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Everything posted by scudrunner12

  1. If you promote between your orders being cut and your PCS, are you paid entitlements based on inprocessing rank or what is listed on your orders?
  2. These guys are doing legitimate work. The problem is that we're on a navy base where the shop names and duty titles are all dicked up. The Executive Officer is really the DO and we have an Admin office that does half CSS work and half exec work. I am mainly looking for more Air Force equivalent job titles. Some guys have been on casual for two years or more. The AF isn't going to know or care about a muster lead or gib bearer or whatever navy terms are tossed on an LOE/OPR. I was an exec in an over tasked, under manned ops squadron where we didn't have to make up jobs for dudes. What kind of duty titles or jobs do attrites get at real UPT bases?
  3. I have UTFSF but haven't been able to pull up an old thread with any good info. I'm seeking some help from fellow Exec types, former Exec types, or casual UPT types that might be able to give a little input. I'm trying to find good/somewhat recent examples of Duty Titles that have been used for junior CGOs who are on casual for an extended period. We have several 2d Lts, 1st Lts, and a couple Capts that have been doing an administrative assistant type role and we also have a couple who have been assigned as the lead casual. I'm curious about what Duty Titles folks have had in the past or know of. Any input is much appreciated.
  4. Why do I get the feeling that this miscalculation won't be in my favor...
  5. If you promote between your orders being cut and your PCS, are you paid entitlements based on inprocessing rank or what is listed on your orders? Background: I'm departing the day I pin on, by chance.
  6. So please correct me if I'm wrong (I'm sure no one on this forum will have a problem with that); a person can begin drawing from the traditional TSP right after retiring (while in your 40s or sooner than 59 1/2), but with the Roth TSP you have to wait until 59.5 like with the civilian version?
  7. NAS Whiting VT-3 T-1 x 1 UH-1 x 1
  8. Thanks!
  9. Awesome news! Thank you DGods! Anyone else know about if you were a prior enlisted flyer that crosses to Pilot, do your gate months/flight pay completely start over?
  10. Anyone here know if you crossflow from Nav/ABM to Pilot do you lose gate months if you go on casual awaiting to class up? In related news, if you were a prior enlisted flyer that crosses to Pilot, do your gate months/flight pay completely start over?
  11. Correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't AIBs and SIBs completely independent of each other. That's the point right?
  12. Our squadron did some resiliency training a while back we contacted our base PA office to get some of his recorded lectures. They burned us a copy. Might try that route. The lectures are worth the trouble trying to find them.
  13. Hey Finance_Guy, If I turned in DITY paperwork at the end of June and still haven't been paid, should I be concerned? I know it can take 4-6 wks, but is there some follow up I'm missing. All my other DITYs were paid within 3 wks. Just wondering if there is some status website out there; like the one I look at to see 7 of my air medals in 'Pending' status.... sc12
  14. Marry a Navy NFO. All 6 peps I know at Whidbey are cross service mil-to-mil. Or check AFPC like Hacker said... probably less of an asspain.
  15. We have a track select every Thursday. Check out the Track Selects thread for recent trends. I'd say chances are somewhat better of tracking -38s out of whiting, but that's just an opinion. The trade off is that most of your bros that start at AF UPT will probably have wings before you start advanced. Life is good here.
  16. There was an AIB. Not sure if it was been completed yet... and it's not classified.
  17. They've drawn down? I'm very interested in C-21 to Ramstein. C-21.Pilot, any info would be much appreciated. I've also been told that getting a C-21 is difficult/not recommended for late rated guys out of UPT. I was a prior Nav (or CSO, whatever). Thanks!
  18. https://www.au.af.mil/au/soc/olmp.html
  19. Does anyone know who the IFS waiver authority is? (e.g. who retains prior issued IFS waivers) Long story, short. I was issued a waiver while at the 562d; the 562d now longer exists. Looking to you Smokey...
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