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Everything posted by HossHarris

  1. Only the best of the best get hand selected to go groom the next generation in aetc.
  2. If it was glass it would break when I fall down ....
  3. So we're really concerned about the feelings of a cadet now?
  4. What if I told you gay eagle dudes are now gay raptor dudes. (Keanu contemplation image)
  5. Hump dudes evidently.
  6. Shhhhhh. Don't tell anyone. It was once the closest thing to the proverbial flying club I had ever seen. Once.
  7. Yerp. Wave of the future and past. 1.3 of yelling "pew pew pew" and kill removing. And, pound for pound, the greatest consumers of grilled cheese sammiches in the active duty.
  8. Pcs them to black jets. We'll get them good and salty before their bcourse
  9. Me winning isn't. You do.
  10. I just retired at 20yrs and 3 days. If you run the numbers, you either have to get out at your first opportunity, at exactly 20 years, or stay in the af forever. Anywhere in between and you're losing money and opportunity. (Brs may change that calculus .... but doesn't effect me). I've said it before, but I'm nothing special (and many can vouch). I'm a viper guy with almost 3k hours. I've been hired by Sw, delta, and united and invited to interview with FedEx, aa, and a legit aviation mad scientist. And I wasn't trying all that hard. I will have my choice of employers once I wrap up my 4 months of terminal leave. Ymmv...have a plan and a backup plan...and don't undervalue your experience.
  11. That's almost certainly not why he's named shocker. Almost.
  12. Fighter pilot shortage .... 15 years behind and the pipeline is working half days to catch up
  13. Realize you'll make about $150k with middle of the road effort in year 3 at any of the major airlines. So a 60k bonus would be about even with that for a capt/maj with a lot more bullshit. If you have 1500 hours and an ATP you are a hot commodity these days. Dont sell yourself self short or undervalue you experience.
  14. More time for ATIS and TOLD
  15. Irregular hours will be one of the few constants of your flying career.
  16. As I stated several pages ago, like it or not, the af makes a quality cut at track select. There are plenty of exceptions ....
  17. Too hard to get ATIS >and< fly?
  18. Big blue disagrees.
  19. So .... a good shoe?
  20. A bit tongue-in-cheek perhaps, but there is a quality cut at track select.
  21. To devils advocate a bit...the va appraisal is really there to protect YOU. Are you sure you aren't getting screwed by your builder?
  22. Browse afi 34-135 (I think that's the one). It has Sq ft requirements, etc. other notes: -JTR says if you are TDY to base X with no lodging available, and lodging is available on nearby base Y, then lodging is not available. -who's paying your voucher in the end? If it's not the schoolhouse/cc, then stay where you want and take up the reimbursement part later with your gaining/paying unit. Document the deficiencies well* -JTR allows you to self-certify that lodging is not available. Again, this usually requires some discussion with the paying unit...but sounds legit in this case. *-the cc can still give you a lawful order to stay at place X regardless of JTR authorizations and payments. If you disobey you can be "punished" but they can't withhold payment Bottom ljne: do what's right and makes sense for your family, especially with small kids, and worry about the justification/payment later. Worst case money-wise is on-base lodging rate and no perdiem. Budget around that.
  23. Take it out if the lodging managers hands. Talk to your flt/cc then schoolhouse/cc. They should fix this quickly. It's their reason to exist.
  24. Nope. Tell them it's unsuitable and ask for a non-A. Or, self certify that it's unsuitable and stay where you want. There is a lodging afi that may help, also the JTR.
  25. Think of it more as a mortgage with you as the bank rather than "rent to own." It's a seller financed loan. That will help keep your head in the right place. Are they hesistant to buy because of "feelings" or did they their credit get destroyed on the last house? Why are you willing to sacrifice an appreciating asset? If they're dropping hints to your agents, they aren't hesitant to buy...they may just be unable to buy the "regular" way. Why is that...and are YOU willing to shoulder a risk that a bank may not be willing to bear?
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