Does anyone know what if any are the limitations to converting part or all of my TSP into my Roth IRA? Basically in 2011 I want to max out my TSP while I'm in the 25% tax bracket. In 2012 I'll be deployed the entire year and will have little taxable income (assuming the Bush tax cuts are extended). So in theory I could transfer the $16,500 to my Roth IRA, pay $2,475 in taxes (would be $4,125 if I do nothing so a net gain of $1,650), and be able to contribute more than the current $5,000 limit. If I'm correct than I could also transfer whatever it takes to raise my taxable income to the top of the 15% tax bracket (2010 is $68,000 for married filing jointly) pay the taxes at 15% or $9,362.50 and let it grow. Any thoughts or inputs?