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Everything posted by usaf36031

  1. Does anybody know off the top of their head how heavily the phase I academics are weighted toward mass score? ie. if somebody doesn't do well on a Weather test for example (i'm just saying, you know hypothetically) how badly would this hurt them?
  2. Surprised nobody has posted yet. Well, i'm sure somebody in the class can correct me if I'm wrong. From what I remember. XL 09-08 Track 3x AD and 1x Guard T-38 2x AD UH-1s 4x(?) AD T-44s 11x? T-1s
  3. I grew up in Austin. Definitely recommend 6th street and DEFINITELY recommend the cover story. Haji killer won't get you too far with most of the ladies in A-town. I'd stick with tree doctor. Or maybe Obama's distant cousin. That'd work for sure.
  4. I hear your argument man, I just can't justify to myself the idea that the bag is some sort of trophy earned through hard work. It's a uniform, a utility uniform at that. There are lots of members of the military who work hard. By your logic, we should let all Navy Seals wear pajamas to work every day. They've earned it. EDIT: in the end it doesn't really matter. There are a lot more important things to worry about than who wears their bag and why. But hey, what are internet forums for if not for bitching about stuff you would never get caught dead griping about in person. to each his own
  5. Coming on a Tuesday to an MPF near you... I expect it. That way it doesn't sting as bad when I see it.
  6. F'ing hilarious. The gayest of the gay. All of the stupid bullshit that big blue has to offer and none of the perks! Gotta love ROTC.
  7. I've always found it interesting how the rank hierarchy is adjusted for training purposes. It's always fun to watch those BUDs training shows on the military channel where the O-3s get their shit wrecked by all of the instructors who are chief petty officers "Dammit!, Why are you such a worthless douchbag!?!...sir?"
  8. That's right, now that I think about it they were the gold metal wings. I always thought the metal insignia (rank and otherwise) looked better pinned on utilities than sewn. But sewn is just so much easier.
  9. I dunno, it looks more like "back up bitch" to me...
  10. I would say that the argument could be made that anybody who might fly during the day, could be authorized a bag. As a blanket policy it would be easier to just allow all flyers in an ops squadron the bag as a duty uniform. I also think your comment about your blues just reinforces the point that the Schwartz is trying to make. Again, I HATE wearing blues. But if it's going to be a duty uniform for ANYONE, there needs to be good reason for some people to be immune. Entitlement just doesn't do it for me.
  11. No, I've never had a staff job. And I know it sucks to wear blues. But are you saying that as a rated pilot you're "entitled" to a bag in an office setting with no chance of flying and somebody who isn't a pilot is not? I'm talking about practical, functionality of the uniform. It doesn't make sense to make airman snuffy who works at the MPF wear blues while Major General Magee over at the Pentagon sits at his desk in a bag. For what it's worth, I'd be ok with doing away with blues and only having bags and ABUs...but that's off the table for now.
  12. Your F'ing reflective belt! Oh, I also always enjoyed the regulation "Blackberry holster". Maybe a "Above All" Fanny pack?
  13. How do the other services handle the bag wearing issue? My understanding was that it wasn't really a problem for them, and that it is well understood among those services that the only people who would be wearing a bag would be those who stand a reasonable chance of being put on the flying schedule that day, is this not the case? I've seen lots of marine aviators in digies with wings sewn on.
  14. This is total horse shit. While I don't have a problem moving us (back?) toward the blue uniform, this is such a blatantly forced, artificial solution. Only Mondays? So on Tuesday - Friday it makes sense for 'A1C Cruststache' to wear utilities in the finance shop? Somebody at Randolph told me that everyone wears utilities to "support our deployed warfighters". I've now decided that this person was either full of shit or we've now made it a policy to only "support" them four days a week. Don't get me wrong, i'm definitely not pushing for more blues. But this policy just highlights the issue and doesn't address it appropriately. Plus it makes Mondays suck even worse. It seems to me a ballsier solution (and the one that I suspect the Schwartz WANTS to employ) would be as follows: Flyers who fly - Bags People who do dirty jobs during the duty day (as defined by installation CC) - ABU Office workers and staff officers (including non flying flyers) - Blues (and while you're at it, tell your DOD civilians to stop dressing like chodes and lose the baggy hawaiin shirts and crocs)
  15. ME TOO! Maybe we spend too much time hanging around here...at work, er I mean home Or maybe it's his 3,785 posts....
  16. shit...too late If anyone wants to make a consolation league for the slower among us...I'd be in
  17. Not a bad idea, you might be on to something Swingin'...of course I'd have to actually go BUY a Cardigan
  18. SCARVES!?! WTFO!?! I have never worn a scarf in my flight suit and by God I never will. What a rediculous looking, piece of shit uniform item that is.
  19. https://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,390801,00.html Front page Fox News.com now. Here we go again. I give it 12 hours until the first dipshit starts suggesting that somebody else "take over" the nuke program because the AF is too incompetant.
  20. NUTS! Get your hot nuts here...Hey!, that thing looks like a GIANT...
  21. Both wrong. It's a hot water heater, obviously.
  23. ahh...must've skimmed right over it
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