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SNAP (1/4)



  1. Class 15-10 drop 2x B-1B Dyess AFB (myself included !) 2x F-15E Seymour-Johnson AFB 3x RC-135 Offutt AFB MC-130J Cannon AFB 2x U-28 Hurlburt AFB EC-130H Davis-Monthan AFB E-3 Tinker AFB E-8 Robins AFB Everyone got something around their top 5 so we're all pretty stoked.
  2. Huge 2 on that. Another 13S here, my last assignment, Stan/Eval, DO, and CC were all products of the 13N CYA mentality. I can't tell you how many times I got into arguments with leadership and Stan/Eval regarding the style of training and evaluation (trapping style questions, punishing creativity during non-standard EP presentations, debriefs which never addressed deficiencies). It always boiled down to "well, this is how we did it in missiles". Luckily, leadership changed and the missile mentality disappeared but it seems that it's a problem that the 13N career field breeds.
  3. Just trying to insert some humor. Although this is Army (and DuffelBlog), it seems too true to be fake. LEAKED MEMO: We Need To Purge Soldiers Who Deployed To Iraq Or Afghanistan Read more: https://www.duffelblog.com/2014/01/leaked-army-memo/#ixzz2qWfhMqg2
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