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SNAP (1/4)



  1. How do you get it for airline? are these outside of DTS?
  2. Got it, signed up just to see what the benefits rates are. Have to use card, limited restaurant options (Pizza Hut, Outback, Applebees kind of restaraunts), but the benefit is only 1%. It just cannot compare to any of the decent credit cards. They may be able to make me use my card for lodging and such, but no way am I going to give up the miles/points for food.
  3. Anyone heard anymore about an FY21 AvB?
  4. Speaking as a very religious person in a very irreverent Air Force, I know there is a time and place for religion. My own beliefs about God and mankind are what justify, to me, bringing a world of hurt on bad people on the ground. However, that is MY belief, and while I would love to share it with people, I only do it when they ASK, not at a mandatory briefing. My 2 Cents. On the other topic about letting people know you are religious, I may not be the best TDY partyer there is, but my buddy on a TDY in Thailand was very grateful I wasn't drunk--did a strategic save to keep him from the clutches of a Ladyboy.
  5. Possibly the best advice I have ever heard about UPT and kids...and if you are lucky the kid can even simulate leaking fuel in the cockpit...
  6. Recently I have been looking at the acquisition issues and learning about my airframe, and I started trying to look into why some planes succeed and others are shortly phased out. Does anyone know some good sources on aviation/plane development that go into comparisons? Specifically I am also trying to tie that information back into larger issues like budget cuts and economy. Figured this was a good place to start looking. thanks for any help.
  7. Yes he was chosen for those good qualities, but in his records before the ball measuring section would be two article 15's, ADAPT counseling, and a host of other issues marking him as a bad candidate for 'leadership'.
  8. And they pointed out quite directly that no pilots were cut in this group, only nav's and non-rated officers. Just curious, how does that, the fact that they didnt push the pilot's out the door, affect everyone's thinking? It appears that the pilots in this group were getting the good deal, so might this not be reason for pilots to feel ok about staying in?
  9. Corpus Christi 1108 drop C-130E Elmendorf MC-130H Kadena C-130J Ramstein AC-130U Hurlburt C-130J Little Rock C-130E Yakota C-130E X2 Little Rock HC-130 Moody EC-130 Davis-Monthan A fantastic drop!!!
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