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Everything posted by Homestar

  1. Being a tanker pilot is fairly straightforward. Be on station, on time, and minimize distractions and time-on-the-boom for your customer. While you are accomplishing your primary mission, the AR is probably the least important thing your receiver will do that day. I found great satisfaction on being "admin" and making my customer's life easier for at least a short time. Flying the KC-135 can be tricky but I found it personally rewarding. I haven't flown the -135 since 2013 but when I left it still had one of the most "modern" cockpits in the fleet (ADS-C, CPDLC, satcom, CNS/ATM, etc.). The block 45 update looks nice too. Lots of time is spend cruising at FL350 with the autopilot on. Stateside trips were generally short and into well-established airfields. Overseas trips involved a lot of Al Udeid, Mildenhall, and Ramstein. Just use datalink to get ATIS.... 😄
  2. Ah, that makes sense then.
  3. If you have Es bolting after lunch your problems are greater than DTS
  4. I returned from TDY Sunday night. Submitted the voucher Monday morning. Was paid Tuesday morning. Of course I’ve had the odd voucher that didn’t nicely fit the mission that took a couple days to figure out. But generally I get paid on time just fine.
  5. That’s funny. I usually get one or two each year about the bonus. From mypers or the CCE.
  6. True. Sage green boots will go down in history as a short lived oddity. Too bad. My Nikes were just getting comfy.
  7. 1) Yes B) It's allowed now, so who cares?
  8. If by that you mean turn on “own ship” on my Foreflight sectional then yeah. 😁
  9. “content not found”...
  10. I hope Boeing is paying for that.
  11. Here's a link to the AMA. Didn't see it posted yet. https://www.reddit.com/r/AirForce/comments/b9dy4j/im_brig_gen_short_director_of_the_aircrew_task/
  12. Explain yourself (in a Stewie voice). Did these guys apply for command, get accepted, then not want the command they were assigned? I've never heard of a non-vol commander. I have heard of command-selects get non-vol'd to deployed command. But that's different entirely. Or are we talking about different O-5 communities?
  13. They wouldn't care so much if the pay were to rise more significantly with time in service.
  14. Isn’t this the actual job of your STUS Flt/CC? He/she needs to be the point person on this. Sq/CC can engage if there is too much inertia and you risk missing a movement.
  15. Wow, it's almost like an ex-Boeing exec in a new position in the DoD fast tracked delivery before all the tees were dotted and eyes crossed....and tools accounted for....
  16. I just started "Murder Mountain" on Netflix about the marijuana industry in Humboldt county, CA. Fascinating look into the nuts and bolts of the "industry".
  17. I thrive on bland predictability! 😂
  18. Does anyone know anyone who flies for Prime Air? Amazon is notorious for paying poor wages and overworking employees. I’m certain this management philosophy will also impact flying for that company.
  19. Maestro....BYU class of 1996 😂
  20. Here's the public FB message on the issue.
  21. That was what I thought. Why did the Wing feel they needed to make a statement out of what amounts to moving a flight commander around? Who cares why she was removed if she's not a unit commander?
  22. Can someone explain what a F-16 demo team does? I read that the demo team is really single ship demos for airshows. Is “command” of the demo team a flight commander equivalent? I mean, is this like the commander of the T-birds getting canned?
  23. if a guy goes from BPZ DP to IPZ P something has happened. Either the individual’s record changed significantly or a bunch of rock stars moved in during the year.
  24. So from DP BTZ to a plain P IPZ? Something fishy then.
  25. You think rental car lobbyists spent all that money in D.C. lobbying the pentagon on JTR just to let you use your Turo app to get a car? Same goes for hotel lobbyists.
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