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Everything posted by Roswell

  1. I tried that line on my wife back when I was forty and she told me I was not wired for 220... Going on married year 37 now and not broke.
  2. They can't cut it now, Chuck Norris says no! https://www.wnd.com/2015/03/save-the-a-10-thunderbolt/
  3. I think if I were Sony I would release The Interview on-line and for free to give the whole world unfettered access...
  4. I am in for Gen 3 but not too optimistic... the Gen 2 watch was pulled from the open market years ago and was only available to rated military aviators through programs like this and at a HUGE discount off the original market price. Since the Gen 3 is a brand new watch a clearly being marketed to the general public and at big bucks, list price is close to $6000. But we can hope they sell it and at a corresponding big discount!
  5. There is a new X-33 model, just released by Omega earlier this year. I would be interested if that was available https://www.ablogtowatch.com/omega-speedmaster-skywalker-x-33-watch/
  6. With the expertise and accuracy of the list I am surprised Walker AFB was not on there...
  7. White girls can twerk, in Russia anyway.... https://vivas.us/twerking-is-an-art-form-these-russian-girls-show-us-how-its-done/
  8. ThreeHoler answered my question thanks
  9. Can someone please snip and post a copy for those on leave/without a CAC reader at home? Thanks much.
  10. Out in private industry this was the cool thing to do something like 15-20 years ago. When we first looked at this in 1996(?) the pitch HR gave us was the someting like 90% of the Fortune 500 were using this process at that time.. We went with it for about 10 years and then it too died on the vine; we are back to a more basic annual evaluation premise using annual goals and performace review now and its no better but no worse either. https://www.forbes.com/sites/ericjackson/2012/08/17/the-7-reasons-why-360-degree-feedback-programs-fail/
  11. This looks like it might be good: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=KniKvVxaM1o&desktop_uri=%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DKniKvVxaM1o
  12. Chimpanzees with Magic 8 BallsTM
  13. A female Nav calls her boyfriend and says, "Please come over here and help me. I have a killer jigsaw puzzle, and I can't figure out how to get started." Her boyfriend asks, "What is it supposed to be when it's finished?" The girl says, "According to the picture on the box, it's a rooster." Her boyfriend decides to go over and help with the puzzle. She lets him in and shows him where she has the puzzle spread all over the table. He studies the pieces for a moment, then looks at the box, then turns to her and says, "First of all, no matter what we do, we're not going to be able to assemble these pieces into anything resembling a rooster." He takes her hand and says, "Second, I want you to relax. Let's have a nice cup of tea, and then," he said with a deep sigh, we will put all the Corn Flakes back in the box,"
  14. I am sure this is one issue that keeps him up at night... https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/chechen-militant-doku-umarov-targets-winter-olympics-in-sochi-8686107.html
  15. Got it! Very nice. Thanks tunes for organizing and staying with this. Great watch at an amazing price, worth the wait.
  16. [ Liberal yes, Democrat no... at least not in public. He has had a very swarmy past with his claimed political party. A Democrat before seeking office, Bloomberg switched his party registration in 2001 to run for Mayor. He then defeated his Democratic opponent in close election held just weeks after September 11th. Bloomberg won a second term in 2005 and then left the Republican Party two years later.He then succesfully campaigned to change the city's term limits law in the wake of the 2008 financial crisis and was elected to his third term in 2009 as an independent candidate on the Republican ballot line... Anything to get elected and stay elected. And he has $27 billion in the bank!
  17. This is 3 miles from my house, story broke when some Facebook postings surfaced right after the party and some parents complained...The best one was a picture of a 16 year old boy sitting in a chair while a hot bikini clad babe was upside in his lap, straddling his face with her legs and with her face between his legs. For a 16 year old that had to get him at attention.... Guess at only 33 herself she is trying to be the cool mom! Also last week here we had the 33 year old public librarian arrested for being caught in the sack with a 15 year old boy. She was pretty good looking too...
  18. this week on the Military channel, a clip about the AC-130Ws flying out of Cannon https://military.discovery.com/tv-shows/combat-tech/videos/ac-130-whiskey.htm
  19. some amount of good news, thanks for the update.
  20. We are closing in on 7 months after order, have we had any updates to delivery date? Thanks.
  21. The kid is at Cannon now but for a comparison he was talking to my parents who were at Walker AFB (Roswell) in the late 1950's, having moved there from New York City... Talk about culture shock. My brother and I were born there and then we transferred to Loring AFB in Caribou, Maine. Another garden spot but with a slightly different climate...
  22. The 2 track approach is used somewhat effectively in the private sector. Not everyone wants or can be the top tier in mgmt and is happy to a guru or SME. In my company we have 2 tracks, the technical track and mgmt track. No longer are you limited in pay and/prestige because you are happy staying in the trneches doing the work that needs to be done; this allows for continuity and deep experience to help the newbies as they enter the field...
  23. Until one day our fearless adventurer went to the club to have a drink, and while there he met a very fair, yet older damsel who offered to buy him a cocktail. The young pilot was flattered and took the drink. The attractive older woman sat down and flirted with our intrepid pilot who politely resisted. After a few more adult beverages the woman said, if you are not interested in me how would you like to try a sportsman's double? Our young pilot innocently asked, what's that? The woman said that's a threesome with a mother and daughter. The pilot quickly asked for the check and drove the kind, older woman to her apartment... And as they the walked in the door the woman yelled, Mom are you still up?! The end?
  24. My dad was an RN in B-52s before heading to Da Nang in the summer of 1969 as a COVEY FAC. Here is a good link to a whole bunch of good flying stories... https://www.covey-fac.com/warstories.htm Including one about my Dad written by his pilot: "Carl Luhrman and I went out one moon lite night to face the tiger.The Laoatian sector we patrolled was tiger as you know. That night seemed quiet and so serene, as we preceeded to delta 87 to be on scene. Arriving there, Carl looked down and spoted lights of trucks that abound. I, half awake looked over his shoulder only to discover, holy shit the AAA was coming up like clover. Asking Carl to open both eyes, only proved we didn't want to be in the sky. Breaking 180 proved the lights were only brighter and weren't moving a bit. So I reversed the break, only proving my mistake. As the basketballs approached, I decided to close my eyes, nothing to do, so it seemed wise to grit my teeth and prepare to die. We were at that point perpendicular to the earth, providing a profile that was as wide as the height of our plane. Well, couldn't stand that either, so open my eyes only to discover 27mm passing by.The tracer lights were visible at our feet, over our head, in front of our eyes. Those missiles encompassed half the plane, only to miss by inches it seemed. They passed by our heads, our feet, in front of the prop and in front of the windsheild over the cowling.The prop was still turning, and we were still there. The fact that we were vertical helped save us that night and so did some angel who looked on at our plight. To this day we are not sure if we still live in the same world or one beyond, but you all keep reminding us that that is wrong. We do still live here, we do not know how, but lady luck was with us and we appreciate her now."
  25. True brotherly love. This is a real candidate for a 2011 Darwin Award.
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