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Everything posted by vsu8992

  1. CSO opportunity w/ Georgia ANG, Robins AFB. Multiple slots may be offered with AGR a possibility post training. More details attached and feel free to PM with questions. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The 116th Air Control Wing will be holding a line officer commissioning board during May UTA for those seeking a commission as a Combat Systems Officer (CSO). Please utilize the attachment for guidance on your officer packages. Our 116 ACW Base and Education office's next AFOQT testing will be conducted on 6 February and 3 April. AFOQT Testing: Robins AFB Education Office: 78fss.fsde.testingservices@us.af.mil or (478)327-3884, Option 4 to inquire about their schedule. Dobbins ARB, Moody AFB and Maxwell AFB are other options. **AFOQT test must be taken and results in your application to be considered** Dates/Timeline: 10 April 2023: Package Submittal deadline May 2023 : Board Interviews ACW 23-1 -116_CSO Commissioning Announcement.pdf
  2. Good on the hornet community. And with press rolling out negative F-35 press this week(O2 issue) the media will have a field day with this. WSV will be leaked within the hour.. When was the last DoD a/a kill registered anyway ? Sent from my Nexus 6P using Tapatalk
  3. Another story on this : https://cleveland.cbslocal.com/2014/04/10/vacationing-family-pulled-over-handcuffed-at-gunpoint-by-air-force-base-security/ despite the apology, Wendy says the damage may already have been done to her son. “My son doesn’t trust police officers now,” Wendy Hill said. “He views them as the bad guy.” ----—------------------------------------------------- Boohoohoo.. sounds ripe for a lawsuit. Emotional damages! Sent from my HTC6525LVW using Tapatalk 2
  4. Hopefully this turns out Ok and just someone going overboard with holiday 'min manning' : Quick Google search indicates they went public with this early Sat 28 Dec. Sent from my phone using Tapatalk 2
  5. Drum roll... Introducing AMC Icon! Cash payouts? Wtf https://www.amc.af.mil/news/story.asp?id=123353308 Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
  6. Regarding the incoherent details or atrocious grammar? Hopefully btrs can find the Edit when subered uup! Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
  7. TX bar : As a matter a fact, yes I am in the military. Served under Dubya and yea I'm a pilot by the way. You're place?? Ok, let's go. Cali : I was totally into that speaker at last week's 'occupy' rally! Huh, a job? I was working the lifts at Tahoe last season. Hope they take me back if I can pass the drug test. You're place?? Ok, let's go. Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
  8. Deleted my own post earlier. Redo : Caption contest for the high-res photo? Go! Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
  9. [quote -> please do not bite off on the silly title, just listen to the woman https://www.nytimes.com/2013/06/01/world/middleeast/kerry-castigates-russia-over-syria-bound-missiles.html?pagewanted=all
  10. "As more families arrive, there is one goal they all have in common - building a strong partnership with the host nation, and ensuring regional security and stability now and in the future. " Will they also attend staff mtgs? Finally there is hope to restore peanut butter and fix the Customs idiocy Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
  11. Guess someone just got flying hours restored.. https://security.blogs.cnn.com/2013/06/03/u-s-to-send-patriot-missile-battery-fighter-jets-to-jordan-as-part-of-exercise/?hpt=hp_t2 Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
  12. The consensus is it was a dumb decision to remove - 135 chutes and yes its too early to say chutes would have helped in this case.. Putting aside questions that would be raised on aircrew competency and probably the ire from leadership, let's say another OIF-type shooting war kicks off. Is there anything prohibiting a crew dog from procuring and quietly flying with their own chute? Many fly with personally purchased COTS survival gear as it is. Good lightweight chutes run a few thousand $ but as you said it offers peace of mind. Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
  13. And reports of another strike hitting the web this evening.. .This one sounds like a big one. From the IS perspective, Safe to say it's ON now https://www.haaretz.com/news/diplomacy-defense/syrian-state-tv-israel-strikes-for-second-time-in-as-many-days-1.519184
  14. Remember back in the good ol days we had this spigot called UON... If program was properly handled years ago then Yes! 2013 = DOA. Maybe we could get CAP to secretly stand up a clandestine Sq to escape the eyes of budget Hawks Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
  15. Already in progress.. Lt mafia was rapidly distro'ing form letters today. Can't wait to read the horror stories! Sent using Tapatalk 2
  16. This will also clear the way for CRTC's to be completely chopped. They've long been rumored to be getting Axed. Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
  17. Looking back at the OP's Web link, check out the third pic down. Is that a chick(?) wearing long sleeve blues with 1 stripe !? Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
  18. From one of the jihad watch blogs. This could get ugly! https://m.memri.org/14499/show/1fc9ac479bd6646eec4872c98b2d0753&t=986h7vib4ped3d5cl7rlsakb73 Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
  19. AUAB grab n go . Box'em up and ship home! Cost = $0 Sent using Tapatalk 2
  20. The dude who wrote that article for wired is Noah Shachtman. He visited the Deid a few months ago and saw the buffonery firsthand. Great dude. Glad he's getting the word out on this. Danger Room is a great site.
  21. Someone get on the hunt for the youtube clip ! Its gotta still be floating around. Picture included in the news article----> Miss military Oh yea, this outta throw up red flags if Mr Military is named Habib Zaiden
  22. Random dumbness at the deid rant: Past few weeks a day hasn't gone by where I've noticed at least a few idiots wearing PT sweatpants in the daytime! The hotter it gets the more I see. UFB! This defies explantion Did anyone else see the Deid email about the phantom shitter being back ? Yup, he hit the shower stall at the Security Forces Cadillac.
  23. Muff invasion! These must be TIB washouts. Wonder if they have a soundboard dude.. -----Original Message----- From: Sent: Wednesday, August 05, 2009 2:30 PM To: AUAB CAOC ALL Personnel Subject: Camelot Band Event ALCON, The AFCENT Band, Mojave will perform at the Camelot Club this upcoming weekend from 1900-2100. This is an ALL RANKS event. The Camelot staff actually opens up the larger doors on the South end of the facility and the band will be setup outside playing "into" the Camelot. The last event was one of the most enjoyable evenings in a long time and we even had some guest singers/air guitarists doing their best rock star imitations (one was a GO). Please spread the word! Thank you. "Mojave is a high energy rock and roll band playing hits of the rock and roll era to today's hits. Mojave accomplishes this with talented musicians, including vocalists and a horn line. The band engages the audience with many interactive tunes and often invites audience members to the stage to perform with them"
  24. Back in 2007, I remember the 43rd FS hosting a Global Strike LFE out in the Gulf. They invited the F-4s to play Red Air alongside the 95th/2nd FS. I'm sure the Raptors never knew what hit'em !
  25. They were here at the Deid yesterday. I'm sure it was a mandatory formation/rent a crowd, but I missed the email. Anyone here go? Fess up and write a review !
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