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Crew Dawg

Crew Dawg (2/4)



  1. Is there a point where the value of the IP and retention of technical manufacturing skill for national emergencies makes this worth the outlay, or have we missed any such cost-benefit intersection entirely?
  2. Seems like if there was ever a time to write your representative, now would be it. As best I can tell, both houses have agreed upon common language, but it hasn't been put to a vote. Selfishly, the amendment doesn't seem to be very well written... For people like me who would hit the 2 year "sanctuary" period and then have their ADSC expire later on within that period, a strict reading of this looks like "hit your ADSC under (c)(1), then get separated under (a)(1), and do not continue to retirement, TYFYS." More flimsy argument follows: The "first day of the seventh calendar month" under (a) did at least give the member a built-in six month advance notice as the consequence of an administrative action. Although it is fringe, I can see situations where some people would have much less than 6 months between board announcement, ADSC expiration, and apparent/immediate separation. Curious what others think...if there's merit to these thoughts, I'll probably be typing up a letter tonight.
  3. Copy all! As a late-to-rate guy who spent a lot of his O-4 time playing catch-up and didn't spend a lot of time performing duties commensurate with his rank, I would like to add a deployed LOE to the record as proof that I'm not a POS. The favorable contents of that that LOE were never included in any documents that are meeting my board. Obligatory self-awareness follows: Technically, there is nothing unusual to account for or explain. My supervisors put what they saw fit to put in my records, and that is that. If I don't measure up and I'm not what big blue wants, then tough $h!t. But if I am justified in wanting to advocate for myself appropriately, then I think I shouldn't leave this option on the table.
  4. Bump regarding Letters to the Board. Since this topic was brought up in another thread for purposes of hastening separation, I figured I'd ask the question here for those who are trying to achieve the opposite effect. Internet consensus seems to be that 1) most letters do more harm than good, and 2) you should really ask an O-6 for their opinion before you send something dumb. Any wisdom out there for someone who does not have access to an O-6 in real life?
  5. Thanks for explaining; I'm going to keep this in mind when it comes time to deploy a 6 figure sum.
  6. Genuinely curious...in what ways? I've just been auto-buying a target date fund and ignoring it, plus a few brokered CDs for the hermit hut fund, so I don't have many interactions with the institution/platform.
  7. Do you have office space behind a door with a cipher lock? Put it back there.
  8. Pile-on: What happened to any CZTE additional contributions that were sitting in the Traditional TSP, tagged as "tax-exempt"?
  9. Zeihan's latest He briefly pulls on the Israel-Ukraine-Russia and the Israel-Saudi-US threads.
  10. Not necessarily the Deid, but yes, with rather appalling frequency. Could not believe the BS tours that were (are still?) being handed to multiple brilliant/fresh graduates in a row. All were jobs which could have been gapped or given to schlubs like me. I won't say much more than that.
  11. Thanks again for the perspective, everyone. I think I'm probably most useful as a flier, and damn right, it's what I joined to do, so there's not much sense in pointless thrash if odds will stay 50/50. Better to be a reliable crewdog than the alternative. I'll check back in with results once all this plays out.
  12. BLUF, I assess that my presentation to the board will be as an as an AC with a P, school boxes checked via correspondence, and a pro forma PRF. That said, I will go get an official vector from leadership. Don't want to get into specifics and dox myself, so long story short I'm probably 14 months from IP qual. That won't make it into my record before the board. Won't be eligible for staff next year because I won't meet time on station requirements to be considered for a move. Was also told not to go to staff without making IP because I would end up in MLR with a weak record. Drilling down to root causes here, there were about 6-9 major career/life decisions I made in the last several years which sent me down this path, so the only person I have to blame is me.
  13. https://hiddenforces.io/podcasts/fiscal-dominance-banking-syste-us-deficit-charles-calomiris/ "How the U.S. Government Will Force Banks to Fund the Deficit" This podcast leaves the juicy bits for the premium second hour and I'm not a paying subscriber, so I don't know the specifics, but the propositions in the first hour do track with what's being discussed here. The guest's paper: https://files.stlouisfed.org/files/htdocs/publications/review/2023/06/02/fiscal-dominance-and-the-return-of-zero-interest-bank-reserve-requirements.pdf
  14. Thanks for the information everyone. Your replies constitute more mentorship than I've received in real life over the last four years, which I suppose is telling in and of itself. I'll continue controlling the the stuff I can control, remaining an asset to leadership and the young bucks, and making sure I am prepared for whatever big blue decides to do with me.
  15. @mcbush @StoleIt Been at the current sq/wg for minimal time, so I'll have continuity all the way through boards 1, 2, and the selective continuation board. No skeletons, just a lot of ground left to make up. Not overly concerned with the short term $$, just would like to have the opportunity to retire as an O-5 and leave the door open for O-6 if I decide I want to keep going. Totally understand that is highly aspirational at this point in the game.
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