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Another update to the mandatory on base housing is that it would only be for your first year in country, then you could move out on the economy.
Unfortunately, I heard this is for true for all ranks until they get up to 98% occupancy, which might take a while. Living out in town is one of the best things about being stationed here, so I hope they don't take that away. If you can get off base, I highly recommend Bury St Edmunds. You can walk everywhere, Abby gardens, pub on every corner, great restaurants, plenty of shopping, movie theatre and friendly people. Good luck Kayla!
C-130NG starting in 2020, w/ new nose, tail and winglets: https://www.flightglo...nveils-two.html
HC-130P - Pilot, CP, Eng, Nav, Radio, 1-2 Loads MC-130P - Pilot, CP, Eng, Left Nav, Right Nav, Radio, 1-2 Loads HC-130J/MC-130J - Pilot, CP, CSO (takes over Nav and the FE positions; Radio duties to CSO and CP), 1-2 Loads
I think some NAFs serve a purpose IMO. Look at AETC for an example: You have the 2 AF in charge of basic training and a bunch of tech schools and then you have the 19 AF which only focuses on flight training. I think the jump from a MAJCOM to the wing is too big and it's a way to specialize and allocate assets. On the other hand looking at AFSO which was under MAC as the 23 AF (1983), which later became it's own MAJCOM (1990), but now the 23 AF is back (2008) under AFSOC. Just look at it as more non-flying staff jobs, so you can make Lt Col one day.
Cannon should get a couple MC-130J in FY11 for the initial cadre and Kirtland should get one to get ready for the schoolhouse. Some Shadow pilots get J-qual'd at The Rock then continue to fly the MC-130P. Shadow Pilots and CSOs then keep current in the 193 SOW "slick" EC-130J and Marine KC-130J sim which both have a CSO station. After the schoolhouse is set up at Kirtland and the first ops squadron at Cannon, Eglin will follow, then Mildenhall, and lastly Kadena. Most of the MC-J guys will come from the Shadow community with slick-J crews filling in the rest. Still not sure how much of a "dragon spear" or "harvest hawk" mission they will adopt in the new platform, but it should be interesting.
iPhone 4! Only have had it for an hour and already posting on baseops.
Well, I just got back from the Apple store and AT&T to ask my question. AT&T said they will pause my account for military and when I un-pause it, they will prorate the days I'm back in the states TDY/visiting. They also said AT&T will not unlock your phone for you; you will have to do that on your own. If you choose to unlock your phone, you void the warranty, but you can always lock your phone again. O2, who operates in the UK, does have Micro-SIM cards for their service plans. Does anyone recommend a particular software to unlock the iPhone? I know there's a lot of free shit online and some others you have to pay for. Brabus, I won't be going over until October.
Thread Revival for iPhone 4! I'm PCSing to the UK this fall and want to get the iPhone 4 for the wife and I. My plan was to get a family plan with AT&T after it's release this Thursday. I would then pause my plan when I move to England, switch out SIM cards and use it there. Then when I'm TDY back in the states or the wife travels home, un-pause my plan and re-insert the AT&T SIM card. Problem: I'm pretty sure the U.S. version of the iPhone 4 is locked to AT&T only and it uses a Micro-SIM card. I would love to buy it for $199/iPhone here and just pause the plan; or will I be forced to buy the iPhone over in Europe? The new features look sick, especially the Wi-Fi FaceTime video calling, so I could talk and see my wife, even while in BFE. Please chime in if you're a tech-geek who knows how to unlock this shit! Thanks, -Cucci
I don't know about the rest, but there's no Whiskey training at Kirtland. My guess is phase I & II at Little Rock, if you haven't done it, then the rest would be at Cannon. How has the crew changed with the Dragon Spear mission? Are you going to be a dedicated FCO?
Whitmore!!! I just partied with your bro last weekend. We did a class brew through Kelly's Brewery in Albuquerque and it turned out great! We called it "Shadoweizen" which was their house weizen with some darker wheat added to it. The six in my Shadow class each paid around $25 and got 12, 22oz bottles a piece. I highly recommend for the new guys to gain some experience through a local brewery, before you ruin your first few home batches, if you have that option. Go Beavs! -Cucci
"2" Flying NVG altitude (500' above highest terrain/400+1 contour w/in 3nm) is different than true 300' mod contour which is different than 100' Threat Pen which is different than Radar TF in the WX at 200'. There's many ways to fly low level in a -130, but TF using a TF radar is pretty specific. Just like SKE formation is different than 2000' tac form which is different than close trail at 200'. I can't believe I just defended a Talon guy... (j/k, kind of...)
Current AC-130U crew (13): pilot, co-pilot, navigator, fire control officer, electronic warfare officer flight engineer, TV operator, infrared detection set operator, loadmaster, four aerial gunners (enlisted) I would think the AC-130J could down size to (8-9?): Pilot, co-pilot, CSO (take over Nav, EWO, FE up front), FCO, sensor operator (take over both IR and LL TV operators), loadmaster, and a couple gunners. With all the new sensor/targeting toys and automation in the J, I think it could be done.
Marine KC-130J Harvest Hawk roll-on/roll-off kit. Looks slightly different from the Dragon Spear approach... Reference from a Marine Aviation Plans and Policies PPT brief: https://downloads.slu...m/mcaa-mags.ppt
That is a sexy Super-King! I know the MC-130J will have one CSO, who will take over the Primary and defensive Nav and FE crew positions. The radio will be gone as well, reducing the crew from 8 to 5, with 2 loads in the back. I'm guessing the King crew will do the same, plus their three PJs in the back, reducing the crew from 10 to 8. Anybody know what equipment will be different in the MC-130J?
I don't think that this will be the case, just one option. (reference below) With the capability to "roll on" a particular strike package, the user could customize for specific missions and have multiple options for other munitions/big guns.
The HC-130J and MC-130J are coming from the same stubby production line from the looks of it. The new gunship will convert 16 stubby MC-130J into AC-130Js. If they're using the same precision engagment package as the Wombat (one 30mm out the side and ramp mounted munitions) then they don't need the extra 15 feet, unless they want to eventually add some more toys. Do you think the AC-130J will take on an infil/exfil role, then pop up and provide CAS for the dudes they just dropped off? Kind of like the AC-27J was planning on?
I read this article last week and noticed it doesn't look like the HC/MC-130J and future AC-130J is coming from the -30 "stretch" line, but the same as the Coast Guard's HC-130J and Marine's KC-130J. Lockheed reveals USAF's first HC-130J tanker By Craig Hoyle The US Air Force will take delivery of its first HC-130J combat rescue tanker later this year, with the aircraft having emerged at Lockheed Martin's Marietta production plant in Georgia on 3 April. Pictured leaving the main assembly building ahead of painting, the aircraft will soon enter production flight testing, says Lockheed. "The HC-130J will meet an initial operating capability date in mid-2012," it adds. The USAF's Air Combat Command has ordered its first two of a planned 18 HC-130Js, and will also acquire 26 MC-130J tankers, as listed in Flightglobal's MiliCAS database. Lockheed began assembly work on the first HC-130J last October, with the aircraft intended to support future search and rescue operations by the USAF. With an increased maximum take-off weight of over 74t, the variant also features an improved wing design. Any ideas on what there going to name it? HC-130J - "King II" MC-130J - "Shadow II/Talon III" AC-130J - "Spectre II/Spooky III"
Pilot grads who had to do a non-flying job for a few years before they take a flying assignment.
Cheaper: I know a lot of people that live at Foothills apartments in Sherwood (new and older options). It's not furnished, but Dixie Rents Furniture is an option that you should look in to. More expensive: Downtown area apartments like Enclave, the first security bank building and others are furnished but are more expensive. It's about 20 mins from base, but they have sweet views of the city and within walking distance to the river market and downtown nightlife. It depends on whether your getting TDY or will be rooming with anyone else. Next time I'm TDY here, I might go this route.
Corpus 09-29 Drop: U-28 - Hurlburt MC-130P - Mildenhall (me!) C-130J - Dyess C-130J - Ramstein C-130 - Little Rock C-12 - Yokota C-130 - Dyess EC-130 - DM
Just got picked up for -44s and moving to Corpus in a couple weeks. Is this list pretty accurate for AD assignments (not including PC-12, U-28, MC-12, UAV)? AFSOC: AC-130U HURLBURT, FL AC-130H CANNON, NM MC-130H MILDENHALL, UK MC-130H KADENA, JAPAN MC-130H HURLBURT, FL MC-130P KADENA, JAPAN MC-130P MILDENHALL, UK MC-130P EGLIN, FL MC-130W CANNON, NM ACC: EC-130 DAVIS-MONTHAN, AZ HC-130 DAVIS MONTHAN, AZ HC-130 MOODY, GA AMC/PACAF/USAFE: C-130 (J) RAMSTEIN, GERMANY C-130 (J) LITTLE ROCK, AR C-130 YOKOTA, JAPAN C-130 POPE, SC C-130 DYESS, TX C-130 CHEYENNE, WY? Some other questions... -Do AD pilots fly within ANG/Res units? -How long is the schoolhouse at LR? MC/AC school at Kirtland? -Where else will the J-model be stationed in the near future? -Deployment cycles and lifestyle for MC/AC-130 compared to slicks? Thanks, -Cucci
VN 09-11 2-T-38 2-UH-1 3-T-44 ~11-T-1
VN 09-09 Track Select: T-38 - 2 UH-1 - 1 T-44 - 5 T-1 - ~10 Not a 100%, I showed up after to steal some pizza.
You can find the form on AF Pubs. You can get up to 12 days of time, but they will charge the first and last day as leave. You have to fill out a paper through leave web. As long as your CC and your ROTC Det CC approve, your golden. Hope this helps, -Cucci