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Poor Pilot

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Everything posted by Poor Pilot

  1. This may not be the best place to post this but anybody know of any units that might be more apt to consider an exception to policy waiver for a prior rated guy? I don’t expect much with the hiring climate being the way it is but I’d sure like to finish out my 20 if I could. Can discuss specifics via PM if necessary. Thanks in advance for any suggestions.
  2. I had the same issue as you but I had all the paperwork. Ultimately the doctor was just concerned with whether or not I had an lasting effects from the surgery. Ask if you can get a checkup from a family physician and a gastroenterologist now and get them to put in writing that you have no complications or lasting effects that would prevent you from service. And get a letter from your former gastroenterologist stating the records were destroyed.
  3. ShackIt I'm headed to AMS in January.
  4. Anybody know when the FY13 AMS dates are coming out?
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