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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/24/2025 in all areas

  1. I hear you brother and there is blame to share but LM does NOT deserve all the blame. As noted, requirements creep and an unrelenting desire to purchase a single airframe for all services that forced multiple comprises, usually without coordination within the service let alone with other services. As an example I was in the five sided funny palace when they discovered the F-35 datalink was incompatible with the F-22 datalink...YGBSM...built by the same company! And for the record, that company tried repeatedly to tell the government it was an issue but got the hand waive from DoD until suddenly it was a crisis. Fat Amy will always get a bad name but behind the green door she is a bad bitch in her mission area. Post merge she is the chick you don't want your friends to see you with, especially when the bar closes and the lights come on. Behind closed doors and pre-merge she will rock your world (sts) like a MILF nymphomaniac who spent time in Thailand. I truly hope everyone continues to underestimate her. For all her incredible capabilities on the classified side, they made huge sacrifices to make a VTOL version. They made even more sacrifices to get the naval variant on the boat while meeting the range requirements...as a result it doesn't even have a gun...didn't we learn that less 50 years ago in Vietnam? Many of the issues are software related and driven by DoD that does not understand AGILE software development. The history of the sausage making behind the scenes is boring yet maddening, the government made it SOOO much harder (sts). Similarly look at the V-22...the Marines ran the program and controlled all the key design and performance requirements which led to many of today's issues. As an example, the rotor disc is not aerodynamically optimized, the diameter should be about 20% larger but it would not fit on the boat so out of the gate a huge sacrifice in performance that impacted every service that flies it. I am certainly not a test pilot but have been told the performance issues like Vortex Ring State are made worse by the reduced optimization of the rotor diameter. All is not doom and gloom, especially with Fat Amy. In reality in most circumstances if a peer or near peer gets to the merge with an F-35....even if the F-35 is flown by a mediocre pilot, something went very wrong. Not saying things don't go wrong, but she is not incapable.
    2 points
  2. The Author is at best an isolationist attempting to hide behind a facade of budgetary justification and frame the argument that US Forces Korea exist behind glass separate of any other conflict or use. The author’s idea that the Army is not present in an IndoPacom fight is demonstrated ignorance of not understanding what that fight will actually look like or what previous historical fights in the Pacific were either. No, there will not be a Tank Division driving across open plains to achieve some sort of armored breakthrough, however the Fires and with it wide area security/control as well as the echelons of intel collection that occur resident to those Army formations will absolutely be at play in a conflict over the 1st Island Chain. And anybody that doesn’t think large scale ground maneuver warfare happened in the Pacific should really go take a look at WWII Burma or Luzon. The Marines will get the press but the reality is the Army will be the one that secures Islands because mass means something when you talk the scale of the pacific, and keeping those elements in 2ID that far forward grants a lot of reaction space and time made up. Same was true of WWII. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    2 points
  3. How can anyone have any faith in the system after the last decade + of gross mismanagement. My projection...tons of money spent, not many aircraft, and a less lethal AF. It's already here in a lot of ways.
    2 points
  4. Got to see the race in Baku last September. Hope to be able to catch another one this season. Sent from my iPhone using Baseops Network mobile app
    2 points
  5. Pretty sure PV4 is the old syllabus. I assume VH is Vance and LJ is Laughlin
    1 point
  6. A state rep in Maine says Somalia comes first.
    1 point
  7. To be fair, it was on Signal, but the headline “signaled me their war plans” doesn’t translate as well. https://y.yarn.co/67018d3b-731d-479a-aa96-dee85ccf4562_text.gif ^It’s Monty Python Jane Eyre in Semaphore, definitely not Rick Astley link
    1 point
  8. That's a very cool thing to be able to say without being a Bond villain...
    1 point
  9. 4+ decades to be more precise. The whole system needs to be destroyed and rebuilt.
    1 point
  10. FL and UConn was a tough close game.
    1 point
  11. I was flippin channels on Utube TV and found the vintage MTv channel. Headbangers Ball was on playing this:
    1 point
  12. Hamilton’s skid plate was a half millimeter short. Ouch. Gasly DQ, too, from what I read.
    1 point
  13. If 90% of the fleet never gets off the ground from CONUS, China can’t shoot them down. It’s a feature.
    1 point
  14. Divest now, not over a decade. And when somebody comes out screaming “but IndoPacom!” remind them that Bone is neither the sole means of providing nor the most survivable method of delivering strikes in that scenario. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
    1 point
  15. 69% of this forum is people talking to themselves on different accounts.
    1 point
  16. I had a pilot call in “Im showing no indication.” Tower asked them to fly by and was furious when they realized it. Several ass chewings later, it was still funny. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
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