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HossHarris last won the day on February 1

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About HossHarris

  • Birthday 01/01/2008

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    The beach

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Gray Beard

Gray Beard (4/4)



  1. Tell us you’re old ….. (I got the reference, fuck I’m old too)
  2. I don’t think they want to privatize what no loss govt employees are (not) doing. i think just just want to get rid of them outright. No replacement. No shift to privatization. Just trim a bunch of useless bodies off the payroll. they want to fix the glitch.
  3. The competent SNCOs are never the ones being a pain in the dick …
  4. Remember, they’re enlisted and you’re an officer. every time they speak to you, task them with some trivial bullshit. Bring me the results of the last dorm inspection? How many CE Tickets are still open on the ops building? How about the dorms? I think the track is a few meters short, go measure it. Get me the names of every crew chief that grew up in Texas. The more tedious and vaguely personnel related the better. they’ll leave you the fuck alone when they realize every interaction comes with homework.
  5. Thanks for the PTSD flashbacks …. I love you, you love me. I love you, you lov/I love you …. (Barney)
  6. It’s wonderful. I’ve done both. it’s like UPT in that you get to make the light bulb come on and that’s deeply rewarding. it’s also like UPT in that after a while it’s like groundhogs day on a 6 month cycle….”here’s what you’re going to fuck up on this ride and how not to” and they still make the exact same errors. but fighters! And other fighter pilots! And highly motivated students! And jalapeño corn! And FNITFJB! And namings! And roll calls! sometimes you’ll get a bit of that atmosphere in a UPT squadron…but very timeline and commander dependent.
  7. Watching / causing the light bulb to go on above some kids cranium is absolutely worth it. Very rewarding.
  8. When all else fails, go talk to tmo and file a claim with base legal office.
  9. Two teenagers …. 19 and 18. those are adults!
  10. (Mr. Krabs Money! Meme)
  11. Unless you buy the pear from me as well
  12. Will you morons just get a room already … for fucks sake
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