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Everything posted by usaf36031

  1. IF the flight Doc sounded like he was cool with it, then I'd be reassured. Not being a doctor myself, I can't say for sure. But I always thought that the pressure of scuba diving was very similar to the pressure equalization required during high altitude flight/altitude chamber quals. GOOD LUCK!
  2. SO I just got back from the Mil Sci building and signed my form 35. It says on there that any more than 5 civil involements in an 18 month period require a waiver, and then makes you initial some threatening paragraph that says "you'll be watched carefully" and then the NCOs made fun of me a little bit, and then I went on my way. No big deal. -J
  3. So, how much danger do speeding tickets actually put you in? What's the danger limit? 4, 5, 15? Has anybody on here actually seen somebody be disenrolled for speeding tickets?
  4. Actually, when I typed parking I meant speeding. I have 4 SPEEDING tickets, and an expired vehicle inspection ticket. Don't know why I typed parking.
  5. That's what theyt told me at Ellsworth a few years back...unless you were a badass CTA, who got the distinguished Golf Cart.
  6. I had 3 parking tickets the summer of my sophomore year. I had 1 during my Junior year and one during my senior year. I'm now 7 months from commissioning and just got a citation for a week expired vehicle inspection sticker for christ's sake! I already told the PAS who didn't seem too concerned, I already have my pilot slot. I'm just hoping that this isn't the straw the breaks the camel's back.
  7. It all depends.I don't think talking about it helps one way or the other, necessarily. But it can definitely do harm. Case in point...Girl in my flight talked ALL THE TIME about how she was the Wing Commander at her det and was "expected" to get DG. She got bottom third. I kept my mouth shut, helped others who needed it and knew my sh*t. I got DG. Just keep your head screwed on tight and don't be a douche. my .02
  8. Hey, I'm curious about S.E.R.E. training for pilots. I understand that some of what goes on is classified, but if anyone has any basic info ie. who goes, when, for how long, what happens. I'd appreciate it.
  9. Howdy, I just got back from Brooks for my class I phys and everything seems to have gone well, but I do have one concern that I was hoping one of the flight docs could answer. I've always been thin but very healthy and active. I'm 5' 8" and a half and I weighed in at 124 lbs. (I blame it partly on the empty stomach ;) Which is under the minimum on the weight chart for the AF PFT tests that I take at my Det. Up until then i've always passed weight, but it's been close. When I left brooks the flight surgeon seemed optomistic and told me everything looked good. He made a joking crack about me not "bustin my weight anytime soon" and then proceeded to ask if I run a lot, he didn't seem concerned about it. I guess my question is, is AETC going to get my results and DQ me for weight or can a flight surgeons examination for my Class I at Brooks and assessment of me and healthy pass me? If the worst happens, I assume this is waiverable? I've since put on around 4 lbs and could probably pass today if I had to. Thanks.
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