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  1. Ramstein.af.mil has more photos of the C-17s and C-5s that are transient than the C-130s or DV airlift aircraft actually stationed there. Can we really expect more from CNN.
  2. https://news.yahoo.com/obama-us-boost-military-presence-143134755.html So are we pivoting to the Pacific and then back to Europe? I'm confused...
  3. I just tried at OMA and was told this only works if you are wearing your uniform. That is some support!
  4. Is the airforce going to use this to cut personnel or to shift people into the -46?
  5. I don't think the chaplain is required to marry anyone. If they don't want to do the ceremony they suggest other options such as going to legal and getting a justice of the peace wedding.
  6. I was roommates with Voss for a semester at the zoo and worked basic with Tori... Both will be missed! A toast...
  7. Agreed!
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