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Everything posted by scudrunner12

  1. Bump. Anyone have any new news on 6SOS/CAA? How's hiring and squadron health looking?
  2. Anyone that has gone through Downtown Aviation in Memphis able to PM the C-17 Guard Evaluator's contact info?
  3. That's 750 hrs "Total" time. Cessna 152 through c-17 copilot, correct? And I'm living proof that you don't need 750hrs to take the written. Posted from the NEW Baseops.net App!
  4. Seeking some help/insight if there are any folks at Maxwell. I'm attempting to be as proactive as possible without pushing the limits of being overbearing. Situation: I'm between UPT and follow-on training. I've got 4 months of nothingness and my family has already departed the area to visit extended family before we go OCONUS. I'm an alternate for the SOS class starting 24 March. My Sq/CC knows that I'm willing to drive to Maxwell and scratch at the windows to get in, but I'm afraid the folks who need to know, don't know. (I'm referring to the last minute fill in for no-shows). Anyone have any other idea of how to get this thing done? I'd rather do this now while already geographically separated from the fam and before getting mission qual'd again.
  5. Out of curiosity, what date determines your RIF eligibility for a particular AFSC? To elevate confusion, on 6 Feb my core AFSC was 12S; however as of 14 Feb I'll be an 11M ('08 Year Group). Wild card!
  6. Vance 14-05 T-1: KC-10 Travis x3 KC-10 McGuire 1AD, 1Res C-130J Little Rock x2 C-130J Channel Islands ANG, CA HC-130J Davis-Montham C-17 McChord C-17 Charleston x2 C-17 Hickam C-130H Yokota KC-135 Tinker, Res KC-135 Mildenhall MQ-1 Fargo ANG U-28 Hurlburt T-38: A-10 x2 F-16 F-15E T-6 MC-130J Cannon U-28 Hurlburt
  7. Will SOS 14C be a 5-week course? Any new words? ------------------------------------- ...don't RIF me, bra
  8. What advice would current KC-10 guys or others 'in the know' give to UPT studs about to drop? KC-10 are still dropping frequently unlike A-10s. ------------------------------------- ...don't RIF me, bra
  9. Any new RUMINT on SOS going back to 5 weeks long in the Spring?
  10. So what are guys at McGuire/Travis being told? AFPC has been dropping KC-10s out of UPT like nothing is going to happen anytime soon.
  11. The ADVON team will have their work cutout for them. Smokin' hot chicks and ferraris... a lot will have to change before we are deployable. They'll have to ship in a bunch of those rocks from bagram and kill off all that green grass.
  12. ...and therefore relieved of command
  13. "...the F-22s were simply taking part in a scheduled deployment" They are holding air shows on a regular basis in southwest Asia now? I'm confused...
  14. I believe this is the reason why many of us that came to UPT with prior flight time had struggles in phase 2. I was an overdoer too WRT prepping ahead of time. Seriously do not over do it.
  15. I believe it's SOCOM only that can't drink. Regular AF dudes can toss back a Tusker.
  16. They have a swimming pool, the MWR has a shat ton of activities and WIFI hotspots, no one is lobbing mortors over the fence, and you'll get a killer tan with the Doxy. Food is pretty good.
  17. Wanted to start a thread to get some general information on the C-145. Just looking for the standard stuff about training pipeline, rotation schedule (dwell time), lifestyle, upgrade timelines, etc. Is the squadron mainly still guys that did the FID/rotary mission or is it becoming a sampling of other AFSOC platforms (& UPT studs)?
  18. Ahhh. Thanks for the further insight.
  19. Thanks PCola. Our Group Execs mislead me then... always better to just know the regs. We had several O-5 R.O.A.D. types that were persuaded out of upgrade in order to not push an ADSC passed 20yrs. Hmmm the mission was significantly less awesome than briefed
  20. Yes IPUG will add 2 yrs from your date of completion.
  21. Maybe not a sweeping change, but I'll take it...
  22. False. I hate to further contribute to the thread derail about Cannon, but anyone who perceives the U-28 mission as 'significantly less awesome than briefed' is the same type of person that would whine in any community. I had zero information on the U-28 before getting assigned there and it VASTLY surpassed my expectations. Having returned to AETC has only solidified how good I had it in that mission. It pains me the hear 'war stories' from most MWS guys... I can understand the U-28 mission isn't for everyone, but saying it isn't awesome is blatantly false. I want to put that out there for any of the young bubbas that are considering U-28s, do it.
  23. It was my first ops assignment so take this FWIW, but I don't know if I'll ever experience a better community. Extemely, extremly close knit group. It was the best combination of professionalism, cameradiere, and just dudes being dudes. I think it may also a side effect of AFSOC/SOCOM that although we never speak boastfully about what we do, everyone knows it's incredibly important work which helps keep everyone in check. The subdued patches, sunglasses and huge watches also help. Not so much on the full bird, first name thing (ref: professionalism). Still über chill though.
  24. In the grand scheme of things jan/feb is not that far off. I wouldn't start making phone calls by any means. It could be worse, i waited nearly 18 mos. as a civilian for my OTS start date (mostly without decent insurance). I would look into Cobra insurance (I think that's what it's called now), it's an excellent "go between" type insurance.
  25. 1LT type. The gray haired capt (Maj select) is a reservist UPT student...
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