It's not this entire community that's out of touch, it's you. How do you expect these conversations to go?
"Hey boss, it's stupid that I have to get a Master's while I'm still trying to figure out this jet." Noted.
"IG, this uniform reg is pointless and a waste of time." Ok...
"Sir, the promotion process seems like it could be handled better." You're telling me.
What do you think any of them are going to do about it? Send it up the chain? It's not as if these issues are a secret.
The average poster on this board is probably an O-3: senior enough to have a voice, but not senior enough to be heard by anyone in a position to really change anything. I can't speak for everyone, but the general feeling is that there's a huge disconnect between leadership and the guys flying the line. Ergo, most of us appreciate the fact that a few supposed senior leaders have dropped by the forum recently to offer their perspective and, in turn, listen to what the crew dogs have to say. That's about all your average O-3 can do: bitch about what needs to be changed when the venue is appropriate, and until then, do the best he can with the hand he's been dealt.