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WiFi in CC is now fully installed. It registers a 25-30% signal (Fair) from my room using this thing---> https://www.cantenna.com/ . I'm surfing Base Ops w/ it right now. I have it inside my room next to the window pointing towards the BRA. Its good enough for email and web surfing during non-peak hours. During peak hours its hit and miss. Outdoors aswell. Other than it looks like a bozoka or spy camera, it was well worth the money. I've seen more expensive/higher speed setups for the WoW clowns along with A/C unit and roof mounts. Take a walk down to the Navy trailers and you'll know what I'm talking about.
My fav site is NIGHTWATCH. Don't remember how I found this gem, but I'm glad I did! Text only and no fancy graphics! Focus seems to be on SE Asia , but not limited to other axis of evils. https://nightwatch.afcea.org
Report: Cuba, Venezuela could host Russian bombers
vsu8992 replied to ClearedHot's topic in General Discussion
We can send the Hurricane Hunters overf Cuba to watch them pesky Bears! Maybe even fire the dropsondes on them!! Cuba overflights Not to stray to far off-topic, but on my recent rotator flight back to the states we had an Army O-6 try to assert GO-1/no drinking on us just prior to landing in Shannon ! What was even more absurd, it was on Super Bowl Sunday! We picked up the O-6 in Kuwait which outranked our ANG Flyer LtCol troop CC. I guess they had a change of command in first class. Anyway, the aircraft parks at Shannon and before we deplane the Army Col introduces himself on the PA system as the new Troop CC and reminds us that we are still banned to drink. You should have heard the bitching and moaning from the back of the aircraft. This from dudes who have rotated several times through Shannon and pounding beers at the bar is the highlight of their trip. Well common sense prevailed, and the next dude on the Mic was our previous Troop CC and he clarified that USAF members were allowed to drink, but to keep it under control! Cheers abounded. -
From what I heard , the backenders (Cam and sensor ops) will all be enlisted aircrew pulled from existing platorms such as AWACS and JSTARS.
So the iPhone has a downloadable App that now allows free calls via its WiFi connection. See--> WiFi demo There are other similar apps out there similar to this. Anyone ops checked this from the bra area? If it checks good, I might be switching to AT&T before I rotate over in Dec!
" Unknow Rider - Unknown Rider..." Bombers to Cuba
Unless they expand WiFi transmitters to outside the trailer doors, don't expect the signals from the Bra to cover the trailer park. The metallic roofing + distance will just bounce an RF signal back into the hot air. I may invest in one of these toys, hang it out the window and see what I can pull in from the room.. https://www.ccrane.com/antennas/wifi-antenn...fi-antenna.aspx
Two F-15's Collide, missing in Gulf of Mexico
vsu8992 replied to ClearedHot's topic in General Discussion
NNS080325-15. USNS Grasp Recovers Two U.S. Air Force Jets By Laura M. Seal, Military Sealift Command Public Affairs GULF OF MEXICO (NNS) -- Military Sealift Command (MSC) rescue and salvage ship USNS Grasp completed recovery operations for two USAF F-15C fighter jets in the Gulf of Mexico March 22. The jets crashed over the Gulf approx 50 mi from Eglin AFB, FL Feb 20. Recovery efforts began March 1 when Grasp arrived in the vicinity of the crash site to locate the wreckage, and ended March 22 when the last recoverable debris from the second aircraft was lifted onto the ship's weather deck. Salvage operations, which could normally have been conducted within a week, were delayed by severe weather conditions that twice sent the ship back to port. The first aircraft was recovered March 12 from a depth of 177 feet and the second aircraft was recovered March 22 from a depth of 185 feet. More than half of each aircraft was salvaged including their engines, data collecting devices (flight recorders) and main computers. These items are vital to the Air Force's investigation to determine the cause of the crash. The salvage operations were conducted jointly by Grasp's crew of 28 civil service mariners and 20 Sailors from Mobile Diving and Salvage Unit (MDSU) 2, based at Naval Amphibious Base Little Creek, Va. MDSU-2 is not permanently assigned to Grasp, which also carries a detachment of three Sailors to perform communications functions. Since the exact position of the wreckage was unknown, the ship's civilian crew worked in cooperation with Sailors of MDSU-2 to locate the debris by combining the ship's navigational information with data obtained from the dive unit's locating equipment. Upon arrival at each site, Grasp's civilian crew anchored the ship directly above the wreckage and the divers submerged to prepare the debris for recovery. Grasp's 40-ton boom then lifted the wreckage out of the water using a cable that was attached by the divers. "This recovery operation was extremely difficult," said Grasp's civilian master, Capt Jose Delfaus. "The wreckage was scattered across a wide area and the divers had to overcome dangerous depths and diving conditions. Some of the wreckage was so entangled that it took several dives to complete the mission." Four Air Force personnel, including a civilian wreckage photographer, were aboard Grasp during the salvage operations to conduct the initial research and data analysis about the crash. The crash claimed the life of one of the two pilots, and both were recovered the day of the accident. The jets were assigned to the 33FW at Eglin AFB. Grasp is one of MSC's four 255-foot salvage and recovery ships that are able to deploy rapidly to recover objects from the sea, tow stranded vessels and provide firefighting assistance. For more news from Military Sealift Command, visited www.navy.mil/local/MSC/. -
Boom, Will that be unrestricted commercial WiFi or Comm Nazi'ed WiFi ? ~Thanks
Thread update. --------------------------------------------------- WASHINGTON (AP) - The Pentagon is planning to shoot down a broken spy satellite expected to hit the Earth in early March, The Associated Press has learned. U.S. officials said Thursday that the option preferred by the Bush administration will be to fire a missile from a U.S. Navy cruiser, and shoot down the satellite before it enters Earth's atmosphere. The officials spoke on condition of anonymity because the options will not be publicly discussed until a later Pentagon briefing. The disabled satellite is expected to hit the Earth the first week of March. Officials said the Navy would likely shoot it down before then, using a special missile modified for the task. Other details about the missile and the targeting were not immediately available. But the decision involves several U.S. agencies, including the National Security Agency, the Department of Homeland Defense and the State Department. Shooting down a satellite is particularly sensitive because of the controversy surrounding China's anti-satellite test last year, when Beijing shot down one of its defunct weather satellites, drawing immediate criticism from the U.S. and other countries.
Or the USN PA dudes are getting taught at our PA Tech school:) Probably a good comfort zone for the Hornet to do fleet DCA and not stray to far from MOTHER. This is exactly what the Tomcat was designed for w/ the longer legs and bigger everything. Hard to imagine they're being sawed up at the Boneyard. [
Whats the funniest thing you've heard over the radio?
vsu8992 replied to Gravedigger's topic in Squadron Bar
From a buddy of mine in Fla today: 121.500 "US Air Force" (assume HUNTRESS) with several calls to unknown aircraft operating 30 miles east of Palm Beach squawking 1200 to contact FAA. Unid A/C: "just splash him" -
Information on PCS/moves/moving (DITY, TMO, DLA, storage)
vsu8992 replied to SUX's topic in General Discussion
How does Finnance/TMO check for proof of ownership on trailers ? I have a trailer on the family farm (in my parents name) that i'm thinking of borrowing for my DITY. All they check for are the before and after weight tickets right ? -
This should be a big story in the coming weeks. Should be fun to watch the widespread panic intensify if the Space dudes calculate this thing taking aim at CONUS. Oh yeah, FEMA may get involved sez the article. Can't wait for the inevitable questions of "Why wasn't FEMA prepared for this?" or "How can China shoot a Sat in Space and we can't?" Didn't we use to have an ASAT program with F-15 ? Star Wars comes to mind. Ahh the good ole days. ----------------------------------------------------- By LOLITA C. BALDOR, Associated Press Writer Tue Jan 29, 6:54 PM ET WASHINGTON - The U.S. military is developing contingency plans to deal with the possibility that a large spy satellite expected to fall to Earth in late February or early March could hit North America. ADVERTISEMENT Air Force Gen. Gene Renuart, who heads of U.S. Northern Command, told The Associated Press on Tuesday that the size of the satellite suggests that some number of pieces will not burn up as it re-enters the Earth's atmosphere and will hit the ground. "We're aware that this satellite is out there," Renuart said. "We're aware it is a fairly substantial size. And we know there is at least some percentage that it could land on ground as opposed to in the water." He added, "As it looks like it might re-enter into the North American area," then the U.S. military along with the Homeland Security Department and the Federal Emergency Management Agency will either have to deal with the impact or assist Canadian or Mexican authorities. Military agencies, he said, are doing an analysis to determine which pieces would most likely survive re-entry. But he cautioned that officials won't have much detail on where or when it will crash until it begins to move through the atmosphere and break up. Renuart added that there does not as yet appear to be much concern about sensitive technologies on the satellite falling into enemy hands. "I'm not aware that we have a security issue," he said. "It's really just a big thing falling on the ground that we want to make sure we're prepared for." The satellite includes some small engines that contain a toxic chemical called hydrazine — which is rocket fuel. But Renuart said they are not large booster engines with substantial amounts of fuel.
Speaking of the new dorms, I heard from someone who just got back that they will offer a commercial internet access in the rooms. This would give everyone access to webmail, skype etc and adios to the Comm weenies. Sounds to good to be true, maybe someone else can confirm?
Heres one: Whats the deal if you were issued the jacket as Msn Qual Enlisted aircrew, but now an O in a flying career field. I'm in AETC (key word) and therefore not Msn qual on my gaining airframe.
AFI 33-217 deals with VCS regs. The AFKAI-1 is the doc you're wing CP or crypto shop should have onhand that lists the callsigns you're unit is officially assigned to. There might be some guindance there on flt numbers. https://www.fas.org/irp/doddir/usaf/33-217.htm
If you don't get a rated slot, but still interested in flying and the Ops realm, a few non-rated fields could get ya airborne. Some junior intel officers (14N) fly onboard the RC-135 variants and E-8 JSTARS. Also the E-4B NAOC has flying Comm(33S) and Command and Control officers (86P ?).
Are the "I LOVE MATT BUTLER" stickers still up, or have they been stripped away by the Cadilac Nazzis to ??
AMS (Academy of Military Science) Questions
vsu8992 replied to a topic in Air National Guard / Air Force Reserves
https://www.thinribbons.com will hook you up w/ a perfect rack and in the correct order of precedence. -
AMS (Academy of Military Science) Questions
vsu8992 replied to a topic in Air National Guard / Air Force Reserves
Trailmix- I'm driving POV in comfy civies. No reason to wear a uniform even if you're flying in on orders. Technically you can if ya wanna try and pick up chicks on the way in, but once you hit the AMS campus you'll paint a big pic on everyones radar--plus you'll have to wear you're stripes. Thats one extra piece of uniform you gotta figure out how to ger rid off come Monday morning. Remember you'll wear slick sleaves. 2.) I'm bringing both and a coat bag for my pre pressed stuff. You'll probably need the duffel for Patriot Challenge. I may dump the suitcase in my car once we get that priveledge. 3.) Dryclean and wash them several times between now and then. Heck, take'em huntin or fishin. You'll give the new uniforms a chance to get broken in and their strings a chance to "grow" out. Just make sure you cut them:) If you dump a batch off at the BX on Sat the earliest you'll get it back would be tues. I for one wouldn't want to have only 2 pairs not knowing when I will have a chance to pick them up. BTW- I'm up vacationing in the Smokey Mtns about 30m from Knoxville. Sure hope this weather holds up! I just got back from an evening run. Temps in the low 60s and I broke a small sweat towards the end !! -
AMS (Academy of Military Science) Questions
vsu8992 replied to a topic in Air National Guard / Air Force Reserves
Any advice for the blind folks who depend on contacts ? Will I have a few moments on Day of Trng #1 after the doors are beat down to throw my lens in quickly ? If its like BMT, I assume the doors will get quietly tapped on ha ha, we'll form up in the hallway, get yelled at then sent back to the rooms with an unrealistic time constraint for for sh shower and shave and contact insert if req. That check ? tks much