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CHQ Pilot

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Everything posted by CHQ Pilot

  1. I'm sure your FSDO will know what they are doing, but make sure they put the Diamond (MU300) type on there. It is listed as two seperate types on a certificate and I was told that unless both are placed on the application it may not show up automatically. That was a few years ago, so maybe the FAA has their act together by now and knows it is all the same.
  2. There is a type rating for the T-44/C-12. I was told that the KA is weight limited for FAA regs so that it would not require a type rating, but the military operates at a high MTOW. I had a guy on my jumpseat that had it listed (BE200), so I'm sure they do or in the past have given type ratings in the KA. I thought your unit would want to send you through T-1s since you get to see all that glass in the J model when you get back! I don't think there is a type for the T-6 since there is not a civil equivalent. I asked someone in the know and they said they contacted the FSDO about it. That's why you don't get a type for the -37 and do in the T-1. [ 08. June 2004, 16:02: Message edited by: CHQ Pilot ]
  3. This is kind of related. I've tried finding some information related to the contact lens program, but I haven't had any luck. I remember awhile ago seeing something about the requirements for flyers and a list of approved contacts at the end, but I haven't been able to find it. I've also heard some conflicting information about how to get on the program. Some people have said that it can be a pain and the they want to know how long you have worn contacts and problems you've had while others have said it is no big deal (especially if you are currently wearing contacts) and you just let them know you want to be put on the program. If anyone had any info, it would be helpful in knowing what I'm going to be up against. [ 18. May 2004, 22:14: Message edited by: CHQ Pilot ]
  4. I wouldn't worry about it too much. I had my FC1 sent back from the SG because a Tech didn't follow the instructions and put some conflicting numbers on my form. I had to go an outside specialist who said I was completely normal and well within the limits. If there was something wrong with the results they probably would have said what exactly was wrong. I'm going out on a limb here, but I would guess someone didn't put the right information down or a required test was not done. In my 48 hours on panic of being DQ'd, I found out it happens quite often that not everything is 100% correct when it gets to the SG. In the end, everything turned our okay and it was approved (even quicker than I thought it would!) [ 31. March 2004, 00:31: Message edited by: CHQ Pilot ]
  5. There are Officer Recruiters, but they are few and far between. From what I have heard the Air Force finally realized they needed recruiters just to handle Officers and made a position specifically for that last October. [ 05 February 2004, 22:54: Message edited by: CHQ Pilot ]
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