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Everything posted by Homestar

  1. Those are actually the last people I would want teaching new UPT IPs how to keep themselves safe.
  2. That wasn't my experience at all in T-1 land. Teaching new IPs how to teach new students is different than teaching new students.
  3. This type of idea is cyclical. I’ve been around long enough to see KC135 AC upgrade training go from FTU to in-unit back to FTU. In-unit upgrade and training is all fun and games until the units can’t afford the training fence so they start squawking back at the FTUs to “do their job.” Before you know it you have AC upgrade (or some form of it) back at the FTU. Everyone loves the idea of in-unit training until your 90 day program takes 180 days because there is no training fence, and you’re still working at the Wing, and your wife just had a baby (or is divorcing you...take your pick). Then we all just wish for a while that we could just go TDY for training so we can actually study during the day and rest at night. Going to PIT for me after 15 years of MWS flying was challenging in multiple aspects. And while I didn’t enjoy the month of delay I had at PIT (I would have certainly experienced a similar delay had my training occurred at my gaining UPT base) I was glad for the opportunity to be a bit more isolated from the mundane at home so I could spend the time I needed to spend studying.
  4. I have also heard this rumor. Today for the first time. At a UPT base in a galaxy far far away.
  5. most airlines have a military multiplier. .3 per sortie or whatever. Volunteer for more deployments?
  6. Is the idea that the T-X will become a single trainer to replace both the T-38 and T-1? If so, that would take at least a month off the timeline already dedicated to phase III academics and help accelerate graduation. Just in time for class 25-01 I guess....
  7. The AIB posted above also has some pictures of the safe lever. One of the levers is pretty well hidden by the leg (I forget which).
  8. But you're saying there's a chance? 😄
  9. Doesn’t matter if your hotel receipt has you personal card number as the payment method. Most of the zealous approvers out there are looking there for compliance.
  10. Wrong. It’s so you can get more battery life out of the computer playing the movies by putting the screen to dim.
  11. What exactly did Harry Reid think would happen when/if the majority changed hands? My guess is that he didn't really care because he was mostly interested in the here/now and his own power. McConnell did the same thing, but to the next logical level. When the majority changes again in November the next Senate Pres will up the ante again. It's the state of our politics right now.
  12. 1) No idea. 2) Mildenhall. Hidden gem out of UPT.
  13. Really? No, in particular I do not find him trustworthy. He should have lost his clearance entirely if he didn't; with what he did.
  14. A new service coat is long overdue. The current design sucks and is stupid looking. I'd love to go back to the coat we had in the early 90s or something with heritage. The business suit look is lame.
  15. So a prototype is due in 2 years, which means the prototype will be delivered in 4 years, and 2x over budget. Live program will be delivered in 6-8 years and will pretty much look just like DTS.
  16. Time in a jet. That is white.
  17. well when you put it that way.... 😄
  18. Air Force releases video of the firefight. https://taskandpurpose.com/john-chapman-medal-honor-vicdeo/
  19. TRICARE works fine for me and most of the 2 million or so it serves. That doesn't mean that it will work for 325 million.
  20. Yes, the amazing things you can accomplish when you don’t have to worry about pesky things like elections and individual rights. Japan: ethnically homogenous Germany: ethnically homogenous (more or less) France: French. No thanks. UK: Heck, even based on the wiki article you posted earlier the British doctors told the author he should just learn to live with the shoulder problem he had.
  21. I won't derail the thread any further, but I'm not convinced that any of those models can work in a country of 325 million. Again, show me an affordable system that provides quality health care for little to no cost to that many citizens and then let's talk. I'm tired of hearing "hey! they do it in Finland!" Too bad America isn't an ethnically homogenous country of 5 million people.
  22. And the left has no idea how much universal health care will cost for 325 million Americans (and whoever else we have to cover). Show me a country giving free health care to 325 million citizens. Then let's talk.
  23. From the article: Coppess once "rose his flaps at a non-standard time," according to a witness, and on another occasion "warmed a burrito on the exhaust duct of the aircraft." I mean, who hasn't cooked a burrito on the exhaust duct? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  24. What? Is he supposed to sit down with you over avocado toast and seek to understand your feelings?
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