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Everything posted by baileynme

  1. Out here in Altus I had an interesting C+C moment. Walking out of a briefing in the theater I was walking a few steps behind an O-5. Two NCOs walk right in front of him without anything so much as a formal greeting. The O-5 gets in his car and less than two steps later, two pipeline boomers walk in front of me (a lowly O-2) and render sharp salutes with greetings. Leave it to pipeline guys to actually follow C+C, good on 'em.
  2. Two more, within two minutes on T-1 cross country: Female IP over interplane: Hurry up and get off cause I'm coming right behind you. Approach: Delta ###, do you see the Cougar? Delta: Roger, Cougar in sight Approach: Delta ###, follow the Cougar to final
  3. So back in Phase II my buddy is departing out to a MOA and approach asks for a PIREP: Approach: "Hey KnifeXX, where are the tops of those clouds?" Stud: " Uhh, I would say about 1,000 feet below me." Approach: Say that again? Stud: 1,000 feet be-low me Approach (after a pause to keep himself from laughing): Above or below you? Stud: Be-low me, I said be-low me IP: Shutup and get off the radios.
  4. All is included in your BAH for now (except cable/satellite and internet). You'll set up an automatic allotment to Pinnacle for the amount of your BAH and it will be taken from your paycheck every two weeks. However they did install dials on all the houses so most likely you can expect a ration type system to be set up for electricity and water in the next couple years (they just started establishing the baseline for it so it'll take time to work the numbers). From talking to people at other bases the way I understand that works is you have a certain amount of electricity/water alloted, if you use less they pay you, if you use more you pay them. People with experience from other bases with this feel free to correct me on that. One last thing that caught us by surprise when we got here, expect to pay for your whatever is left of the month when you move in out of pocket as the allotment takes time to set up and they are money grubbing.
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