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Everything posted by mmkk111

  1. It all depends on how the manning is and what squadron you're in (38/343RS vs 45RS). Right now as a new co you can expect at least two trips to the promise land when you first show up to the squadron (usually back to back). However, we'll be going back to 90-dayers here real soon (we're doing 60's right now), so when that starts you can expect at least one trip a year to the sandbox, and a good deal trip here and there. When I first showed up I did about 230 days in 11 months! Some guys may only be gone for 140-180 days in a year...it just depends. Your deployment cycle is pretty stable for the 38/343RS squadrons in terms of knowing when and for how long you'll be gone. The 45th guys operate a little differently and I can't speak much towards them since I'm not over there. As far as upgrades go for pilots, you can expect about 1.5 to 2 years in the right seat before you move over to the left seat. That’s about the average right now. Some people take more time, some a little less. You’ll get a lot of AR time in the right seat, which is pretty nice for a new CP. Family life is rather good in this community. There are a bunch of great folks throughout the squadrons and the local area is not too bad (except the winters can suck, unless you like that kind of thing). If you want some more specifics shoot me a pm...
  2. mmkk111

    Gun Talk

    Another happy USP .40 owner. I love it. I’ve put tons of rounds down range without a hiccup. I've also fired a Beretta and Sig in .40, and both were great hand-canons. I prefer my H&K because it fits my hands better. As mentioned, just go shoot them all if you can and decide from there. Can’t go wrong with any of them, it really comes down to personal preference and comfort. M
  3. Hey now....., let's see you do that on your vespa......!
  4. Another MXer here. I don't have much time on the street. I've been riding/racing motocross since I was about 6 years old. This is my baby right now...05 YZ-250. I think I'm going to upgrade to a YZF-450 in 08 (if I can get that by the wife!). On a side note, any MX/trail riding guys at Offutt? I'm looking for somebody to ride with when the snow melts. MK
  5. You just don't get as many rides. The Navy looks at training differently. They do basic stuff for everybody, and if you make it to jets, than they'll teach you the other stuff. Don't forget, the majority of their pilots are helo bubba’s. Talking to my AF buds that flew tweets/T-6's, it just sounded like the AF phase was better than the Navy's form rides. Don’t get me wrong, it was still a blast, just not as much time was dedicated to it.
  6. Ditto to all of the above. It's a fun time. I don't think I ever did a pubs check the entire 10 months I was there. That's the Navy though.... just go fly and have the jet back for the next guy in line. The formation phase did suck compared to the AF, but I feel the instrument phase was better. It doesn’t really matter in the end. When you get to T-1’s, 38’s, etc, it’ll all balance out at some point. [ 21. December 2006, 19:27: Message edited by: mmkk111 ]
  7. I would have kept racing motocross & supercross and gotten my pro-license.
  8. Check over at www.airwarriors.com. They should have the info you're looking for. 290,000-325,000 lbs! That's just plain ludicrous [ 06. September 2006, 16:34: Message edited by: mmkk111 ]
  9. It's been a while since I flew the turbo-weenie, but that sounds about right. Is that gouge, or out of the NATOPS? The C-21 burns about 1700-1800 lbs/hr on average.
  10. I've only been an AC in the C-21 for a couple months....what will they do with a guy like me? I won't get my IP ticket since we're closing and I've only got a year in the Lear. I know nothing…..but I can shoot a sweet VMC coupled ILS into ATL MK
  11. My info is a few weeks old. MK
  12. I can handle gear up, yes sir, stuff! I'm heading over to the RC next month. My C-21 squadron is getting shut down @ Wright-Patt, so I'm on to the real world now. Talking with some buds at Offutt now, they are doing 90 dayers in the RJ about once a year or so (a little over a 100 days by time you get home). They will be to the Deid mostly. The 45th guys are on the hook to deploy for a period of time (in which you may or may not go anywhere), and they go to much nicer places. (to include Hawaii, Japan, Alaska, Diego, etc...). Then you're off the hook for a while. MK [ 01. September 2006, 12:02: Message edited by: mmkk111 ]
  13. I did give C-21 pilot the reference just to give him shit, since I've known him from when he was stationed back at Offutt. Speaking of Offutt, hey Nate, I got my RC and I'm out of here in September! Of course that's after SV-83 ! I'm pretty stoked since it was my number one pick and three other dudes in my squadron wanted them as well (we ended up with two). [sorry for the thread hijack] Bendy- When I was at Whiting in the T-34, those mx guys would have us feather the prop, come up to the plane and beat the living hell out of whatever was broken, then spray their "mystery oil" on it and we were off. Ahhh the Navy....those were good times! MK
  14. Bendy- One big difference in the -21 is that mx can't plug in, so if we have an issue, we've got to shut down the left side and open the door to talk to them. So most of the time you'll just shutdown and wait for them to fix the problem. You'll be standing there with your thumb up your anus, so just take a peek when there done and if everything is good to go, we press on. Do I re-do the checklist, not really. Now, in the bigger stuff, I totally agree, let them do their work and get on with your day. I only brought that up because I came across it during my upgrade and figured it might relate since the T-6 is such a small bird. MK
  15. I found this straight out of the TO 1C-21A-1 (I'm getting ready for my AC upgrade check ride, and found it in section 2!): NOTE If maintenance has opened panels, cowls, or tailcone access door to perform maintenance after crew has accomplished the EXTERIOR INSPECTION checklist, a pilot will reaccomplish EXTERIOR INSPECTION items pertaining to the location affected by the maintenance. Maintenance actions to aircraft systems or avionics require the reaccomplishment of the full BATTERY START or GPU BEFORE STARTING ENGINES checklist, as applicable. This is required due to the close proximity and interrelated nature of many aircraft systems that may be inadvertently affected by maintenance action on another system. Nate, that's out of section 2, p.2-16 after the battery start checklist. I'm not sure if that's the norm in all jets, but I stumbled across it in my dash-1? MK
  16. Dude, Enjoy your time off, relax, and just go to whiting. I was a whiting guy, and it was awesome down there. The training is different, but the flying is fun with the squids. You'll have a good time down there. As for getting an opportunity to get the T-38, if you’re a good student/pilot, it doesn't matter where you go for training, you'll most likely get a T-38. Granted, timing can screw you sometimes, but if you’re good, you’re good. Whiting was last on my list as well, and looking back, that was the best part of UPT for me. Just my 2 cents..... MK Hydro - my thoughts exactly..... [ 12. June 2006, 18:25: Message edited by: mmkk111 ]
  17. And don't get me started on the pax terminal :rolleyes:
  18. OKC? I know that ADW is closing down for a few days. I believe they are "deploying" over to IAD until they reopen. At least that's the last I've heard. That's a good five days I won't have to sit around on 9-row waiting for trans to take me to base ops! MK Oh yeah, C-21's were my first pick too. [ 12. May 2006, 20:47: Message edited by: mmkk111 ]
  19. Aaron, Check your work e-mail, the pictures are attached MK
  20. gtyj98- We're on the flip side. Apparently the AMC vice CC has seen paperwork saying we're shutting down, yet nobody will say, “yes we're shutting down” (we got this info from "other" high ranking individuals!). This sucks for a few guys because they would like to put their houses up on the market, but how can you when you have no time frame to go off of. Good to hear your drops went well, I hope we fair the same! MK
  21. Nate- That's just it. Everybody is telling us we're shutting down, but nobody wants to tell us just how everything is going to work out. I have absolutely no idea how they are going to work the assignments out. All we know is that we will be closing around September. If I had to guess, I would think they would move the older guys out and then keep working towards the younger guys like myself. At least that way they could slowly move us out and hopefully not overload the system all at once. What I also don't know is how we fall into the system with the UPTers, FAIP's, and the other OSA guys. They'll have to keep their assignments going, but with 40+ pilots getting thrown into the pot out of cycle, where do they get the planes from? All I can think of is we'll be sitting around for a while waiting for training slots to open up a little at a time. Anybody have any experience with a squadron shutdown like this? Bergman- I can see it! Cheers, MK
  22. LJ- Yep, Wacky is gunning for the osprey. Cowboy- How many guys/gals are getting reassigned over there? Do you know if anybody put RC's as their number one? I'm trying to figure out what my chances of snagging one of those ugly beasts are! MK [ 10. April 2006, 22:25: Message edited by: mmkk111 ]
  23. When JOSAC told me that Monday morning, I kind of chuckled a little bit.
  24. C-21, Wacky filled you in. On a side note, I overheard someone saying Keesler may stay open? It was fun while it lasted! P.S. Wacky, I saw your wish list today, good luck on the Osprey! I just want an RC dammit, but so do 4 other guys! We shall see what happens??? AFPC is either going to IMPLODE or we'll all get E-8's!
  25. 2100 hours in the 21! Is that a record? :eek: We've got a dude with 1600ish and I thought that was a lot. Good job Nate. Scott is staying open and the schoolhouse will move from Keesler to Scott. MK [ 02. April 2006, 12:10: Message edited by: mmkk111 ]
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