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Everything posted by joshrk22

  1. It'd be as a student. Thanks for the info guys. It sounds like it's better just to go alone. Our thoughts were have the GF go with me and get a furnished place, then put all of our stuff in a rental and pocket the BAH. My orders list being there for 3.5 months due to the holidays.
  2. Heading to Sheppard in a few months for IFF; what's the policy on living off-base? I currently live off-base now with the GF and we were planning on her heading up there and getting rid of the apartment. I've heard mixed things about this being possible. Anyone know what the deal is?
  3. Did you guys log anything from the sims while in UPT (UTDs, IFTs, OFTs)? I haven't gotten into the FARs lately, so I'm not sure if it's worth it.
  4. I ended up calling the ops desk earlier today and they sent me back to recruiting. I left a message with recruiting and I'm still waiting to hear back.
  5. Just spoke with a recruiter to get some info on the next board. I asked if they allow visitors and she told me "no". I'm reading on here that they don't mind, so does anyone know for sure or can put me in contact with someone from the unit?
  6. When I was looking at studying the Arabic language, I also checked out some schools to study abroad at. Granted some countries are hell holes, but yes there are quite a few that are amazing places. I was actually looking at Jordan, UAE, and Saudi Arabia. I'm not going to be going AD AF so I don't know how much use the Guard/Reserves will get out of my language skills. I'm going to hopefully be working for a computer company (compsci major) so I'm not sure if the Arabic language would help much. Does anyone know if different government agencies want their computer guys to have a foreign language? Do you feel that 2-3 years of college instruction in a tough language will teach you a lot? I took Spanish for 3-4 years and I'm still not close to fluent.
  7. Thanks for the reply Kikuchiyo! Guess I'll just focus on Engineering and getting the best grades possible now and hopefully pick up a foreign language later on down the road.
  8. Thanks man. I was just thinking that Arabic is a very tough language and am I really gonna' be very fluent after 2-3 years. I figured I'd take a Psych class so I can get a fair share of attractive women in one of my classes.. Plus it's a guaranteed A and I don't have to get up as early..
  9. *THREAD REVIVAL* Do Guard units like to see a pilot candidate that can speak a foreign language? Does it help with selection on a board? The reason I ask is because I've decided to start taking Arabic to make myself look more profitable to the Guard and businesses in the civilian world. The thing is, I'm majoring in Computer Science, so I don't want to to dick myself over and get a bad GPA when I could've taken Women Studies and had an easy A. Also, I'm gonna' be working about 20+ hours a week and I'm sitting at 17 credits with this Arabic class. Basically, would it beneficial to just stick it out and learn the language? We're talking about Guard/Reserves, not AD.
  10. What about flight sims? And when you say controls inverted do you mean push stick down, scope/cursor goes up, and vice-versa?
  11. I've read the plethora of information on this board about the TBAS but I have not come across this yet. I am entering my sophomore year, and I'm wondering if this is too early to take the TBAS. I'm doing the Guard/Reserve route and want to get a jump on this as early as possible. I've started calling units and most of them have told me to take the TBAS to get my PCSM and then we'll talk. I took the AFOQT already and scored a 99 on the pilot portion. I don't want to get screwed over if they phase out the TBAS in the next few years and lose my PCSM just like the guys that took the BAT did. I feel if I get it done now it's something I won't have to worry about. Some units will accept packages if you have 90 credit hours and I should hit that mid way through junior year I think.
  12. How about the best team in the Big 10 and NCAA overall.. 11 National Titles 42 Conference Titles 3 Heisman Winners Most Wins & Highest Winning Percentage Most undefeated seasons in D1 football Not too mention the many attendance records.. Not to brag or anything.. The University of Michigan ladies and gentlemen
  13. So while I was reading about the FACT a couple days ago I came across this workout that this fighter pilot came up with that he uses to stay in shape. It was a pretty intense workout to say the least. So I began to wonder, when it comes to fighters or dealing with high g-forces period, who seems to do the best? The guys with pure muscle or your skinny sticks that can run for miles? Seems that the guys with more muscle would do a lot better because they have the muscle to force blood back into the brain. Lookin' at some old WWII pics, I noticed that most of the best sticks were shorter, built guys. Maybe it has something to do with that there is less distance that blood has to travel so they are less likely to GLOC.
  14. joshrk22

    Gun Talk

    Awesome! I'll see if I can make it up to a gun show sometime in the coming months. I was looking at Taurus models also, and they looked like nice guns but were a little expensive. Like I said, I'm just looking to punch holes in paper right now, so it's probably best to stick with the 9mm for now. Thanks
  15. joshrk22

    Gun Talk

    Less than 350-400; yah, I know it's gonna' be tough to find a decent one for that, but I was going to use some of my graduation money on it. Maybe I should just hold off until I can afford something nicer. It's kind of like buying a headset. You want something that is going to last for you for a very long time. It'd just be nice to pull out a pistol every once in awhile instead of shooting the 'ole shotguns every time.
  16. joshrk22

    Gun Talk

    What's a good 9mm to get started out on? I read the earlier posts about the .40, but I think this is just too much for what I need. I don't really think I need all that power. For right now I just want to use it for target practice until I'm old enough for a CCW. I also don't want a POS, but I need something that's affordable.
  17. The first time I went on it, it only worked for about 6 months until football season started and then all hell broke loose. This is now my 2nd time on it and I have all of the same side effects that you had (had them the first time too); little bit of hair loss, blurred vision, and yes everything has dried out. Where did you find this program at that really works? I've tried everything with no luck.
  18. Point taken. I'll get it checked out.
  19. Woke up this morning and my eyes are fine. I think after a whole day of staring at schoolwork, a computer screen, and lack of sleep (5 hours a night) my eyes are just fatigued. I'll keep an eye on it and see how it goes. Next time I'm in to see an optometrist, I'll ask him about it. Thanks guys
  20. Well my first trial of it was almost 8 months long, and I guess you're only supposed to go on it for a maximum of 6 months at a time. I've also had sore joints but that is to be expected. I have a feeling it's going to ruin my track season and the chance at running for Michigan next year. DODMERB really didn't have a problem with it as long as I'm off it before I show up for USAFA or AFROTC later this year. I haven't had any mental health issues so that poses no concern. I'm just worried about my eyes. I've been going to get blood work done and my dermatologist says that it's turning out fine.
  21. Just started (few months ago actually) my second round of Accutane, also known as Isotrentin, and I was wondering if anyone else here has used the drug before. I went on the med about a year and half ago for my acne. Towards the end of the first treatment I was on 120 mg (almost double what was recommended for my weight) and I started to notice my vision beginning to blur. When I went in to get my vision checked for DODMERB my vision had decreased from 20/15 to 20/25. I'm now in the third month and I'm already beginning to see that my vision is blurry and my eyes are extremely watery (apparently they should be dry). I'm just wondering if I should keep pushing through and finish my six month treatment or stop the drug altogether. I'd hate to see my vision decrease to the point that I'm ineligible to fly. I did some research and some of the side effects of Accutane are floaters in the eyes and myopia (nearsightedness). What do you guys think?
  22. Distance versus speed; are you looking to be able to run long distances or sprints? The way you train for distance running is a lot different than you do for speed. If you are looking to run distance and you have a track available then alternate what you do each day. For example, Monday run 2-3 miles. On Tuesday, head to the track and run 400's or 800's empasizing speed. The next day, run 2-3 miles again. Thursday do some more speed work such as ladders (400, 600, 800, 800, 600, 400). Then rest for the next 2-3 days and do it all again the next week (increasing your milage and decreasing your times). I'm not a long distance runner, but I did stay... I keed, I keed, but I do run sprints and jumps. This is just some of the stuff our long distance guys do, except they are running 30-60 miles a week.
  23. Do you think how fast you learned to fly a small GA plane relates to UPT? Personally I would say "don't worry about it" because every instructor is different and your instructor may have had a different way of doing things. Then again I've never been to UPT so I don't know for sure. For me I finished my license in about 45 hours flying both 172's and 182's. This was over the course of a year and a half, though. My instructor was pretty impressed that I was able to do it that quick when it took that long. I told him it's all those years of flight sim (apparently they do help), working my ass off before every lesson (coming prepared), and being young and very coordinated (actually that's what he said). I'm sure you'll do fine, and good luck!
  24. Thanks for the advice guys.
  25. Thanks guys. I'm not trying to increase my chances of becoming a pilot by playing a college sport, it was just something that I was curious about. I'm actually going to try and do a college sport (track - high jump) for a D1 or D2 school, but I'm not sure how busy I'm going to be. I guess it's going to depend on how long practices are, how many times a week ROTC meets, and if I can handle my degree at the same time. Anybody familiar with the flying program at SIU? I'm trying to get a track/academic scholarship to go there. If I do get a scholarship I want to do the flight program. I've heard some bad things and some good things about it.
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