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Right Seat Driver

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Everything posted by Right Seat Driver

  1. Yup, nothing like landing after a sortie only to find an e-mail saying that you need to immediately fill out your tanker tracker. Took off after a 2+00 receiver delay and came back to two e-mails telling me to fill out the tracker.
  2. Yes. https://www.jbsa.af.mil/news/story.asp?id=123310712
  3. The crew forgot to ask so the bean counters put them in timeout.
  4. It is as easy as throwing in the nav station.
  5. Where did you hear they had to power down all of the electronics?
  6. If only the Air Force bought them before Boeing shut down the 707 line in the early 90s...
  7. It depends. Some great stories took place at 0 knots GS and 0 AGL. EDIT: Buffoonery
  8. Being at LTS has spoiled you. I cannot count the amount of time I step to a jet and ask the Crew Chief about an issue and they look at me like I am crazy. It isn't their fault, they just happened to show up 30 minutes prior to me, but I wish the Mx dudes had the knowledge on issues with the jet instead of having to call their bro to ask a question that just left after a 12 hour shift. I picked up an LTS jet last summer for a tail swap, and the Crew Chief had worked that same tail as a young Airman when it was an A-model. A fvcking A-model! It was a humbling experience and it made me wish that AD Mx had at least some semblance of continuity with tails. Hell a DCC program would solve a number of issues but AMC seems against the idea with the exception of the WG/CC's jet, and even then the DCC never touches the damn thing.
  9. BBC podcast on the America's military might, with a huge emphasis on the US Air Force. While the podcast doesn't speak exclusively to the F-35, there is still a big piece devoted to it. While not F-35 specific, the comparison to the size of the RAF and the Saudi Royal Air Force made me think about the military procurement process. It is nearly 40 minutes long, but it was extremely interesting. https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b05qgd0n Edited for general link buffoonery.
  10. Just released on af.mil https://www.af.mil/News/ArticleDisplay/tabid/223/Article/584974/af-announces-kc-46a-candidate-bases.aspx
  11. deaddebate, Thanks for posting this. I do not have a lot of faith in the KC-46 timeline. I saw this at McConnell when talk starting of shifting sims, closing squadron(s), tearing down hangars and alert facilities, and contracting out the MILCON for the new jet. Sure, the jet looks like a cobbled together 767, but that is where the similarities stop. The KC-46 is an entirely different jet, and I am the masses seem somewhat caught off guard with the delays.
  12. Well, I've been to one world fair, a picnic, and a rodeo, and that's the stupidest thing I've ever seen done to a litho.
  13. Know three guys like this. Two are still AD, one said "Thanks, but I'll go to the Reserves." There is always a chance. All three of them were good bros.
  14. 2020ish. I would expect to still PCS. https://www.usafe.af.mil/news/story.asp?id=123435798
  15. Don't tell that to CapSoftSandy. Heard he was about to drop the AFTTP 3-3.C-172.
  16. One of the best docs I have seen in the AF was an O-6 that did emergency back surgery for one of the tanker pilots from the deployed unit downrange.
  17. Logistics is a part of it, for sure. I think the USAF is going to avoid contract Mx and stick with blue suiters (RUMINT only).
  18. The -46 is a whole different beast. Also, the AF mandated the base airframe had to get FAA cert'd before modifying the jet.
  19. Assumptions check. The newest BUFF will be at least 77 years old when they are expected to retire in 2040ish.
  20. There are going to be significant systems differences between the 767/KC-767 and the KC-46, particularly with the avionics. The Air Force is getting more than a tanker/airlifter with the KC-46. Still, Boeing should have foreseen some of these issues. Hell, if they can put a cappuccino machine on the jet, why can't they add a few extra wiring bundles?
  21. Best work-around is look at 2's tail number after the rejoin, and just change a digit or two for lead, 3, and 4. Never have to burn a radio call. I can't promise every tanker dude does that, though.
  22. This is an issue across all branches of the Armed Forces.
  23. My Duty and Primary AFSCs were 11M cores my entire career until I was notified of my selection to meet the last RIF board. One week later my Duty and Primary AFSC was 12M. It took a month to get it fixed.
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