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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/10/2025 in all areas

  1. MARSRADIO, the civilian HF service backup to HFGCS enjoyed communicating with Air Force One today. A member of their team, MSGT, was retiring and this was his last flight. Approximate 12 MARSRADIO operators briefly talked to AF1 with best wishes in his retirement after 20 years. “On behalf of Air Force MARSRADIO, we congratulate you on your retirement. We wish you blue skies and clear frequencies in for your future.” (MARSRADIO Squadron Commander) There is increased activity in the western Pacific supporting flights between Hawaii, Guam, Wake Island, Japan and Fiji. We are still optimistic that we will get a remote station in the Mariannas by the middle of the summer. The net averages 20 hours of support daily with calls from around the globe.
    6 points
  2. It's pretty wild being on the outside looking in, as a previous t6 instructor, and seeing that the *Air Force* somehow managed to completely implode the simplest flying program in the entire service. Wild
    2 points
  3. I fear trying to “save/fix” the world makes you destroy yourself I hope a generation of leaders figure this out soon Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    2 points
  4. 2025 114th Fighter Squadron UPT Hiring Board https://app.milrecruiter.com/SquadronPage/613a553d60631a2cee9c520a ALL applications are to be submitted via MilRecruiter. Do not send applications to POC email. Application window opens March 14, 2025. Applications are due NLT April 16, 2025. Notifications for interviews will be sent out NLT May 2, 2025. Interviews will be held on May 16, 2025. The 114th Fighter Squadron will not be hosting a rush event prior to interviews. If selected, a social will be organized TBD during the interview weekend. The 114th Fighter Squadron is the F-15C Formal Training Unit and is transitioning to the F-35A in the next few years. We are hiring for an F-35 DSG position. Selected candidates can expect to go to OTS (if necessary), UPT, IFF and return for F-35A B-Course at Kingsley Field. Upon completion of the B-course, they can expect to be sent to another, non-FTU F-35 base for 3+ years in order to develop the proficiency necessary to become an Instructor. This is a very non-standard flow and candidates must be aware of the expectations. The 114th FS UPT Selection Board selects highly qualified applicants for interviews. Not all applicants will get an interview. Kingsley Field is located in beautiful Southern Oregon with 300+ VFR days per year, however we are a relatively remote base and community.
    1 point
  5. The silver lining is in 5 years when the AF completely reverses course there should be a good market for secondhand Diamond twins!
    1 point
  6. Meh he seems to have a good perspective on when to take some time off.
    1 point
  7. IPT is currently pass/fail from what I’m tracking, no idea how it’s graded out side of the FAA checkrides, or if you get silly award for being “at the top” but no part is counted towards mass, as UPT IPs have no access or insights to their performance before starting UPT. The mass is purely based off T-6 performance. For the moment the program is to get kids more time in a plane since the T-1 is dead and the sim only T-1 program was garbage. Having a civilian rating means absolutely nothing for the moment, it’s not unheard of for ATP rated regional folks getting guard/reserve slots, they go through the same military training as everyone else. (There was a exception for a bit that allowed multi/inst rated folks to go straight to the T-1, I would expect that exception to die as the T-1 fades away) T-6 is about halfway through its service life, it ain’t dead, some issues with contracting/procuring parts, said issues seem to have been/are being addressed. Last I heard the long term future for T-6/or a successor was undecided, reading between the lines I think the goal is IPT straight to a T-7 for everyone. I wouldn’t put money on anything at this point given all the thrash with syllabi the last couple years, but for anyone looking to be an AF pilot and start training in the next 5-10 years, I would expect some seat time in a T-6.
    1 point
  8. It was glorious. Nearly six figures to leave AD just as Delta and SWA were cracking open the spigots. It was a calculated risk after the shit show of 2010/11 force management program, but it paid off. YMMV in 2025.
    1 point
  9. Ummm, ok. Like I said, let’s see what Ukraine can do with everything we’ve done for them under Biden. And if European countries want to help out, more power to them. If Ukraine wants/thinks they can get Russia to fold and leave, all the power to them…let me know how it turns out.
    1 point
  10. Well, the clock in my truck is right again
    1 point
  11. 1 point
  12. Vapor F-55 Orca https://foxxy2.artstation.com/projects/X1zrn3
    1 point
  13. Couldn’t agree more. I’m an issues guy, through and through. Unfortunately when it comes down the realities of American politics, the Republicans are more aligned with my values than the Democrats. But yes, the Republicans aren’t great either.
    1 point
  14. So you're saying that to prevent our pic in the base paper, all we need to do is have a "gay" sign somewhere in the background? Damn, are they going to delete all the Navy pics?
    1 point
  15. Sigh. Okay, I'll pretend you guys are as dumb as you're pretending to be. Right. So, from the article posted: This is what we call "lying." The official knows damn well that the database hasn't been finalized, because everyone (yes, including you) knows that pictures of the Enola Gay aren't going to be deleted (intentionally). However, a stupid person might not engage their frontal lobe and realize that if you are on a quest to purge the DOD of a decade or so of intersectional nonsense, and you were going to do it in 2025 when you have this neat technology called a "search engine," you would probably search for key words that are heavily associated with DEI initiatives, collect the results into a "database," then go through the database to pick the content that will in fact be deleted. A military officer with the cognitive capacity of a rhesus monkey would realize that the people in charge of this process would definitely search for the word "gay" and get a bunch of DEI nonsense, with, you guessed it, some pictures of the Enola GAY mixed in. But of course, "the official said it’s not clear if the database has been finalized," so until the Enola Gay is actually deleted from the DOD history books, why don't you guys stop acting even dumber than you are and just chill the fuck out. Nah babygirl, you're just so lost in the media-induced desolation over the surprise-domination of the Trump candidacy that you are clinging to anything that feeds your intense desire to have your fears justified. And what would be a more justified fear than watching the history of WWII erased? But just like the Russian pee tape, the not-a-chinese-lab origin of COVID, the Hunter's-laptop-is-fake story, and so many other too-good-to-be-true progressive fever dreams, this one was obviously a nonsense story put out by a desperate journalist feeling completely helpless to stop the erasure of the last 20 years of progressive change. You aren't out, and we both know it. You need this place because you need somewhere to scream into the abyss, but you don't want anyone to know it's you when you do it. It's not a coincidence that all the progressives/liberals/never-trumpers are coming back now that the Boogey Man is back in office.
    1 point
  16. Is anyone surprised the organization that made people take photos of their wives off of desks would also over-react here? The DoD only knows bang-bang control logic.
    1 point
  17. This. When a pilot screws up, he gets a violation filed. When a controller screws up, it is almost always glossed over. When an FAA procedure is substantially to blame, as I think is the case for the DC incident, what happens to the people that created and approved the procedure? I'm betting absolutely nothing. Very easy for the FAA guys to yell 'throw the book at them' and 'I have a number for you to call' when they know that they will never be held to the same standard when they make mistakes on the same level of magnitude. I've worked on a first name basis with FAA people for years as the military point of contact for a facility and have worked on pilot deviations that that resulted in filed violations. I've also talked with them about ATC problems that resulted in just as, if not more, dangerous of a situation as the pilot deviations and nothing happened to the controllers. It was always a "we'll talk about it and address it in our training".
    1 point
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