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  1. Buckley will be hiring TWO EXPERIENCED F-16 pilots this December(2014) as traditional (part-time) guardsmen! Interviews conducted December 4, 5, 6, 2014. Target commission date to accommodate our force structure requirements: 2001 or later. Stop by for a visit during November Drill (Nov 15-16, 2014) Our next UPT hiring board is not anticipated until 2017. https://buckleypilotjob.com
  2. 38's from XL was: F-22 F-16 F-15E A-10 B-52 T-6 FAIP
  3. I wouldn't worry about those small issues too much. On TD1 just let your FLT/CC know first thing that you had a few issues/questions regarding your service coat and they will be more than glad to help you out
  4. I wouldn't worry about them changing in 3 months. Even if they did it wouldn't be more than 1 number or so. But in reality I wouldn't start studying 3 months out either. It took me 30 minutes one day to memorize it all then 10 minutes a couple days in a row to review what I memorized. I havn't been to IFS yet but after talking to some buddies who just took the test they gave me a few tips like that one: 1) The fuel capacity is "24.0" not "24" 2) For the BF remember to write it out in all capital letters. 3) AIRSPEED - 60 "KIAS" not "KTS" or "KNOTS" 4) FLAPS - "LDG" not "LANDING"
  5. I'll be bringing my wife with me to UPT and am expecting to live on base. I have a lot of furniture/stuff to move so I was hoping to move in at least a week or so before UPT starts (24 April 2012). Does anyone know if that is possible? What is the earliest we can move in to base housing before my class date? I'm a guard guy if that makes any difference.
  6. You have ZERO free time while at AMS. If there was ever any time that I wasn't doing something it wasn't because I had nothing to do, if that makes sense. If you somehow find any free time, even if it were just a few minutes a day, the last thing you'll be wanting to do is work for a MBA class.
  7. Nope, just did mine and they definitely said we can get them after UPT. You are correct, the IQ testing is done with the neuro-psych part of MFS at W-P.
  8. Ok, 2 more stupid questions: 1 Can we wear a watch during AMS? 2 Do these meet AFI guidelines for running shoes? I'm concerned about the amount of red in 'em. I just don't want to get shit for having shoes that aren't conservative enough, but I don't want to return them if they'll fly. Thanks again, H-10
  9. Thanks for the advice fellas, it's greatly appreciated! Same here man, can't wait!
  10. Of the people who went through their FC1 at W-P recently, how long did it take to get the official AETC stamp (without waivers)? They said to expect 45 days but I just wanted to know if in reality it will be sooner or later than that.
  11. Good luck man... FWIW, I think you are doing the right thing even though it blows!
  12. 4 questions: 1. The AMS/Maxwell website says that we will be issued a government laptop but can bring our own if we wanted. Would anyone who went through recently recommend buying a laptop or will the government issued laptop suffice? 2. The list of uniform items to bring requires 1 "Pants, Service, Wool/Poly" then a little further down the list it requires 2 "Pants, Blue, Polyester or Wool/Poly Blend". Do I need to bring 3 pairs of blue pants or are there 2 different kind of pants that I need to bring? 3. Do I need to bring the "US" lapel pins for my service coat or will they be issued to me. If I do need to bring them with, should I bring the ones with or without the circle around them? 4. Since I will be attending in Nov-Dec I am required to bring a "Watch cap, no logo" and "Gloves, Cold weather". Does the watch cap have to be black or sage green. What about the gloves? Everything was issued to me except these items. If anyone knows where (online, I live nowhere near any bases) to buy the watch cap and gloves that will meet the requirements that would be great. H-10
  13. I'll be attending IFS in February. Going over the Pre-Arrival guide I noticed I need to bring name tags for my flight suit with me. Are there any guidelines for the standard name tag I should bring or can any style/color do? My unit (Guard) issued me some wingless name tags, they are red with my name, first and last, no rank, and a symbol of the airplane they fly on it. Would these suffice or should I order some leather ones?
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