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Everything posted by ChiefSlapahoe

  1. One huge step would be putting RPA units at nice locations. I know PLENTY of dudes that would at least be okay with RPAs if they didn't have such bad spots. When asked everyone of them say "If I have to go, then send me to Creech but screw anywhere else". Give a dude a bad deal and a bad location and it's no wonder their morale sucks.
  2. I'm just guessing but he/she might be leaning forward and getting them gathered up in case the board is announced at the last minute to make sure there's something ready to go. I haven't heard anybody else in that year group being notified or told to start getting their PRF's together.
  3. Boldface and ops limits is enough imo. You'll get everything else there. I saw a dude who washed out who gave 70% I'd say but had a lot of basic aircraft control /SA problems and he had over 10 different instructors to see which matched up best. Point is do your best, help your clasmates, and things will fall into place.
  4. You take that voodoo magic you used to come up with those ideas and git' on out o'here! ...I said git! Ideas like that will never work cause they use that term....what's it called again? Common sense and initiative from AFPC?
  5. You do know it's a satirical article like the Onion right?
  6. Wait wait, you lost me at "also has a friend"....I only learn when hand puppets explain it to me.
  7. I find the show entertaining. I'm sure there's stone exaggerations but if it's anything life car repos then there probably isn't much since repos are dramatic in nature.
  8. There's no way for you to find out what sections you did well on individually so I'd just bite the bullet if I were you and increase my flying hours and do what I could on the rest of my package to increase my odds. The PCSM is just one component a board looks at so if you really did have better scores than peers that were selected than work on improving those items that will make you a stronger candidate. Whether it be community service projects, improve PT score, fly more hours, etc. there might be more you can do there. My 2c.
  9. I think you answered your own question but it comes down to how comfortable did you feel taking it the first time. If you felt you could do better then there's a chance but there's not much room for improvement. If it were me, unless I was 100% certain I could do better and was wiling to accept the consequences, I'd skip retaking it. A 90 is a great score as long as the rest of your package is solid.
  10. This is exactly the problem: too many senior raters think that the AAD and other things are the discriminating factor. If that's what the AF leadership truly values then leave the system as is and make it clear to people before they enter the service knowing what to expect. Otherwise, said leadership should give guidance to wing leaders that AAD's aren't used (preferable) or as a last resort to distinguish between two people. A clear list of expectations should be known for all to see and follow with commander input allowed for exceptions so people aren't blindsided. If it's done for racking and stacking people during formal training programs and accepted universally as okay (e.g. 20% academics, 30% job performance, 20% CC ranking, etc.) then why shouldn't our rack and stack for promotions be similar? My two cents.
  11. This is the exact reason so many people are upset. There's no AFI or marching order from the CSAF or higher that says "to get promoted, you must have an AAD". Nevermind it doesn't matter if it's beneficial to the AF or country, just have it. It's a culture problem where various leaders value this because of one reason "that's the way it's always been done so I guess we have to do them same thing." We have sooo many stupid AFI's that contradict each other (for example 11-301 has AFE requirements that contradict some 11-2MDSV3 requirements) and it only took 10 years to figure it out...but the problem is the culture: no leader wants to have the courage to change it cause they're afraid they'll be crushed. You don't become a leader in the military by being the bottom 50%. Therefore, strat hunting and ass kissing have unfortunately become the norm instead of challenging the system to become better. "I can't give that E-5 a four or his career is over!", "I can't stay open to help this person out with a finance problem because I'll miss the meeting for the Christmas planning committee!", and we all know the various stories. I personally blame supervisors for letting this happen but I also blame AFI's and documents that are so hard to change nobody wants to do it. Case in point: any important document wants a change: bring it up through your chain of command. All it takes is one person to look at it and say "that's stupid" and it's over, even if fifty other people think (and somebody at MAJCOM) thinks a great idea. Nothing changes and people continue to bitch about the culture. All it takes is for the VCSAF to send out an email asking for ideas to save money when we're in between a rock and a hard place to finally get some ideas to leaders that may work without any of the BS in the middle. Wish it was like that in more areas. Stepping away from the soap box and back to coloring.
  12. So the solution is to coddle the young ones and portray a false impression on what attitudes and life is like working with pilots everyday? I'd rather you just tell me how it is and let me make the decision based off the responses. Just like on the line, there's going to be laid back dudes and dickheads alike. "Standing up for yourself" in the flying community until you have that key word - "experience" is a huge party foul. Sure some guys are very cynical on this board but for every cynical post, (like it or not) there's at least two dudes on the line saying the same thing.
  13. So instead of 53rd having 12 AD crews it will shut down now right? Making sure I'm following along correctly.
  14. It's too easy....*ba-dump bump*
  15. "Americans can always be counted on to do the right thing...after they have exhausted all other possibilities." -Winston Churchill So true.
  16. Took about a week and a half for me. There somebody that can (but really pretends to) help you?
  17. If I can add to that, anybody use these services and feel they got a great job with great pay and benefits? We can read the stories on their sites but would love to hear some of untold/honest opinions out there.
  18. His real name and birth place were changed. It was something more normal like Hugh Jass.
  19. Anybody heard anything new based off this announcement on what they're going to do with the current legacy and in/soon-to-be training studs?
  20. Great opportunity for advancement
  21. https://itccs.org/ "Pope, Queen and Canadian Prime Minister found Guilty of Crimes against Humanity and Sentenced to Twenty Five Year Prison Terms" It's on the internet so it must be true
  22. I'm pretty sure that only applies to dudes/dudettes scheduled to PCS to Little Rock. Has that expanded?
  23. Advanced pilot courses may include the Advanced Instrument course and a few other niche type trainings. Although I think it's tough to see "instructor training courses" being anything but PIT. Stop losses and canceled PCS volunteers from IPs? ....anyone? ....Bueller?
  24. Part of what helps me is talking to my peers about people situations over a beer and every time I think I've seen a first I have my bros telling me they just had the same problem two months prior and then talk about how we both handled it. Personally, I don't think you're being a ######, you're being a human. Take out the humanity and then you soon turn into a dry husk that rubber stamps DQ paperwork without caring about the patient at all.
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