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  1. M Check PM Any other interested fighter bubbas, Order is going in this month. Last call for combo or Hawg watch.
  2. A buddy of mine is taking orders for a Breitling F-16/A-10 combo watch and the A-10 watch. PM me and I'll pass his info. I do know the combo watch will be the first of its kind for those of us who have flown both. Two for one. 'Attack' will not be on the combo watch. He will pass more info later. $2500 per watch Rated only. His request, not mine.
  3. Need some advice: As a reserve guy who just finished up a four year Stat Tour on Title 10 orders, I went back on AGR orders with concurrent dates (no break in service). Before leaving active duty, I of course out-processed with FM. They assured me my unused leave I had accumulated throughout my tour would transfer over since there will be no break in service. I called FM, received an email, and even stopped in and looked at DFAS to ensure my days would transfer over. Again, all seemed to be reassuring. AFI 36-3003 Prior to the end of an active duty tour for Reserve Component (RC) personnel. However, an RC member who accumulates leave during a period of active service may carry over any leave so accumulated to the member's next period of active service, subject to the accumulation limits in section 701 of Title 10 of the United States Code, without regard to separation or release from active service if the separation or release is under honorable conditions. Well guess what, they sold them back. Now the Reserve finance office is telling me there is a way to "buy" my days back once the reserve finance office gains me back from the active duty system. However, I need to pay gross and not net per day. In other words, after they have already taxed my days, if I want them back, I will be paying more for the days. WTF. So FM f'd up, did not follow the regs, and now if I want them back I have to pay MORE than what was paid to me. I had 25 days sold back, which was around $1400 in taxes. Any recommendations to save $1400? My initial thoughts are just take the cash and hopefully not need any long term leave in the next few months. On the other hand, I want to fight this because it's f'd up and I have to cancel my four year overdue vaca. Thanks Blue.
  4. Here is some info after following the latest in the ANG's significant argument to counter SOME of the AD's FY13 PB. There will be more debates between the AD and ANG, but at least this is a start. Appears to be just as exciting as HGTV's "House Hunters". I have attached the Q&A from the 21Mar Senate Armed Services Committee Hearing. A link to the ANG counter proposal: https://whotv.com/201...budget-options/ Enjoy FY13QA.pdf
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