I ran a search and didn't find quite what I was looking for.
I'll be entering UPT soon, and while I know that it's not entirely up to me what I end up flying, I've been giving the various options a lot of thought. Unlike some, who are "definitely gonna go fighters", I have been looking for other options that might also provide an exciting and rewarding career.
I keep being drawn back to the aircraft of the special ops community, mainly helos and the specops herc's. I'm getting married in a few months and am also concerned about keeping a happy and funcitonal family life.
Is it true what they say about Special Ops pilots NEVER being home, or having to leave in the middle of the night and not tell the wife where you're going? I know that there are some Helo guys as well as some gunship pilots on this forum, I thought maybe they could shed some light on this for me.
To me, there would be no greater reward than to participate in CSAR or disaster relief ops. What kind of opportunities are out there? How should I get started?
Thanks for any imput you might have.
(p.s. If you don't know anything about this topic, please fight the temptation to post a witty or sarcastic comment and let those who do know share their knowledge, thanks)