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Everything posted by scudrunner12

  1. The dude (flt/CC) is probably the smartest person I've meet on the subject of human performance. Über smart. He has somewhere in the range of 3-5 patents pending for workout/athletic supplements. But yes, I'm sure he's using it to test some theory. UPT lab rats, if you will.
  2. Anyone used an alteration shop/tailor in/near Enid for party shirts?
  3. Not to derail, but how does this work for Nav-2-Pilot types?
  4. Huh?... so we're optionally required to wear a scarf if approved...
  5. "Need to know" pertains to any aviator not wishing for history to repeat itself. Any Safety Officer not willing to give SIB info is either too lazy or missing the point. I might not agree that they should print a copy, but a quick briefing (or at least pulling it up on a computer) is their job. Get the answers you want, discuss with other 'privileged' persons, and learn. SIBs aren't created for the safety shop to keep them under wraps.
  6. Thanks! Exactly the info I was looking for.
  7. Thread revival. Looking for an up-to-date QoL and other current general info. (e.g. deployment/TDY rates, dwell time, hrs/yr, time to upgrade, training delays, etc.) Are there any noticeable differences for new Co's between bases? Aside from white jet tours, what does the standard career progression look like? Are folks doing any cross flow btw bases? Typical staff tours?
  8. Mine only took a couple of weeks to show. I may have just been lucky... the travel voucher on the other hand was not so swift.
  9. MC-12 x 2 F-15E B-52 F-15C F-16 x 2 KC-135 Macdill KC-135 Fairchild C-130J Dyess MC-130 Hurlburt C-17 Charleston x 2 HC-130 DM KC-10 McGuire x 2 C-145a Hurlburt T-1
  10. Great! Thank you.
  11. How is ETAR's manning? Are they as oversaturated as Yokota?
  12. Vance 13-06 T-1: EC-130 x 2 KC-10 McGuire KC-135 McConnell x 2 MC-12 E-3 MC-130J Cannon MC-130H Hurlburt KC-135 Macdill KC-10 McGuire C-17 Charleston Hurricane Hunter T-38: F-16 Kelly F-16 Luke F-15E Seymour F-22 Tyndall MC-12 T-6 FAIP Saudi Eurofighter
  13. ...a new meaning to 'livin the dream'
  14. Are the C-5s still volunteering new COs for MC-12 rotations?
  15. I was not aware of this; can't believe none of my C-5 brethren chose to share that little gem with me. I'll go ahead and mark that in the pro column and slip C-5 up to the top of my dream sheet. Thanks for info! Pcola, as far as TDYs, leadership/culture, flying; where would you prefer. Dover or Travis?
  16. What's the new plan?
  17. I would recommend Shalimar. There are newer homes on/near the bay. It avoids the Holley traffic nightmare, but gets you in a more upscale area than Ft Walton. I own a place less than a mile out the back gate of Hurlburt in Ft Walton. It was awesome for a 2Lt that was always deployed; however, if I were to go back now (married w/children) I'd do Shalimar instead.
  18. See the world and make a ton of per diem...
  19. Vance finally jumped on the bandwagon.
  20. No blousing, just wear the name tag, USAF, rank, and your wings. You might slap a glint square on your arm, but other than that don't wear a unit patch or something stupid to get yourself highlighted. Wait till at least your second deployment to start pissing Chiefs off. In my opinion, the MC 2-piece is way better than the tan flight suit.
  21. No Rocky boots anywhere on any list... I hope I don't get Chiefed. Tough transition from AFSOC to AETC.
  22. Thankfully I only wore blues on Mondays... but I know what you mean. Any other UPT bases axe blues?
  23. 2. FG has been the single greatest asset to me on this board. He has answered every ridiculous question I've had and done it expeditiously. Thanks for all you do FG.
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