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usaf36031 last won the day on December 31 2010

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  1. It seems unlikely to me that we'll see any RIF'ing from the "blacked out" AFSC fields. The AF wants very badly for people to leave voluntarily so they don't have to non-vol people who want to stay. If they're saying that an entire AFSC is ineligible then I don't see them allowing fighter, rescue, or RPA dudes out. Voluntary or otherwise.
  2. Damn. A toast to our fallen brother. Prayers for his family.
  3. It seems like any possible platform will have strengths and weaknesses. If your survivor is 500 miles away and in the open desert, then sure, send in the Ospreys. If he's in the ocean at night, needs to be hoisted, or is in a small LZ....Maybe not.
  4. The V-22 is an absolutely horrible choice for the PR mission. For a number a reasons that I'm sure most of you are already aware of.
  5. Really glad they're all alive. Those things scare the shit out of me.
  6. When I went through Rucker there were two former fixed wing O-4 types (A-10s) who were integrated with our classes. They had been picked up to fly 60's for guard and reserve units. Not sure how the transition would work on the active side.
  7. I was surfing wikipedia and came across this picture. Is this her!? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:US_Navy_070919-N-5319A-008_Two_Sailors_shows_off_the_prototype_uniform_for_service_dress_khaki,_a_throwback_to_the_traditional_WWII_style_uniform.jpg
  8. Though we're wearing them downrange, there still isn't (as far as I know) any published wear guidance. I think we made it up. EDIT: The convention was tan undershirt, tan web belt, tan boots, brown name strips, black or brown rank (depending on the color of your insignia). E's wore brown chevrons. American flag on left sleeve, squadron patch on right...oh, and lots of morale patches. (because show me in the reg where it says they aren't authorized on my two piece flight suit)
  9. Before... After... Cocaine's a helluva drug!
  10. After watching that video again, I want to find that fat piece of shit and kick him in the throat
  11. Cut it all. If I can get one more bag of gas out of the deal it was worth it.
  12. We heard the chatter coming over satcom on Tuesday night. We were hoping it wasn't anything too serious. Here's a toast...
  13. Balls. I should have known...I'll go sit in my corner now.
  14. This rant may have been posted on here, but I haven't seen it yet, and It's too great to not share. Sorry if it's a repost. Rumor is that it showed up at some chow hall a while back... image2011-06-26-051122.pdf
  15. '2' P.S. PM sent Busdriver
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