it's given and eventually create org charts of the entire government agencies. If people are using canned bullets and just swapping out the data points because they do the same job as multiple people, Grok could eventually recommend terminating positions it feels are "redundant." I'm willing to bet within 5-10 years Elon is going to somehow have a government-compatible AI to use for all governmental agencies, to include classified information compatibility. Why? Because privatization of the federal government is what the Trump Administration wants. Elon also wants to dismantle all the government agencies that give his companies grief, which is being pretty successful doing. "Create the venom to sell the antidote." I sent my five bullets in yesterday. I also encrypted my response. I received a curious response that the receiver of the email couldn't decrypt my email. Sounds like a problem for them.
    3 points
  3. CBS poll regarding President Trump's joint address to Congress. It was shocking to see how many people disapproved. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/trump-speech-joint-address-congress-poll-2025/
    2 points
  4. It's not discernable to you because the senseless killing of hundreds of thousands (millions?) is inconceivable to you as a valid reason to cease hostilities. Name once instance, from anywhere, of anyone here who has said Russia was an ally. You can't. All of your reasonable justifications to continue war have been defeated, so it seems the lot of you must resort to inventing false positions or statements to argue against. Logic, not wishful thinking, will always dictate the ultimate outcome of an event. What are you going to do, make a post every time reality doesn't jive with your position? Fortunately, most people are not like you. Most people believe protracting a foreign conflict where millions continue to die is not in our best interest nor Ukraine's best interest. Thank goodness for real democracy. Events are clearly going to diverge at an increasing rate from your poorly considered desires. I suggest you surrender to the fact our support for this conflict is ending, or you're just going to be yet another in a long line who whine a lot, but never actually do anything to contribute to your cause. You win some, you lose some. Pickyourbattles.
    2 points
  5. 1 person committing fraud, for how many man hours of bullshit dealing with now. Seems like a poor investment/ROI.
    2 points
  6. Nope, no idea what what SCG means, but I've been out for some years. If you're saying all these NIPR emails will remain secure and in gov't control, OK then (I don't think). If you're saying everyone should send OPM a reply via the system their work is on, like SIPR/JWICS, did anyone receive said e-mail on that system? That would be a fun way to reply. Dear OPM, please resend this message on JWICS, and state your clearance and need to know. My Security Office will vet your request. Somewhere, some dude that's on the chopping block is maybe thinking of sending a classified 5 pointer with markings on the unclass side just to taint their system. You sound like Chang and can't understand stupid shit, like a gig line equals landing greasy side down. The e-mail is just that, stupid shit from a tard. -------------------- Also, just because there is an e-mail address doesn't mean there is a dead person getting a check on the other side. I've had old mil e-mail addresses (like a deployed one) that were in the system for years. Maybe all elon is trying to do is clean up Comm's job /s/.
    2 points
  7. Holding Ukraine accountable for the billions of tax payer dollars we have given them isn’t “Pro Russia,” good lord when did you leftists become so anti peace? I thought that was your mojo back in early 2000s. Also this Trump pro Russia nonsense was tried in 2016, failed then and will fail again. You all will never learn, hence why Trump destroyed Kamala who would have had this country on its knees pissing away money so Zelensky doesn’t have to actually have an election and potentially lose his grasp on power. Let’s see your tone when Zelensky comes crawling back because there are literally no other executable options than to rely on the United States. No longer do we have a kick me sign on our back under the blithering half wit.
    2 points
  8. I’m happy to share, I’ll take the one on the left. I’m just proud of myself for beating you to it for once!
    1 point
  9. Dude, you write some gaslighting stuff here.
    1 point
  10. Never saw it. Russia should just quit? How does that even enter into your mind as a realistic solution let alone as being in the realm of remote possibility? What a mind-numbingly ignorant position. That's something you'd expect to hear from your average TikTok account, not an educated military officer. How does Ukraine attain a position of strength? Their population is being drained of warfighters. The world can supply them unlimited weapons and money, but no one is willing to replace Ukraine's soldiers with their own... including you.
    1 point
  11. I'm saying this is one case that happened in a unit I was in. And if it happened in that unit and was undetected for so long, how many times has this same thing been repeated across the country? Most government employees are salaried and every one that I've ever worked with has spent far more time each day talking about random stuff in the hallway than this tasker would have taken. I'm betting you've spent well over 10x more time on this board complaining about it than it took to just knock it out. I'm retired, so don't have a dog in the fight other than the end goal of efficiency, but everything I've seen tells me that I could have typed out those things in 5 minutes or less. It again reminds me of my kids spending hours complaining about their 20 minutes of homework they have rather than just doing it.
    1 point
  12. Regarding the history of Ukraine that many on here are attempting to skew. Putin could have very likely executed the "coup" in Ukraine in 2014... The Stubborn Legend of a Western 'Coup' in Ukraine If you haven't watched this yet, highly recommend as well.. Looking further back, the Ukrainians had successful revolutions before so it wasn't like 2014 was a new thing. See the Orange Revolution of 2004 (in which Putin had the pro-Western candidate poisoned btw). And if all that doesn't cause you to think about why the Ukrainians on the whole would want to align with the West and not Russia, think about how the average US citizen votes..."it's the economy stupid". The EU's GDP dwarfs Russia's, always has, always will. Italy's alone is bigger than Russia's to put it into perspective. Hence: quoting from the FP article: The Maidan mass protests—which lasted from November 2013 to February 2014 in Kyiv and many other cities across Ukraine—erupted when Yanukovych pivoted from a wide-ranging association agreement with the European Union to a similar one with the Russian-led Eurasian Economic Union. If you still want to go with the CIA funded the coup through USAID angle. think about why an average human being would want to go sit out in the dead of winter for months and months on end and eventually at the risk of getting beaten to a pulp, shot, etc? They'd do that because some 'pro-western" office was stood up in their cities and towns and they just wandered into it and said what do you offer? Or, might it be a bit more likely they were fed up with a Russian influenced economy that was leaving them with no options for a better future?
    1 point
  13. It took 3 "program resets" and 19 years to get the first tail on the ramp. I have little faith that the procurement process won't pork away the capabilities required and even if they manage to get every capability that was modeled... we'll buy 1/3 to 1/4 of the number represented in the wargame.
    1 point
  14. I keep zooming in to check, but they look real.
    1 point
  15. The "Zelensky is a dictator/wont hold an election" talking point is taken in such bad faith. It's in their constitution. Also, how does one hold a free and fair election while a significant amount of their population/territory is occupied? How do you account for citizens of Donetsk, Luhansk, Zaporizhzhia and Kherson? I'd imagine they are all voting pro-Putin right now. Not saying there isn't a lot of valid criticism you can throw at this conflict, our involvement, and Zelensky...but "he is a dictator because he suspended elections" is one of the more idiotic talking points.
    1 point
  16. this is my problem with the ukraine situation. if the US hadn't been messing around in Ukraine, destabilizing governments, running coups, establishing bio labs, putting the crack head son of the Vice President on a Ukranian gas company's BOD, having the Vice President blackmailing Ukraine with 1 billion of USAID money... if all that wasn't happening and russia invaded...that's a clean kill...id be all for supporting them against russian "aggression". but the same government fucks that lied to us during covid and trampled the constitution in unprecedented ways are the same government fucks who were playing around in ukraine. i'm sorry but they burned ANY trust i have in them...they DO NOT get the benefit of the doubt. and i assume they have bad intentions. so when guys like chris murphy and other democrats cry wolf about protecting ukraine from the russians it rings on deaf ears.
    1 point
  17. THIS!!! proceed with caution...two of my friends "volunteered" under the "no harm VSP, see if you get picked if not no worries" promise. be very fucking careful. and read any fine print. make sure you have multiple COAs lined up to execute if you get burned.
    1 point
  18. Blah blah blah. I call bullshit. It's a simple principle called self defense. If you think self defense is propaganda, leave all your doors unlocked, welcome in the home invaders, show them where your valuables are, and which bedroom your wife is in. The only lesson Z learned is that Trump will not only not help, he'll go against UKR in favor of Russia.
    1 point
  19. It was 2011, 157 majors got the ax because they hadn’t hit 15 years of service when their records met the RIF board https://nation.time.com/2012/01/03/air-force-firing-for-effect/ As Gates said wisely the DoD has the fine motor skills of a dinosaur, in the case of AF/A1 it’s a dinosaur that’s drunk Sorry if this happens and good people get RIF’d Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  20. They RIFed a guy in my squadron who wanted to stay in (he was a good dude, not a dirtbag). They also kept a guy in my squadron who wrote a letter asking to be RIFed. Made no sense.
    1 point
  21. Talk about overplaying your losing hand zelensky!
    1 point
  22. WRT to who is going to pick the veggies, I don't expect a hit to that ecosystem. Migrant farm workers have been a thing for a long time. A family I know that has a sizable farm operation in WI uses the same pool of workers every year and they have their paperwork in order. Another example, I have family working in a shipyard and the co brought in some migrant workers for specific tasks. This is a sizeable company where work can be dangerous, so you betcha they have their paperwork in order. But then the visas were expiring and back they had to go. But who makes sure they leave? I think overstayed visas is an area that I think leads to large numbers of illegals. Easiest kind of border crossing is one with good paperwork. I'm still waiting for The Czar's report on the hugely number of MS13 gangers deported.
    1 point
  23. And I'd rather have an experienced active military turned civilian leader that understands leadership, diplomacy, history, and strategy and can thinks 10 steps ahead. Sadly than man departed the previous Trump admin.
    1 point
  24. Wrong. I've covered this multiple times in this thread. Ypu're regurgitating something you saw on the internet without even bothering to verify it. Their "constitution" was abridged in 2015 by a statutory law that allows them to suspend elections in a time of war. After the coup. The original constitution was not written with a provision for suspending elections under "Martial Law". Here is the link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Martial_law_in_Ukraine Just because a document outlining a system of government is called a "constitution" does not mean it is in the same class or category as the US Constitution. As I said before, we held elections during the Civil War and WWII, two of the most consequential conflicts in our nation's history, and we were better off for it. A democracy isn't just about people voting for frivolous policies about what potholes get filled or where people can smoke weed. A true democracy exists when a nation's citizens can decide the direction of their country in it's most important and pivotal moments. The Ukrainian people are denied the opportunity to decide if their citizens continue to die. Don't speak of idiocy while also not knowing the history of martial law in Ukraine. No one here ever said it's ok. You can understand something without condoning it. Another BS Straw Man fallacy argument. The world is full of crimes and injustices and we simply do not have the money and resources to correct them all. And they're not all a direct threat to us. Shit happens. And don't play it up as if you're hyper-sensitive to the plight of Ukrainians. Like most of those wringing their hands over how a sacrosanct piece of foreign dirt got trampled upon, you'll argue for 200+ online discussion forum pages about what a tragedy this is while not doing anything of substance to help. You even have the means and ability yourself to help Americans suffering within a few miles of you. Think about how much of that you're doing. It's all virtue-signalling and no substance. Check out the concept of "Suicidal Empathy" in Gad Saad's upcoming book. You can be manipulated to become so deeply empathetic to a cause while having absolutely zero first-hand exposure to it, that you'll knowingly or unknowingly harm yourself for its benefit.
    -2 points
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