I apologize in advance for the lengthy post, but I hope I can answer a few of your questions, anyone else please chime in. Most Guard units have one hiring board for pilots per year. Reserve units have flying boards in March and September, and your application package is sent before a central board to determine if you are qualified (i.e., a given unit may put your name up and sponsor you for consideration, but if you aren't qualified compared to the others being evaluatd, your unit may be told to select someone from the list who is qualified but not sponsored by another unit or resubmit your application at the next board. Other than that, the hiring and recruiting process is very similar. After being selected, AFRC goes to USAF OTS (12 weeks) at Maxwell AFB and ANG goes to Academy of Military Science (6 weeks) in Knoxville, TN. Then its off to UPT with all of your active duty counterparts, and the rest is history. As far as activation goes, that is pretty unit specific, depending on mission capabilities. Most units, both AFRC and ANG will rotate crews in and out of the AOR (battlefield) to keep TDY days manageable for civlian employers (i.e., 2 units will each send 2 aircraft to the AOR and rotate 4 crews per month for the duration of the deployment). Most of the heavies, herks, and tankers have no trouble keeping their crews fed and paid.