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Everything posted by Extra300Driver

  1. Thanks for the replies. Family concerns were dealt with. I have (2) units saying that it's not an issue, just as long Ive proven such. I worked my tail off for 2.5 years to get my OTS slot.. You can say that I "quit", but I don't feel that way.
  2. I most recently SIE out of OTS due to family concerns. I was selected for an A/D Pilot Slot. I'm not asking any of you what you think of my SIE.. I had my reasons and it was the proper choice. NOW... I believe the ANG offers a better lifestyle for myself and my wife. Would the ANG consider someone with my situation?
  3. For future reference to anyone searching for the answer: My Excessive Refraction Waiver (Hyperopia) was automatically approved by AETC with no followup or extra medical review.
  4. If we wear glasses.. do they have to be specific brand? Or can I get my brand approved by flight doc? Recently bought some prescription Maui Jim Aviators and they were expensive to say the least.
  5. Is it the same for OTS grads? I was under the impression that I perform an initial FC1, goto OTS, then goto MFS.. and thats it till the FC1 expires
  6. I can't assume what the board fancies and frankly I don't even think it matters. Maybe your school matters? I am an Embry-Riddle grad with an aeronautical degree.... But that's because I want to be in aviation (air force or not). All I can tell you is that there are many Riddle grads in the USAF. I don't know what the correlation is.... Nor would I assume it.
  7. Good job bro. I had to take that test this week because they forgot to administer it to me. Pretty simple test... Just checks for double vision potential.
  8. Well maybe anyone can answer the likelihood of getting a refraction waiver ? The waiver guide said that in 2005-2006, only 12% were DQ'd randomly for having an excessive Hyperopic refraction..
  9. FC1 results came back and I guess I need a Refraction Waiver. Cyclo: OD; +3.50-0.75X085 OS; +2.25-0.75X083 Passed OVT, with no degredation in stereopsis. ACS review required. The flight doc told me not to worry because I am below +4 and have regular depth perception. Anyone deal with this? How long does this take? Do these ever get denied? Also.. I overhead a TSgt at Flight Med, saying that I should also get a Red Lense test before they send the packet out.. To me.. that doesnt make sense, because the waiver guideline just says "Pass the OVT".. which I did. Anyone every have to take the Red Lense for their first FC1 ? I know it comes at MFS.
  10. If I fail the vision test with like a 20/25 vision.. if I get a doctors note saying I can see 20/20 and to retest, will they do it? If its within reasonable timeframe?
  11. what happens if I cant make my FC1 date?
  12. Is it possible to schedule the FC1 yourself? I was selected pilot this recent USAF AD Board... dont ask about my recruiter, lol.
  13. I was told by my visual therapist that Glasses do a much better job of correcting astigmatisms and other complex situations other than refraction. Thats all I know.. Contacts didnt work for me.. so I rock the nerd sets. I have a question.. What if I am correctable to 20/20 without cyclopegic, but during the cycloplegic exam.. one of my eyes does not correct to 20/20, but is near correction.. like 20/30.. does this matter.. especially if I can pass a Depth perception exam? I worry about the amblyopia on my right eye that I have progressively been fixing.. its almost there! My central fixation is off by a micro-measure right now and I am working on fixing it. Thanks for all your insight in the past Go_Ducks.
  14. Just thought I would update this thread on my progress and a follow-up question: Since I first started this thread, I began intense visual therapy. As of now: - my peripheral field test is off the charts (very good) - 20/20 in left eye near and far - 20/20 in right eye near, but 20/25 far (corrected) - Binocularity (corrected) is perfect For the next month, we are trying to get that distance on the right eye to 20/20 corrected. Problem is my central fixation is off by a tiny degree. But it originally was much worse. Current Prescription: O.D - +2.00 O.S - +0.75 QUESTION:::: I have to take an initial military entrance physical at MEPS. This is not the FC1, so will they DQ me for not being 20/20 corrected in one of my eyes? I figured since it was only for initial entry that it did not matter? I dont have enough time to fix my gaze in 2 weeks, but I definetley have enough time for the FC1. Thank you in advance for your help!
  15. Does a history of Acid Reflux DQ on the FC1? If the situation is controlled by prescription Nexium? Would this be a long waiver process?
  16. Happy as a clam right now. Go Ducks!
  17. The doc that last tested me was ***********, they are actually a lasik operation, so the dilation drops they used were the strongest available (lasted for 2 days). They warned me that they dont use regular dilation drops.. so I am guessing thats just as strong as the FC1? :o)
  18. Since I have been doing patching and visual therapy, my right eye is improving by the days.. Its amazing. I have no doubt that within 3-4 months, my eye will be back to 20/20. The refraction was my only concern. My depth perception is already perfect.. I already had that tested locally.
  19. What if you are correctable to 20/20 (within refraction limits), pass MEPS.. But then you goto your FC1 Physical, and under Cycloplegic tests, they see your refraction is more than +2. like +2.5, which is beyond limits. Is there some sort of discretion there? Reason is that my eye muscles are juiced up beyond belief, so good, that they make up for one of my eyes being an actual +2.5 in cycloplegic tests.
  20. There is a new procedure for flat-feet where a small titanium bolt is placed in between the ankles. Would this DQ someone through MEPS or FC1 ? https://hyprocure.com/the-hyprocure-solution/
  21. Google "Adult Amblyopia Lasik" and you will see a few good trials/studies where many lasik patients in their mid-20s saw great improvements in their Amblyopic eyes. In regards to RevitalVision.. Its actually sponsored and sold by Dr. Updegraff. And he is pretty famous for his work in Lasik, etc.
  22. I am going through with the Lasik and then doing RevitalVision Software.. which is a new FDA approved visual therapy program. I have 6 months.. and they say patients generally see results in 8-10 weeks. Lets pray this works!
  23. Heres my diagnosis OD - 20/40+1 OS - 20/30 Correction OD - +2.00 20/25- OS - +1.50 20/20- "Frequency 55 aspheric lens" Diagnosis: 367 OU Hyperopia, 368 Amblyopia, 367.2 Astigmatism
  24. Well I was reading that many LASIK patients have seen improved conditions with Amblyopia.. I mean.. It musnt be that bad if my amblyopic eye can almost achieve 20/20 vision with correction. I wasnt born this way. It must have happened in my later years as my left eye decided to takeover. BTW.. im nearsighted (not farsighted). Sorry.. seeing far away in my amblyopic eye is the 20/25.. near vision is fine.
  25. Yes.. my last doc told me I have a very mild case of amblyopia (lazy eye) in my right eye. No matter what they do with the lenses, they cannot get my right eye in 20/20. Do both eyes have to be 20/20 ? My left eye is easily correctable to 20/20, because its my dominant eye. Do you think a patch over my eye for 6 months will help? lol.. thats when my MEPS visit will have to be done before the OTS rated board date.
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