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congressman last won the day on March 2 2021

congressman had the most liked content!

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Crew Dawg

Crew Dawg (2/4)



  1. No Fear Thanks fellas. Fear is really all over politics and its corrosive. Im at total peace. Put the above video out yesterday on Fear to begin that convo on what is driving our politics and what is the next generation learning, besides be crazy=get famous.
  2. https://kstp.com/news/pilot-killed-in-wisconsin-air-national-guard-f-16-crash-identified/5949123/ Godspeed
  3. Inherent right to defend legally positioned troops. By AUMF, UN, and SOFA law
  4. Uh. No. But it doesn’t have the free managers special at the embassy or free Hilton breakfast, so pocket extra money there, buy breakfast at trump with your own money. We both know the rules. Thanks for playing tho
  5. https://www.foxnews.com/opinion/rep-adam-kinzinger-air-force-veteran-trump-turnberry-resort Check out that brilliantly written oped.
  6. Fellas, i have yet to have any contact with him.
  7. Thanks man. Appreciate the input
  8. Does anybody know this guy, email or anything? I am pretty furious reading about this and I want to talk to him, make sure this isn't a part of something bigger, and if not see what I can do. I am just over it...we are fighters but the Social Justice Warriors expect us to be social workers
  9. Ya there are. Just call the units or call out to Meridian they prolly have better SA
  10. Ill tell ya this much, its a great plane/mission
  11. Dude. Good job to the crew
  12. If that's true...wow
  13. Also multiple rounds of sanctions despite the left repeating that "he hasn't implemented the sanctions congress passed" (He has.) But, Obama said "knock it off" to putin once so he wins.
  14. "Hey there Major. I don't care about your morale patch, I mean I'm cool I have even drank a beer before, I'm a bro. But I know the Wing commander does that silly stiff, so may wanna just take it off for a bit. I know I know..." LTC Everyoneever
  15. Roger that and yup
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