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Everything posted by pcola

  1. I think the writing is on the wall ( i.e. The 2016 NDAA). My prediction is bonus goes up to $35K for RPA drivers, stays the same for everyone else. Maybe they delete the 16 year TIS restriction for early/initial eligibles, but I doubt it. Maybe they increase opportunities/amounts for uncommitted eligibles. They are currently processing 15 ETP packages for ineligible pilots requesting the bonus. I do not know if this is normal or not, nor if there is a precedent for approving bonus related policy exceptions, so I can't say if the outcome of those ETPs will have any impact on next year's policy.
  2. FIFY (Italic edits mine) - And to add some amplifying information, he is currently enjoying his flying squadron/job and wouldn't voluntarily leave - is very hopeful to return upon completion of requisite queep-work. Also, with school completion, he'll pin on O5 in late 2018/early 19 - may as well stay an extra year for the bump in retirement pay, no? 365 not a concern d2 2013 STRD (dues paid!) 7 day opt is not on the table for this case. I believe he'll grin and bear the 2-year accompanied tour to Alabamastan.
  3. I feel violated for having looked at that picture. Thanks, MajorMadMax.
  4. Well, I guess the results of the DEDB are released to Wg/CCs. Anybody else hear their fate? I think public release is tomorrow.
  5. Oh, how the times have changed...
  6. Anecdotal, but I know two guys hired recently with no type.
  7. Really? AWACS has been considered a bad assignment since the beginning of time. The existence of something worse (i.e. RPAs) doesn't necessarily make it desirable.
  8. I like this analogy. AF leadership is suffering from unrecognized spatial d and they refuse to trust the instruments (low retention and negative feedback on climate surveys.)
  9. Yes, IIRC, each applied learning module had a paper and multiple blackboard posting requirements.
  10. You had an argument about socks? This belongs in the WTF thread. Or maybe a new WGAF thread.
  11. It's anybody's guess at this point.
  12. Pics or it didn't happen.
  13. You should have them put a blue barrel on it.
  14. October, I think.
  15. $2800 for a battery powered integrated circuit watch is a good deal??? No thanks.
  16. Idunno, I thought he was funny as hell. Comic genius. No way he hasn't put some thought into that character.
  17. I've been mentoring young'ins for years to be afraid of this Bullshit program... Don't take the DLAB unless you have a very specific reason for taking it. No DLAB = No AFPAK Hands. Call me paranoid, but I won't be getting this shit sandwich. I guess I also won't get some sweet foreign IDE either. Since I had about a .001% chance of that anyway, I can live with it.
  18. Did you get any indication as to why you were selected? Language background?
  19. I, too, speak jive. Paraphrased translation: If you are a watch collector and fly on a MB equipped aircraft, are dudes afraid to fly with you for fear that you might eject in order to qualify for the special watch?
  20. One of the comments to the most recent article posted: Right now this seems to be an Active Duty issue. But the real question is there really a sexual assault culture in the Air Force or is this just a wedge issue being pushed by the special interest groups? I ran across some interesting data from a DOD IG audit of cases from 2014. Air Force had 328 opened 2012 and closed in 2013. The main victim and subject (accused) age groups was 18 to 29, 70% junior enlisted. Both victim and subject had consumed voluntarily an intoxicating substance at a rate of 45 to 50 percent, basically both were probably impaired. At this time total force with civilians was 486000 and AD female population 58,560. Now the data from the Bureau of Justice Statistics for the same age groups focuses on females per 1000 students/nonstudents they show a rate of 6.1/7.6 per 1000 sexually assaulted. Using this model the Air Force had a sexual assault rate of 5.6 per 1000. The main theme running through both reports was intoxicant use by both victim and subject. As far as the Air Force is concerned Wingman may be not doing their jobs and looking out for their fellow Airmen. But our culture is on the whole is stronger than the civilian world." The commenter makes a great point.
  21. Very cool. I hope Bremont comp'd the watch considering the publicity he just gave them!
  22. Fuck You Air Force. If you are going to offer to pay me $25K/year less than my coworkers doing the same job with the same rank and experience, I'm going to do $25K/year less work. Sorry for those who have to pick up the slack... The Reserve option is looking better, even at 16 years TAFMS.
  23. Do you think a senior Capt that has been flying tankers/heavies up to this point could crossflow to a fighter sq just because he flew the T-38 or whatever replacement they come up with years ago in UPT? I don't think it really solves any problems in that regard. The 11F shortages are pipeline and seasoning issues that can't be fixed with a common UPT trainer.
  24. Copy, thanks. Since the deputy OG sent an email inquiring as to the progress I've made in correspondence after I submitted my 3849, it's probably pretty safe to assume they are still using it as a discriminator...not surprising at all.
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