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Everything posted by Square

  1. Possible to either not get pilot wings or to add nav, abm wings? Edit to add: on an individual watch, not necessarily for the whole batch. I'm not a pilot but possibly would be interested in getting in on a group buy.
  2. Thanks man, just the sort of information I was hoping for.
  3. I'm currently in an MBA program (after about seven years active duty and now a dirty Guard guy on the side) and am in the summer internship search process. I got an email today from Pratt and Whitney about their summer internship program, and am going to talk to someone in their HR department hopefully this week to get the what's what on the job. Anyone around here have any experience working with/for/against P&W? Know anyone that has? I'm planning on doing the school alumni database search, but I'd love to get a bro's perspective if there's one out there. Also, bigger picture for anyone who has gone down this road before--I'm not wedded to the idea of staying in aerospace or defense, and in fact was originally thinking to try to stay away from that sector in order to round out my resume some and not get pegged as someone who can't hack it outside the defense field. Any thoughts on that subject?
  4. Thanks guys. zb, I'm doing about the same thing, but instead with some younger folks. I'm going for tying some sort of human element to the service and it's technology. That vid is awesome, and I think it absolutely strikes the right balance and is inspirational at the same time. I just wish it was a higher resolution for when I throw it up on a big screen!
  5. I don't know if anyone remembers this video, but it was a montage of AF clips with a voiceover from the Kennedy "Bear any burden" speech. The link to it's original host on airshowbuzz is broken. Anyone happen to have it saved? Thanks.
  6. It was run just like another PCS move. I did a partial DITY. The only difference was that rather than turning in the paperwork to the local TMO/finance you have to mail it off to McGuire.
  7. Maybe where the rumor in the first post originated? Merging of Guard and Reserve: https://www.defensemedianetwork.com/stories/serious-people-are-looking-at-new-plan-to-merge-air-force-reserve-air-guard/
  8. https://www.michaelyon-online.com/jtac-joint-terminal-attack-controller/Page-1.htm Dude in the last picture of page four is one of the funniest guys you'll ever meet.
  9. I was catching up on some reading this morning and came across these posts. Might be of some interest, including the comments associated with the articles. https://ricks.foreignpolicy.com/posts/2011/04/11/need_budget_cuts_we_probably_can_start_by_shutting_the_air_war_college Response 1: https://ricks.foreignpolicy.com/posts/2011/04/12/gen_kane_s_response_assessing_the_air_war_college_is_a_matter_of_perspective Response 2: https://ricks.foreignpolicy.com/posts/2011/04/14/pentagon_view_the_role_of_the_war_colleges_is_to_teach_military_professionals_0 Response 3: https://ricks.foreignpolicy.com/posts/2011/04/14/a_view_from_canada_on_the_air_war_college_judge_its_graduates_as_practitioners_not_
  10. Action Figure Therapy has finally gotten around to addressing reflective belts:
  11. Has anyone around here recently run up against being DQ'ed for color vision due to the changes in standards? My last flight physical has me DNIF'ed for this, and I'm looking to compare notes with folks knowledgable if at all possible. Gracias.
  12. Square

    Gun Talk

    Hahaha... I'm no Vickers.
  13. Square

    Gun Talk

    M2, Your picture is more or less exactly what I'd want to do with my new rifle. Question for you though as the resident expert... what's your take on optics for the AK-47 platform? Worth it or no? I've done some reading that suggests that getting them to hold a zero is difficult, or just not worth the effort.
  14. Square

    Gun Talk

    Took delivery of a new rifle on Saturday. Saiga 7.62, 16 inch barrel in the "sporter" configuration. This will someday be a real, honest to goodness AK with an opened up mag well, different trigger, and non-sporter stock and grip (along with probably some sort of rail system--this is going to be a tacticool AK)... but in the nearer term I'm moving from NY to MA and don't really feel like dealing with the gun laws so will stay as is. 1000 rounds of Wolf and headed to my mailbox. Looking forward to getting to the range.
  15. Mappleby, I did exactly the same thing you're planning on doing. I start B-school this fall. My reading of the reg, and what I was told (absolutely neither of which should be taken as gospel) was that your date of separation could be NET 6 months, but NLT 12 months from when you hit the submit button under separations in vMPF. It's like a rolling 6 mo window. My ADSC was up last fall, and I was debating staying in or getting out. I called up AFPC re: crosstraining to a different career field (13B -> 13L) but was told it wouldn't happen. I came back that my ADSC was coming up and that I had no intention of staying active duty if I was going to be a 13B for the rest of my career. They told me they couldn't manage the career field by what I (their words) "threatened I was going to do." So that was that. I talked to my commander and had the virtual paperwork submitted within a week. What you're trying to do with your date of separation is a difficult one to manage. When I dropped those papers it was before the application season for b-school had even opened, so I didn't 100% know if I'd be getting in. I more or less picked a date out of a hat within that six month window, taking into account my back up plan of just getting a job. As it is my DOS is this spring, but I don't start school until the fall. Also, due to some stuff at work I'm not taking much terminal leave--I'm getting paid out for a pretty big chunk of untaken leave, which is not ideal. If I had to do it again I would have had my DOS be later and take more terminal leave. Also, if you're using the post 9/11 GI Bill, there are some differences in the benefit if you end up starting school when you're on terminal leave vs already being separated. It didn't apply to me, so I didn't look into it too closely, but if it does for you it's worth checking into. If you have any other questions about the process please let me know, I'm happy to help.
  16. Right, should clarify. The TACP dudes don't have bags to wear, hence the ABUs.
  17. You can check on the portal under AF uniform program. It's one of the links on the left if you scroll down. This whole uniform thing is pretty funny for guys in the ASOS. Bear in mind that I may be a memo behind (they seem to come in periodically) in terms of uniform wear guidance. In garrison: ABU or BDU (or FDU if you gots the wings) In transit to deployment: ABU At the 'Deid: ABU OND: ABU OEF echelon above brigade: ABU, ABSG if going outside the wire, unless Division is wearing the OEF FR ACU (multicam), then you where the OEF FR ACU OEF echelon below brigade: ABSG, unless your unit has gone to the multicam, then you wear multicam. So I guess the historical rundown is this: Army and AF wear BDUs. Army goes to ACU, we keep BDU. We get the ABU, ABU isn't so great, so ASOS guys kinda just wear the ACU instead, since they figure "hey why not and nobody will probably notice." Apparently someone notices and dictates that ASOS pax *will* wear ABU. This makes the TACP guys unhappy since now they're not just going to be the guys with antennas sticking out of their pack, they're also going to be wearing distinctive uniforms when working out and about with the Army. Someone smart figures out that the uniforms we're all wearing don't do so well when exposed to flame, so the Army introduces the Flame Resistance ACU (FRACU). ABUs are still non-flame resistant, so guys wear FRACUs or desert flight suits. Shortly thereafter the the AF pushes out the Airman Battle System-Ground (ABSG) uniform (https://www.afcent.af.mil/news/story.asp?id=123116783). So now the uniform won't burn, but again, its different from ACUs and back to the admittedly non-functional (this isn't a new link, but if you haven't seen it scroll to the bottom: https://www.tigerstripeproducts.com/airforcetiger.htm) ABU "camo" pattern. Sucky, but at least the ABSGs are comfy and have a "combat shirt" to wear under bodyarmor. Someone smart then figures out that the "universal camo pattern" of the ACU/FRACU doesn't work so hot in Afghanistan. So they come up with the OEF FRACU, or multicam. Now, thankfully, the AF has given dispensation to wear this same uniform rather than force guys to continue to wear ABS-Gs mixed in with the troops in multicam. But only in theater. And by in theater I mean on the FOB or COP, at the echelons I outlined above. What this means is we have to deploy with ABUs and green boots solely for wear while in transit/laying over. It's awesome. We got ours issued to us from the Army, including armor and rucks and whatnot. I think that about covers it, but like I said these uniform policies seem to change on a fairly regular basis, and I may be a policy memorandum behind.
  18. Steve Davies is making the big time :-) https://www.af.mil/news/story.asp?id=123239014
  19. Square

    Gun Talk

    N2, I've followed your Mosin collection as you've updated this thread. I take it then this offer from Bud's is not so much a deal as a standard offering in terms of price? I remember a while back we tried to get a Baseops group buy on these rifles, but it fell through. Aside from the carbine vs full sized, any other particulars you yourself find more attractive in one model or another?
  20. Square

    Gun Talk

    Another Mosin-Nagant post... Got an email from Buds this morning. Apparently they're running a promotion on Russian Mosin's. https://www.budsgunshop.com/catalog/product_info.php?products_id=411540201 What say the hoi polloi? I know these kinds of deals pop up periodically, but I've done just enough research on the Mosin's to know that it's takes more than the amount of research I've done to really know what's what. I'm not looking for this to be a collector piece, more just something to take to the range periodically that's a little more interesting than plinking with the .22, but still won't break the bank. Cheers, Square
  21. Relatively well done vid: https://www.facebook.com/video/video.php?v=164991193528403
  22. As in Fox Sports. The bar has a bunch of flatscreens and whatnot tuned to different sports channels.
  23. Was through there about ten days ago. More of the same. New bar is open, funded by Fox (except for the booze). It's a pretty nice setup. Other than that, I had no interaction with the locals so can't speak to the current SHOECON. All in all a pretty painless couple days.
  24. Thanks much. I'm some ways away from any kind of retirement at all, but in trying to figure out whether to jump ship to the guard side of the house this is the sort of thing to think about.
  25. Second old thread I've resurrected in the last few days. I'm looking at an ART position... I get the difference between ART/AGR/Traditional. I know ART has the duel civil/military retirement, but I know in some fed jobs its possible to buy military time towards a civil retirement. Does anyone ever do that as a technician?
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