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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/13/2025 in all areas

  1. You're probably right about the economic austerity on the horizon. I think the key is that, especially among young Trump voters, people actually want this to happen. They feel like their backs are against the wall and they have nothing left to lose. We're at the point now where people are genuinely open to the idea of purposefully crashing the economy and bursting this bubble (and make no mistake, we are in a bubble) through deflationary policies, tariffs / trade wars, etc. There is a growing feeling of resentment and disenfranchisement among young people toward a generation of boomers for whom the stewardship of a prosperous economy (which they were the biggest beneficiaries of) seemed like an afterthought that ought to be considered once they retire and start collecting their social security checks. Big businesses have been taking advantage of illegal labor and legal programs like the H1B visa (which is basically indentured servitude under threat of deportation) to undercut domestic wages while countless young Americans are applying to hundreds of jobs without receiving a single response, let alone an interview. This influx of people also clogs up the housing market and drives up demand while Byzantine development and zoning regulations + huge asset management firms keep the supply of homes artificially low. Not to mention the damage done to the demographics and social trust of a society that imports millions upon millions of foreigners without any plans for assimilation. Social standards of decency and decorum in just the past few years have declined dramatically, which you've probably noticed while interacting with the many foreigners and dullards who now bizarrely seem to occupy the majority of customer-facing roles in businesses across the country. To be fair, COVID probably also played a role in making people socially retarded. I don't think we've ever fully recovered from that. As for "trans rights" (a ridiculous neologism that didn't exist before 2014) and abortion, they're part and parcel of the neurotic and parochial worldview that dominates modern progressive politics. The science is clear: There are only two sexes (I refuse to use the word "gender," which is a loaded term popularized by freaks like John Money who explored their psychosexual fetishes and pathologies through medical experimentation on vulnerable children). I'm not a bleeding-heart Pro-Lifer but the Pro-Abortion crowd in America seems to view any limitation on abortion as some kind of dire violation of fundamental human rights (as if the baby gestating inside a pregnant woman isn't human?). Even the most progressive countries in Europe have abortion policies that would be considered strict in the US, usually something like a 8 - 14 week cutoff, often with exceptions for rape, incest, and the life of the mother (exceptions account for a tiny fraction of abortions; most are elective). It's easier and more approachable to discuss these social and moral issues, which is probably why people prefer to talk about them compared to the finer points of other "real policies" (whatever that means, like social issues aren't "real").
    3 points
  2. My only thoughts: It was going to burn down eventually. Best to do it on our own timeline with some semblance of a plan. While I don't think everything has been anywhere close to managed effectively in regards to massive cuts, I think it was the necessary shock to attempt to get the country back on track. All media talks about is tariffs we're imposing, no mention of the tariffs that were already imposed on us for a long time. It's going to be ugly but in the end I think it's necessary. Nobody is going to change anyone's thoughts on the internet. Just come here to see somewhat opposing viewpoints of mine. Sadly some of the opposing viewpoints have left and it's a bit of a chamber but
    3 points
  3. When people delete their profile, it's because they don't trust themselves to stay away. Good for him. When I was helping administer our Union website, I would occasionally have pilots ask me to ban them because they couldn't keep themselves away. Their internet rage was literally affecting their relationship with their spouses and kids. I don't think anybody is really "suited" for internet conversations, but some are particularly ill-suited for the medium.
    2 points
  4. this is the most important dibs of my life.
    2 points
  5. Seems to me the stock market confusion is a direct response to the tariff roller coaster ride. (Stock market =/= economy)
    1 point
  6. 1250% would be worth every penny.
    1 point
  7. 1 point
  8. Problem is they only have to report within 45 days. Lots of lag in all those trackers.
    1 point
  9. Clearing traffic on RT4 while landing 33 wasn't the intent of the route, but no one forbid it officially...
    1 point
  10. https://www.morningstar.com/funds/2-etfs-that-track-congressional-stock-trades
    1 point
  11. Negatory: words… Plenty of policy discussions have happened in this forum. Nothing off limits … from international relations (trade, agreements, diplomatic ties, etc), insane gov spending, the Fed Reserve, fiscal policy, social policy, education, and plenty more have been discussed. How do you not consider the offspring and future of our country not a policy issue. Between government (academia, grants, research funding) indoctrinating everyone to be homos (can’t procreate) and/or tranies (destroy themselves) we’ll end our nation (no birth rate). Add to that our welfare system rewarding fatherless families, we’re doubling down to ensure our downfall. Social policy matters and encouraging rational sane policies supporting and fostering strong traditional families is important if we want our nation to survive.
    1 point
  12. If Congress doesn't fix the U-2 divestment really soon, this will likely be the last Beale Airshow with a U-2 flying. Lineup is coming along well, to include TBirds, F-18 TACDEMO, Rob Holland, Aarron Deliu, T-33 Demo, Vicky Benzing. If interested in bringing a static to the party, drop me a note. It should be a large time.
    1 point
  13. Island of white people surprised to find out they have a white military. Ridiculous
    1 point
  14. Sorry to just throw this in here, but here's what the RAF is getting up to: RAF facing pilot shortage after diversity scheme backfires
    1 point
  15. I also want to pile on with a reminder that the very year groups they force-shaped during that phase in 2011 or whenever it exactly was, they then began to offer TERA to the people who would have been otherwise eligible for retirement (albeit a reduced one). That's like being at 18 or 19 years of service and getting let go because they don't want to pay you your retirement / pension. Thanks for your service. See ya later. https://www.stripes.com/news/2013-07-26/air-force-offers-early-retirement-option-in-certain-career-fields-1836037.html1 https://www.afpc.af.mil/News/Article-Display/Article/856683/officers-enlisted-members-offered-early-retirement/
    1 point
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