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Everything posted by HossHarris

  1. Who wants in on the "which base will have the first late night gym rape allegations" pool? Maybe we could have roving SARC patrols late at night on base!
  2. It's as corrosive as soap bubbles and water.
  3. Get holloman housing to write you a receipt. I've done it with daily and monthly receipts, as well as a lease and receipts for payments. Then go read the JFTR. It's black and white and in your favor. When you read the JFTR, you'll find you can also be reimbursed for a cleaning lady, phone service, cable tv, etc. so dig up those receipts as well. Add as many legal, authorized expenses as you can until you get to $53 a day, then go talk to the first officer you can find at finance with JFTR in hand. Did I mention you should read the JFTR?
  4. Excellence through attrition is a valid gameplan. You CAN be the best of what's left!
  5. Nice work there Murray.
  6. Which would mean separating prior to 20.
  7. So here's my understanding of things ... And someone with experience please chime in if there's more to add! Past 18 you cannot be kicked out without cause. You cannot be RIF'd, seperated for end-strength numbers, etc. HOWEVER, you can quit ... Either on purpose or unknowingly. Based on the chart of doom from the AFI, if you 3-day opt a 365 you have to set a seperation date that is, at most, 12-months in the future. So if you 3-day opt a 365 at the 18 year point (assuming you have the retainability, TOS wickets, etc to be selected for a 365 in the first place) you are, in effect, unknowingly volunteering to quit at 19 years. If anyone has any actual experience in this situation, please chime in.
  8. Taint none. But it's a good idea to tie them down in windy spots like Vegas and, evidently, Vermont.
  9. Tyndall has old seats. And a/b models, steam gauges, original motors, etc. It's a t38 from the good old days like your grandfather flew.
  10. By the 3-day option rules in the nightmare separations/assignments AFI, if you 3-day opt a 365 you have to set a date of separation that is at most 7-12 months in the future, depending on how far along you are.
  11. All good stuff, but it extensively mentions "reserve commissioned" officers. I was originally a reserve commission officer, but I'm 99.69% sure it became a regular commission when I pinned on major (or maybe captain). Any standard 1 each active duty line officers have recent experience or knowledge with the sanctuary gig?
  12. Gents-- Approaching a decision in a few short years and wanted to get the correct answers without derailing other threads. I've looked through the separations AFI, and the best I can make of that nightmare of tables and notes is 12 months max time from telling big blue no on an assignment or TDY. I keep hearing about sanctuary at 18 yrs. how does it work? What is the reference/source document? (since if it becomes an issue I will undoubtedly have to learn how to do a personnelist's job in intimate detail)
  13. So the bottom line is avoid ECARs?
  14. Everyone I see boarding the plane in flipping floppies, or worse, is a potential speed bump.
  15. It's classic knee-jerk over compensation. Rather than focus on the few bad apples, or illegal sexual assault, or even just inappropriate sexual conduct the management (as demonstrated by recent posts) has WAY overshot and wants to crush anything that is even vaguely related to sexuality at all. Welcome to institutional compulsory über-prudishness everyone. Next few years ought to be awesome.
  16. Am I correct in assuming that you would consider Friday night in the squadron bar "at work"?
  17. One nugget that came out of the Tsgt smith lawsuit (I read it, I have that sort of time), is "amazing horse" on YouTube. Worth the bandwidth. You're welcome.
  18. Dibs on the lifeboat!
  19. Warrior monks. That'll work out great.
  20. Fuck You (That is all)
  21. Wrong. One of the few lasting traditions. That and winning despite the best efforts of REMF shoes.
  22. Give a try sometime. Your boyfriend might enjoy it /Zing! //not that there's anything wrong with that
  23. Well maybe not RIGHT now.... Eh? /inside joke //ha!
  24. For those that wonder where a moral "right and wrong" hierarchy come from WITHOUT a religious underpinning (or dictate), I would suggest taking a freshman level college philosophy course. //Pastifarian
  25. Aaaannnddd we've come full circle.
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