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Everything posted by HossHarris

  1. Booooooo
  2. Live on base for upt if able
  3. It works like a champ and the attachment doesn't get scrubbed off. Use it all the time to send .xlsm type files and what not.
  4. For fucks sake get a room and the activities between two consenting adults won't be interrupted.
  5. They don't move dependants for itdy's any more. Because they're "indeterminate" and all
  6. And then doesn't get called out or openly mocked and ridiculed.
  7. Sw is hiring dudes without a type .... Fysa
  8. Tell me more of this Nvg endorsement.
  9. And that initial transfer is when the 4 year adsc clock starts ticking. After that, transfers are free.
  10. Transfer it now to get the adsc out of the way. Don't use any of it if you even think you might have kids. Save it for them when college costs $100k/semester.
  11. What's a zj ........
  12. Looks like old Fred is on his last leg. Search twitter for #FredPhelpsLastWords Gold Jerry! Comedy Gold!
  13. Just write the damn thesis paper and be done with it mary
  14. Cripple fight!
  15. You realize that the AF, in their grand wisdom, only keeps the last 12 months or so of your detail flying history electronically. After that, it's a single printout in your harm office. If that joint burns down, or (gasp) some shoe goons it up that granular data is gone ... Forever. Electrons are expensive evidently.
  16. I use logten pro and like it despite not owning a Mac (iphone and iPad only). The downside is that in order to suck in all your sorties, you have to create an excel file. So effectively I have both. Once you have the logten set up and loaded with the prior history it is exceedingly easy to use and keep up to date. Also very easy to draw out specific information you need. Logten goes on sale every once in a while. They may still be running $20 off right now. If not, shoot them an email and see if they'd still honor it.
  17. 1 (Sadly)
  18. (Colbert eating popcorn)
  19. A few tips: -You don't have to convince billeting there that you are right, you have to convince the finance shop paying your voucher that you are right. They are usually more familiar with nuances of the JFTR. -a non-a still solves all the problems, questions, and after the fact legwork. Go back in a week and talk to the lodging manager. Lay out your case and see if you can get that paper. A little effort up front, and the right attitude and demeanor, can save you a shit ton of work and convincing after the fact. -you are plainly in the right...it's just a matter of how much effort you want to put into it.
  20. And dts will let you self certify non-a as well
  21. You checked for availability and there was none. You only have to check once. You can self-certify non-a but most folks will give you the hairy eyeball. Talk to the lodging manager and get him to print you out a non-a. The worker bee at the desk prolly doesn't have the leeway or authority to do it.
  22. And theb convert that traditional to a Roth and bobs your uncle
  23. Yes. Carl's program is Awful. I HIGHLY recommend it
  24. Gents, just finished up with crazy Carl nuzzo at accessible aviation in columbus and wanted to pass along a review for those weighing their options. To their credit, they did squeeze us in despite the rush and backlog and we >DID< receive the training and experience we needed. The accommodations were marginally acceptable. I stayed at his house which is standard. I was upstairs in a detached separate area. There is also a few bedrooms in a townhouse on the other side of town (think college living). The company and organization were atrocious and at times infuriating. Despite a rather large sum of money changing hands, I was never treated as a paying customer, and often treated as a hindrance. The training program was sloppy, disorganized, and never punctual. Maintenance wants drove some training directives (ie "we simulate that in training so we don't wear out that boost pump", "don't actually retract the gear on the stall recovery to save wear on the hydraulic pump","don't turn on the strobes, we don't want to run out of blinker fluid"). They were very concerned that "damn students" would booger up a brand new interior. Training materials and "checklists" were cobbled together and Inconsistent. Execution was maddening as well. In some cases people that walked talked and flew as CFIs were in actuality just a safety observer since those folks didn't actually posses the hours or ticket to be a CFI. Safety observers/CFIs were often on their phones...airborne, mid brief, mid academics, and mid conversation. Nothing happened on time or as planned. There were some other folks that had arrived a few days earlier and updated us on the situation and managed our expectations. With all of that said, however, I >>HIGHLY<< recommend accessible aviation for your ATP. Happy to answer questions.
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